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I'm trying some new things with backgrounds. Trying to give a more painterly, rougher feel with detail falling away the further it is from the viewer. I've been watching a lot of really beautiful speedpaints done of scenery that still manage to capture the feel of a place, so I'd like to work on that and hopefully it'll help cut down on how long pages take >_< I've never been great at backgrounds and tend to spend too much time noodling around with detail instead of getting the solid shapes/colours first.

Anyway, the investigative team is on the trail of Fiera!




Love Raine's winter outfit &lt;3


Ya'll look suspicious as hell, not gonna lie. ;P Is this taking place at a latitude/season where they can get away with wearing long sleeves constantly? I feel like the hell-touched might draw a LOT of attention on 90+ degree summer days still trying to keep their arms covered when everyone else is borderline naked.


angry swan related to the horrible goose

Isolfr Ironfang

Raine, Grace, and Frost. Yes please! If I was in this world I would love to have info to give them. Maybe have some fun in exchange for the info


The CinderFrost winter fashion line continues

Zenith Star

I like the new style, it came out well! Didn't even notice some of the detail in the background diminishing with distance until you pointed it out and I went back to look.