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★ All the [see personal stuff section] stuff from the August fiasco still has my schedule kinda janked and I didn't manage to pull together a "real" Halloween update like I wanted to, sorry bros. I *did* manage to crank out that Lulu for this year's charity yordle calendar, and solve a couple issues with Flash (like the weird floaty origin point problem that was pissing up the Rouge animation), so that's a plus. I'll continue to bang out that """"""quick"""""" Desiree loop, Idk about the yearly painting though. I might just save it for next year? I do really like the sketch. Maybe I'll refactor it into the Christmas painting, idk.

★ There's a new Gallery derivative for you guys that want a more casual experience with less weird stuff. Just use this URL in place of the normal one and it'll auto-filter the weirder crap, also what's defined as "weirder" is changeable by the community in case you guys think I missed something. Check out the announcement shitpost for how to use the control module and whatnot.
★ The poll system has been updated to the third generation user-supporter algorithm, which """should""" fix all jank with the process. Basically, the 2nd generation system was a mishmash of the original password system and the new Patreon plugin stuff; the 3rd gen system centralizes all of this crap into one location, which means all tier/level/etc information should be synchronized across the entire site once it's fully implemented with no room for any little side effects.
★ That said, once this round of polls is over (because I don't want to yeet this in with the offchance that it breaks the entire site while you guys are actively using the polls), I'm gonna be pushing a MASSIVE backend update which cleans out a lot of the excess fat that's accumulated during the development process (procedures that aren't used anymore, weird nomenclature things, etc), completely unhooks the archaic password algorithm from the site's core structure (not the user password system, the original Patreon one from before I wrote the user account system, which until now has been kind of patched on top of the old system), and will also probably result in some nice speed gains across the site. This will probably happen on Friday, so if you're rolling around on the site after then and hit an error, let me know cause it probably means I missed one of the procedure calls.

★ The 1.0 release of the Midner helper app that I mentioned last month is up on Github. And seems to be a decent hit, lmao. Next "artist tool project" will probably be the stream recording merger/speedpaint generator.

★ Still hanging in there, more or less. Main thing this month is that time's kinda been squashed a bit because now I'm handling all the home-maintenance crap that Dad used to do (gotta figure out how to clean and turn the furnace on, gotta fix the piping, gotta redo some wiring because the light above the workbench decided to rip out of its anchor, etc). But it's all a good plus for the skillset I suppose. Most of the stuff that cropped up this month feels like it won't be reoccurring so at least there's that.

Thanks all, love you guys.


