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My new router and sim ships to Missouri tomorrow and I'll be back online on the AT&T network! The company is "Reliable Internet" and  they've been around since 2015 servicing rural customers, truckers, and nomads. Frank (the owner) and I have begun a potential partnership together, but for now I'm just a normal customer testing out their product. They have a unique non-deprioritized line where it DOESN'T bog down when the network is clogged. It costs $200/mo for unlimited.  I feel it has the potential to FAR EXCEED the performance of Starlink.  But I'll be testing it out on my own for at least a month before I make things public on my main channel. :)




See…business…You win some, you lose some… I hope this works out!…👏👏. never put your eggs all in one basket. You’re young and you have a lot of years ahead of you. As you know, in trying to get sponsors some of them are going to be pooey and some will be great!! But nothing last forever… keep working on that litter box partnership! And I still believe you should try for Roomba vacuum sponsorship! Lol ha ha ha 😛😙


*fingers toes and legs crossed* ….. *falls out of wheelchair* … oops. 😂😜 Seriously tho I really hope this works for you and is an even better and more reliable option and perhaps a great partnership!!!

Joanne Winters

Way to go Eric be the aggressor do not let anything stop you just remember your Eric and nomadic fanatic and very very very special you can make it happen


If the company name is any indication, it will be better than what you had.

Bob Hancy

That is great! Keep moving forward man!

Stephen Leake

One door closes... and another one opens!

Mysterious Cat

Prr-meow ! Meowyow brrow-meow. which means, Great stuff ! Progress already.


1 step at a time keeps you moving forward. Great Eric!

Mary Brown

You'll be fine. It's just a blip. No worries. Keep on movin'!


Great news! Hopefully, it will be better than the other unmentionable company. 😉

Bill & Amanda

Glad your moving in a good direction. Technology is always changing and we have to change with it.

Marie McAllister

You see Eric, just think about all saying that our moms told us when one door closes another one opens we just got to keep walking through them.