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Son of a dingus this one is a little late huh... 


After Show: Superman 64

Wow this one's late huh. Stupid Australian Internet.


Alex Glaz

Previous commenter has weird standards imo, $1 a month for 4 additional vids is probably the best deal I've seen on Patreon. While I'm sure most of us got into DankPods for the iPod stuff there's only so many iPod videos you can do unless going the route of a massive project like a unique custom mod. I come back for the humor and personality and that hasn't changed. Not all of the content is gonna pertain to things I'm interested in but considering the vast majority of it is free, who cares? Anyway just wanted to say something positive bc I've been marathoning some DankPods / Garbage Time stuff over the last few days and it's been helping me get through some rough times. Thanks for what you do Wade.


As I said in a previous comment: "I reward creators that deserve it, if the quality of what one of them does go down, I prefer to reward someone else" I'm not (was not) a Dankpods Patreon for the "paid" content. Me stopping this donation is simply me thinking my money is better given to someone else, nothing more.


I would agree to a degree. Within the last couple months it had def seemed like the patreons were getting shorter or had less content. Apparently he ran out although dank has talked about so many cool things that he never showed on the main channel that would have been cool for the after show. It's a shame he is getting rid of it