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Yea, definitely as seen on TV. 





This is more Jesus than I was ready for


I'm an aussie and religious, so maybe I'm a bad benchmark, but there's no way I'm taking offence at this. For one, the stories are *heavily* translated into kid-friendly english, so there's not really anything sacred here. For two... actually I didn't think this far ahead...


For everyone asking about the contents of the SD card: https://hackaday.com/2020/06/22/teardown-wonder-bible/ Apparently the SD card is just a whole pile of literal MP3 files. The article doesn't say anything about replacing those MP3s with Scarlet Fire, but I can't imagine it would be that hard to do. But more interestingly, it also talks about: you can plug it into your computer via the USB port, it's not just for charging... and you can directly access the SD card from your computer. And it also presents as a functioning USB speaker and a keyboard (that just has media Play and Back buttons). What fun.


Where's the pogo stick? Where's the golf club for this nugget


Put Scarlet Fire on the SD card!

Gareth Molyneux

Really disappointed. Thought this was going to be an awful nugget. But it’s actually pretty cromulent given it’s use case!


All hail the wonder batt


18650 rechargables are great! I use them in my lightsabers


I'd love to see a reaction vid to the presentation of the first ipod.


"I thought it would be like jack and jull went up the hill and then they tried to kill a man" Yep. That sounds like the bible

Nick A

I'm a little surprised you didn't try to put the SD card in a reader or replace the SD card to see what happens if you try to put Scarlet Fire on it


Yeah I wondered why he hasn't thought of that. Maybe a small chance that the codes they programmed to read the audio may interfere with normal playback?

Isaac Clarke

I kind of want one of these, but with my own SD card. Rechargeable, minimal screen, decent sounding speaker, hilarious meme interface.

Joe Blankenship

That's the same kind of bat that goes in Vaping nugs. The 18650.


It looks like the flag of Sweden


Indeed it does Ian