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Alright, so I'm now 5 days behind the schedule... Fuck sickness!

My health has improved, but the neck pains have kept me from working on the computer for more than an hour at a time. Progress on the final stages of lettering the comics have been slower than I anticipated, but I'm gaining ground. 

I'm feeling less pain by each day but I have completely lost my sense of smell 3 days ago. It's weird not felling the ethylic aroma of the hand sanitizer after so many days using it. I can still taste food, but the feeling is reduced to only sweet, sour, salty and bitter, nothing else.

So, my new ETA is to deliver all comics this weekend, sometime between Saturday and Sunday.

I don't blame you to be frustrated with me, because I surely am unhappy with myself. What I can tell you is that the clockwork is still moving and not only am I working in these comics, I'm moving forward with content for the next 3 months, even from my bed.

Attached are the updated previews for the February Rewards.

I appreciate your patience and confidence in me during these troubled times. I hope the next time you hear from me, I'll be sending you the links for the smut you so eagerly deserve.

Until then, kindly...



Jak O'Hara

Nahh its all good trace, Health's important comics can wait 🙂


Take care of yourself, Tracy. And don't hurry, we have a lot of time for read now at Spain ;)


Delays are a thing that happens. Take care of yourself.


It’s okay, we just want you to be well and healthy. The comics can wait for when you’re ready

Hentai Borg

Take care of yourself. Everything is a mess lately and you certainly aren't the only one with problem in theses times.


All is good just take care. Know one has died from a comic being late your health must come first. We know you will come thru latter. Get some rest and chicken soup


Don't push yourself. This isn't time to be risking your health to meet self-imposed deadlines.

Dr. Judge, Private Eye

Well-written smut takes time and energy, so take plenty of the former, and conserve plenty of the latter.


Dude, please don't stress; even if you needed a month or so off to get better, it's totally fine, as far as I'm concerned. Please, just relax, and don't literally worry yourself sick over a few silly deadlines. Watch Frozen and "Let It Go". 😁


Gee, if only we had about a hundred or more killer fappin' issues to read through while we wait. Oh, that's right!!! We totally do!!! Please chillax and get yourself healthy.


Don't worry and get healthy. Stuff will come when it comes.