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Hey everyone!
It's occurred to me that it would be fun to do an Easter themed image with some bunny characters for April, but that you guys might rather just have a normal pinup poll where you choose a character from the list. With the 'Easter' theme it wouldn't work quite so well with a non-bunny character. What I have in mind is a het or lesbian image of two rabbits having too much fun decorating eggs (and each other.)

Let me know what you'd prefer! Poll closes Sunday the 12th at 3PM GMT :)


Tank Hamster

A think a hetro pic would be nice. I can't remember the last time I saw a male bunny furry.

Isolfr Ironfang

I love your lesbian pics . But I think I'd rather see a hetro pic for easter


Gay male bunnies!!


Ah well, good chance for the bunny twins to get their first color pic, but this'll be really cute regardless. :D


A het bunny couple would be nice! I mean lesbunnies would also be fine, but you see male bunnies so rarely it'd be nice.

Francis C

Love the idea, I'd frankly be fine with any gender combo of bun. Have fun with it!


no wonder i wasn't seen anything i forgot to change the tier, anyways bun buns


As much as I love lesbian and gay couples, it's been a little while since I saw a straight couple from you


I can't remember the last time I saw a male bunny that wasn't gay. I don't have anything against gay bunnies but c'mon.