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Hey guys,

Been going back and forth on whether or not I should share this with you since usually I try to keep my personal life and work separate, but since it's getting later in the month here I've decided you guys deserve a heads up just in case.

There's no non-shitty way to say it. My father was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer this month. There's been something "up" among other things for a while, but this was the official call.  They gave him a 6 month outlook, but we think he's most likely not going to see September.  He's just declining too fast, and there are no options.

We had a real scare two nights ago and I've been at the hospital ever since. They stabilized him and he's back mentally, but it's really just a delay of an inevitable future where he gradually slips back into the same state and passes.

Last night I left visitor hours planning to wrap up some things for you guys and get them posted, but as soon as I got home it just cratered into sobbing.  I don't know what the outlook is going to be here work-wise; naturally I want to spend as much time with him as possible before his conscious deteriorates - but I can't just take the cintiq with me, so there is a possible situation in the cards where a lot of this month's stuff ends up not getting finished until next month.  If something around there is what ends up playing out and you guys want refunds for August, or think I should set the gallery to extend the August pledge, or maybe an extra poll in September or something to make up for it I'll understand.  It's going to depend on how difficult it is to set up all this hospice and stuff and how quickly or slowly he goes.  I just wanted to get you guys in the loop so that in either case you're not left wondering what's with the delay if the worst case is what happens.

Thanks, sorry.




I would never take a refund in a situation like this


Take as much time as you need. It really is never easy to go through. I know we’ll always be here for you.


Family always comes first. Don't worry about this we can wait. Also don't overburden yourself with additional work because you think you need to make it up to us. We would rather you be back doing what you are good at when you are actually ready.


I know the situation your in on a personal level so don't hesitate to take the time off you'll definitely need it.


Please spend time with your family, Boogie. I don't want a refund and don't need you to take on any more work due to the emergency. I just hope you are able to make the most of your time with your kin.

clive silverson

boogie take a breather. you gave us tons of amazing art and some great flashes i think its time we repay ya. your family needs ya more than we do. while i myself dont know what its like to loose someone is such away i do know the pain of loss. its ok to take a break. we'll be here if ya need us. lastly dont worry about a refund for me. i would gladly help support ya through this so you can focus on being with ya family.


Take all the time you need, for you and your family.


Boog, I'm a patreon of yours because you do cool shit and I want to support you. You need the support now. Your art can take a break while you're dealing with a huge life event. Much love.


I'm so sorry, Boog. You do the right thing, spending time with him, so I don't mind this month's stuff getting delayed or not coming. I am, like most people, here to support you, so don't worry about it. Family and health come first.


Take the time you can off and spend it with family. It is the most important thing right now for you.


Family first. Take the time you need. Go be with your dad.


You take all the time you need. I lost one of my Grandfathers to Alzheimers so I know how precious that time you have with him still lucid/conscience is.


Take your time dood. Family shoukd come first.


Oh no Boogie, I'm so sorry. Please take care and don't worry about us.


Fuck boobs rn dog go see your dad

Thorny One

Right now what you need to do is not worry about any of this and focus on Spending as much time with your dad as possible. I know I for one am not going to be asking for any kind of refund so go do what you need to do for however long you need to do it


You do whatever you need to do in order to take care of yourself and your family. We all eventually have to deal with hardships and it's okay to take some personal time in life. Stay strong and I wish you all the positive energy I can give.


Cancer's a bitch. We're with you.


Boog I'm so sorry to hear. Take all the time you need and spend it with your family please. We'll be here waitin for ya.

Louis Blazeit

Real sorry about your dad Boog. Take care of family, they come first


Take your damn time, your family is more important than us.


Apologies are not necessary, my friend....take care of your family and make the most of the time you have


No need to be sorry, you take as much time you need! Family comes first the horny can wait!


Take all the time you need with your father, else you will most likely regret it. We are not sex-driven bulls thinking with their dick. We can understand without needing any form of compensation. If this month what I pay isn't used to produce porn, it will be used to allow a man to enjoy his family, and I'm fine with that.


No worries dude, take all the time you need! I'm sorry to hear about your father, what's important is you spend as much time with him as you can and then give yourself time to grieve afterward.


Go be with your dad bro, don't worry about it.


Yeah we ain’t going anywhere dude, don’t worry about us. Be with your dad, all the other stuff can be dealt later!

Twilight Researcher

Family and life comes first in many things, so do not be sorry for taking time to attend to that. Spend all the time you need with your father, man.


Go be with your family. We will all be fine. Sincerest condolences for you sir


take all the time you need. Everyone will understand. Stay strong.


Please give yourself and your family time in all of this ❤