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One of you reading this is illegally stealing my paid copyright material here on Patreon and uploading them to your personal website with advertisements on it. I am going to find you and I’m going to sue you. You need to stop breaking the law. My hands are kind of tied now that you have forced me to make this public anyway so I went ahead and release the video. Again, whoever is doing this, you are going to pay the consequences, I promise you. Stop stealing my work!




It’s good that you find out about these things. My cousin, the bitch was telling my mom all my business even though me and her are not on speaking terms, and I didn’t find out for two years!! Sorry some people suck!

Bob Hancy

Why am I surprised...the more people I meet, the more I love my dogs. I could say it's the cost of fame Eric, but that doesn't excuse the shitty behavior of people. Just keep moving forward...do what you gotta do to correct this situation but don't let it bring you down. I've met MANY boondockers out here in Quartzsite who love your channel (most aren't subscribers), you have done an incredible job with your channel.


Contact the ISP that hosts this website asap! They can pull this crap!

Jeroen Puyman

Pffff Some people are just stupid 😡

Matt Buchanan

Kemono party looks to be a site that scrapes paid sites. Ive heard of things like this that gain access from a virus or something on someones computer. They might not even know its happening. I had a friends onlyfans end up on there. She had to request that site take it down. Took a month or so but it was taken down. Dont know if she ever found out the source, but I could ask.


Don't people have anything better to do. Get a life man!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Marie McAllister

You know they can’t use the excuse. Oh I didn’t know they actually put a commercial in with their post so they know damn well what they did and they should pay the consequences damn people if you can’t do your own work, then don’t do it stealing someone else’s Jesus talk about a lowlife


That's not cool at all. Hope they are found out & kicked off patreon. What a loser


Some people really suck 😞


And SUED. People that are what pepper spray paint guns were invented for. UGH.

Mysterious Cat

People who steal others internet content should be pulled apart by chimpanzees.


People discuss me, they have nothing better to do than to make other peoples life miserable along with them. That just sux, sorry Eric. Hope whomever gets caught.


Wow! I hope you can find this person!

Donna F

Wow, that's crazy!


This is crazy! Some people are really horrible!