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Still wrapping up the stuff for this month, but in the meanwhile here's a ping that the polls are finally active: https://notboogie.com/Polls

Everything """should""" be squared away by tomorrow and we can get back to normal here moving into May, lmao.  I'll explain more in the monthly update post.

Published: 2020-04

Just your monthly ping that the latest polls are live!


Hope you're all doing well and keeping fresh during the qUaRaNtInE;  see you in a couple days for the monthly progress post.
Published: 2020-03
Friendly heads up, the August polls are now live!


Godspeed lads!  See you Saturday for the monthly progress post.  If you encounter any issues or anything let me know.
Published: 2019-08

Just a heads up that this month's poll set is active.  https://notboogie.com/Polls

Published: 2020-02

Hey, just wanted to throw you all a little blurb for awareness.  I've pushed a decent update to the Gallery's login system (more details will be in the monthly post, but essentially it's much more flexible and dynamically supports fluid pledges now).

I've tested it pretty deeply but since this is a large core change, if you encounter anything weird affecting your access, please let me know and I'll fix it asap!

Published: 2020-01
Hey lads,

Just a thing that the new polls are up and ready for your hot creamy votes!  (Also there's some new stuff in the Gallery for you.)


See you in a couple days for the monthly progress post.

Published: 2019-12

Apparently there was an issue with the Gallery login going on late yesterday and earlier today.  It's resolved now, but I believe this was just Patreon's API being down for a bit (or returning an error code which the Gallery didn't recognize).  I've updated the site's login functionality to alert a message if it happens again.

Just wanted to let you know in case it pops up again; the last time this type of situation occurred it was intermittent for a bit.

Published: 2020-01
Hey lads,

Just a poll reminder for ya - November's are up now.


Happy voting!

Published: 2019-11

It seems we're stable over the last milestone, so the next batch of polls will feature a special gif project poll!  Until then (the end of the month), feel free to drop off your nominations on the special nomination page:


If you encounter anything weird, let me know.

Published: 2019-02

Just letting ya know the polls for this month are up! It's a little later than I wanted it to be, but I'm gradually catching back up with my to-do list

Also, I'm going to be messing around with the Gallery's database stuff this weekend.  If you happen to load it while I'm testing something you might get an error - so just a heads up for that!

See you in a couple days for the monthly progress post~.
Published: 2019-09

(Oh god Patreon changed the messages UI again)

-This month's polls are up; happy voting!  https://notboogie.com/Polls

-The Gallery has been updated, so give it a look if you've been waiting for a new batch.

-I'm going to be stepping out of town for a bit, which as you (probably don't) know is usually when I work on the site.  So if you're browsing the Gallery and it implodes between now and Tuesday, I'm probably actively working on it; I *am* planning to rework the login system a bit, so just fyi if some shenanigans pop up.

Thanks lads, see ya Sunday for the monthly progress post. <3
Published: 2020-05

Just your obligatory fyi that the polls for this month are active!


Also a heads up, I've been updating the shit out of the site lately with some QoL stuff and some cautionary measures, so if you see anything weird happen between now and the monthly post, just be aware that it's probably me figuring something out.

Published: 2019-10

Just a heads up, the polls for July are active.  I want to move the poll-time to earlier than the end of the month to make sure nobody's pressed to rush in on the last day when I make the big announcement posts.


Let me know if you notice anything weird funky going on with the new changes.

I'll have to rig up some control that will let the site email you when the polls go active so we aren't reliant on Patreon's DMs, but in the meantime good luck to the nominees!
Published: 2019-07

Just a heads up ping that this month's content polls are active: https://notboogie.com/Polls

Also, there's an extra feedback poll, so if you could give that a hit too I'd appreciate it!

Thanks friens; see you an a couple days for the monthly progress post.

Published: 2020-06

Just an alert thingy that the polls for January are live.


Published: 2020-01

Apparently there was an issue with the Gallery login going on late yesterday and earlier today.  It's resolved now, but I believe this was just Patreon's API being down for a bit (or returning an error code which the Gallery didn't recognize).  I've updated the site's login functionality to alert a message if it happens again.

Just wanted to let you know in case it pops up again; the last time this type of situation occurred it was intermittent for a bit.

Published: 2020-01
Hey lads,

Sorry for the late run this month, lmao.  The polls are up! https://notboogie.com/Polls

Also I just dumped a ton of work onto the Gallery, so give it a look for some new paintings/grays/sketches!  Should be summin in there for everyone.

I'll explain moar in the monthly post tomorrow; see you then!
Published: 2020-11