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First of all, thank you so much for all your kind words and recovery wishes. It really means a lot to me.

I tried to avoid the ER this weekend to minimize my chances of getting in contact with Covid, so I decided to visit a Private Doctor yesterday.

There was a suspicion for Viral Meningitis but the doctor said I’m apparently clear of any major infections.

I don’t have any symptoms for Covid either, and my breathing capacity seems intact.

I’m still taking today off to rest and recover, but I’m already seeing improvements in my health.

Things should get back on track tomorrow and I plan to have the comics ready for delivery within the next 2 days.

Once again, I appreciate your kindness in these troubled times.

The crazy world has become an even crazier place and it’s a relief knowing the trust you guys have in me and in this campaign.

We will endure. Porn will prevail.

Now I’ll go get some more rest and drink more fruit juices.

Talk soon.




Great news, T. Get well stay well.


Good to hear you're on the road to recovery!


For this St. Paddy's Day, I'll make sure to raise a glass of "fruit juice" to your health, friend! 🍺😁🍀


Thats great news but please take your time to recover.




That's excellent news. Take it easy, we're not going anywhere.


Glad to hear it was nothing too serious.