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And this concludes The Sword of Souls! I may do a page with a little graphic and 'to be continued' but, as I don't yet know the title of the follow up comic, I can't put the name in there. ^_^* 

This is just a reminder that next month, the Pretty Pony tier will revert to vignettes/mini-comics of a porny nature while I finish up this chapter of Cinderfrost. I'm going to experiment with styles and just do goofy little erotic stories so that, if the experiment goes wrong, at least it's not on the main parts of the comic lol! Then, when Cinderfrost is complete, I'll be reevaluating how to do the comic split and all that jazz! I hope enjoy the silly erotic shorts though in the mean time :)



Iris Lokspuhr

See, I told you they were all just resting! They'll be up and raring to go in no time. :3


Right after Glace "appeared" in TSoS ? IT'S ALL COMING TOGETHER !!!