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Hey guys,

Business stuff: The polls and stuff for August are active 

Personal stuff:

May as well start at the beginning I suppose. So after the last update post, things were about as much of a mess as you'd imagine.  But after a few days, thing started to actually turn around.  Granted, we knew they could only turn around so much, but it was starting to feel like maybe we would end up having a few months to spend time with dad, you know?

Due to his sleeping schedule, we'd hang out at the hospital during his awake hours, then come home for the sleep hours.  And since he was about as stable as he could be, the time at home felt, I don't know, fine?  I could draw in the evenings, and it would help get my mind off of it, rather than the awful wander it had been before.  If we stayed at the hospital, I would just work on programming stuff for the Gallery instead. We had decided on a hospice location, and in lieu of some expense concerns, it was looking like an actually pretty good plan.  Close, good visitation, could take the dog, stuff like that. There's more of course (good and bad), but that's the jist of what happened.

This morning, just after I had gotten all of the poll stuff together and put together the splash image for this post, we received word that he had passed.  They went to wrap up his breakfast, and he was gone. We were actually on the phone with another nurse at the time talking about visitation today, and then just.. that's it.

It just feels.. weird. Honestly.  I feel like the past two and a half weeks numbed me out to the whole thing. Maybe it just hasn't hit me yet? The tears come and go, I don't know how to explain it. My sisters and my mum are a wreck, maybe I will be too eventually, I don't know.

Not sure what the outlook is campaign-wise, output will probably be less than usual for a bit. I know you guys understand (what with that deluge of support, which I'll get to in a sec), but still yeah, just saying.

Also I just wanted to say; I read all of your replies to that post, and the messages elsewhere, and I am just so touched (and typing this is making me tear up of all things, ffs). You guys are the best, and I mean that.

Idk, I'm not the most social artist and I guess I wasn't really sure what I was expecting; I'm still just blown away by it all.

So thank you all, sincerely.  Your words and support have really helped to make a cold situation a little warmer.






We are all here for you Boog. The pain of loss is tough and there is no set timeframe on what to feel and when. Focus on yourself and your family and know that there are plenty of us who care much more about the person behind the art's wellbeing and health then the art. You have always been patient and kind to me even when I was super nervous commissioning my first piece of art with you and never did anything other then be a super chill guy. You do whatever you need to and regardless of the timeframe you will have people here for you.


I know what your doing though, and you take all the time you need. Your life comes first and you'll always find support here


Sorry for your loss. I'm sure you made his last days on Earth much better this way, together with the family. Take your time, such a loss is a huge thing for the mind to handle, and do not care about needing to draw porn because money. We won't go anywhere, keep my money regardless of the quantity of content you produce, I want you to care about yourself. I wish you the best.


I'm so sorry. Take as much time as you feel you require. If you need anything, we're here for you-- just let us know.


Oh man, I'm sorry to hear that he passed so abruptly. :c It sounds like he lived a good life with a nice and loving family Again, take all the time you need. You're a human being first and foremost, so you should prioritize your own mental health

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-05 18:06:47 That delayed reaction is natural. My grandfather passed last year and I at the time I felt kind of at peace about it and I felt weird that I wasn't mourning as much as I felt I should, but as time went by I realized that I was kind of mourning a bit everyday, y'know? I felt guilty it didn't hit me like a huge wave, but everyone mourns in their own way. I wish you and your family the best through this &lt;3
2021-09-01 12:40:39 That delayed reaction is natural. My grandfather passed last year and I at the time I felt kind of at peace about it and I felt weird that I wasn't mourning as much as I felt I should, but as time went by I realized that I was kind of mourning a bit everyday, y'know? I felt guilty it didn't hit me like a huge wave, but everyone mourns in their own way. I wish you and your family the best through this <3

That delayed reaction is natural. My grandfather passed last year and I at the time I felt kind of at peace about it and I felt weird that I wasn't mourning as much as I felt I should, but as time went by I realized that I was kind of mourning a bit everyday, y'know? I felt guilty it didn't hit me like a huge wave, but everyone mourns in their own way. I wish you and your family the best through this <3


Hey man, I'm sorry to hear about what's happening. I re-pledged as soon as I heard, gonna likely increase it within these next few days. I know it's not much but I hope it helps in at least some small fleeting way. I know I'm just some stranger on the net as are a lot of us but I genuinely hope you're alright and that I'm willing to help in whatever miniscule ways that I can.