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Well, this has been a rollercoaster week, so far.
The Patreon Billing Bug seems to be corrected, but I just found out that one of my patrons did me the immense favor of leaking all current comics on one of the most famous piracy sources on the web, which is gonna make them spread everywhere pretty soon.

Now, it may seem idiot of me letting you know this and I know a large number of you will leave the patronage, since "why pay for porn that can be gotten for free?", but I need to remind you of the importance of your financial support.

The amount stated on my frontpage couldn't be more deceiving. What I actually get from that is around 50% (deducted credit card fees, patreon fees, declined patronages and my own country's international income taxes).

So, this month, I should receive around U$2600 which is enough to pay for averagely 2-3 artists. But that's not exactly how it happens, since I have to start comics many months in advance.

You can see by looking at my past milestones, that the minimum amount to keep releasing 2 comics a month is $4000. If we get below that, releasing only a comic a month will mean even less income and well... it all comes collapsing down.

Conclusion (tl;dr):
Your financial support is what makes this going. I get nothing from this and put a lot of work into it all. If support diminishes too drastically, I won't be able to keep it going.

I count on you guys to stick around, despite the feeling you might be "wasting" your money.

Either way, it's been fun so far.
I hope it lasts.




Honestly, if you can't shell out $5 for well written, well arted smut... I'm just saying. Let's keep Tracy and her peeps in business.


Fuck that piracy, you aint going to lose me for so called free stuff, I'll keep paying for good quality. Keep supporting Tracy Scops until the end.


It is inevitable really. I know some other artists prevent this by adding unique codes for every comic, per person, then try to find who leaked it by the code then block him or something. I don't feel like wasting money on anyone here on Patreon as we have early access, direct communication with creator, sneak peaks and hassle free download (same as steam vs. torrent). Also, you guys there are always working your butts off so really deserverving of a few bucks :)


I guess piracy is unavoidable indeed. But it still saddens me to know that people do this just for the sake of destruction.


I saw your content online. If I am not mistaken you can just claim ownership and ask them to remove the content.


Yeah, Hezli's right and keep on going we all love your work


Tracy, I'm pretty sure most of the patrons are not supporting you "for free stuff".


Yeah I was waiting for this post, honestly I see it the same as pirating a movie or a game. It lowers the chance of a sequel.

Regless Maximus

Not gonna lie, given the prevalence of pirated content and site rips I actually expect this to happen within the first like 2 months of you going on Patreon. That being said I'm still hopeful and optimistic you won't lose too much of your patronage. The comics are high quality, reasonably priced and everyone loves spider-man! Definitely going to keep contributing.


Thanks! I knew it was bound to happen someday and I was actually impressed it took this long. But it still hurts like a bitch. =/


We live in a time where there's this privilege of free stuff. But there's so many people that fail to see that there's absolutely nothing for free in this world. If someone is getting something for free, it means someone else is paying for his share.


Honestly, most people that pay willcontinue to do so. Pirates will pirate, but probably wouldnt pay regardless. I'll be sticking around too. More superhero pr0n!


Well, you were very kind with me in the past, so I want to show you that kindness pays back :) I will support you no matter what, well, that is if patreon stop bugging my payement ^^


Thanks, Dorago! And seems like things are fixed with the billings now. =)


Sad, but probably inevitable, though I think most people overall outgrow that phase of their lives, and hopefully, become adults that will stick around and pay for something when they find value in it. Keep doing what you do, and if anything, think of it as something that hopefully will drive more newbie people to "subscribe", so to speak!


Can't say I'm surprised, but even from the supporter side of the coin I'm both annoyed and disappointed that it happened. At the risk of repeating the sentiments of the majority of pledgers, both yours and throughout patreon, we're here to support the creators. That is both the power and promise of patreon, providing it can get its payment merchant issues under control.


Well, you're not going to lose me. I may not post much, but I always enjoy the monthly comic haul and I like the varied artists on the issues. For me, the content you and your artists provide is absolutely worth ten dollars a month and that isn't true for many other smut peddlers out there. And it's not like your prices aren't comparable to issues I can pick up at a comic shop, it's just your content is much more satisfying.


I don't have the same backstage the big publishers have. This is just me and my artists, so it's almost all handmade. I know it's a bit more costly than the mainstream stuff, but I make sure you guys get the higher quality I can provide. Thanks for sticking around!


Well that was about to happen some day. But i guess you dont have to be afraid. Like kickstarter we are supporting you to get new stuff. Of course there will be a good amount of money lost from new supporters that will not buy all the stuff developed in the past. You dont have to be afraid. Most of your supporters are in the age of 25+, earning enough money to support our leasures and the (most) of your work makes us interested for more. Thats some kind of free advertising. For myself i often checked the "free" stuff and got interested to get more.


We are many who are faithful. Let us faithful keep contributing, and let the pirate be buried in shame like he/she deserves.

Akira Inugumi

There are times when I like the internet for the things it can give me. Unfortunately now is not one of those times. Patron is a website for the under dogs. This is a place where people gain support they need when they can't jump right into the mainstream river. For someone to come here and disrupt that is very annoying to me :-/. None the less I'm still a supporter. You have me now until the end of time.


It's kind of amusing to me (in a sick sort of way,) That i chose to drop $46 and 2 days later It all floods out free! That said, no money means no comics as you pointed out, and piracy is personally reprehensible to me, so you've still got my support.


Well, piracy sucks and all that stuff. But you've a large number of fans because of your good work and I don't think that is gonna change so much. Keep supporting you since the start of the Patreon, and I will continue doing it until the end.


though having free stuffs is Ok and all...but surely what they did was wrong...it took a lot of effort to create something, and that includes having a stable budget to keep it going...though I love free stuffs, esp d 18sx type, but paying for your comics so far have been a tremendous experience and it was well spent...I have never been more satisfied with getting what I payed for from you,and it has never been easier...and cheaper too...I would love to keep supporting work such as yours and your artists for as long as I still have something to give...so as long as I have enough finance to keep going, I will definitely keep on giving my support now and then while it lasts... keep going with your wok and keep surprising us with our innermost fantasies ;)


Honestly? Props to the pirate, whoever they may be. Using patreon as a subscription service, as much as it's become the standard, is a perversion of the system's intent - that is, to provide extra funds for creators to allow them to keep doing their thing for EVERYONE'S benefits, not only those with extra disposable income. That's how patronage is supposed to work. It's for that very reason, though, that I'll be keeping my pledge in place even if I could be getting the stuff for free. It's still doing exactly what I intended it to do, after all: supporting a creator who makes neat stuff, so that said neat stuff may continue to be produced. (This particular patreon's a bit of an odd case, since most of the money ends up being used to pay other artists, but I feel the basic principle still applies.) In all honesty, the less exclusive the stuff I'm supporting becomes the happier I am to support it. :) *dons fireproof suit*


It's kinda fun seeing them struggle in dark corners, fighting pop-up ads, .exe virus and corrupted downloads.


Thank you! You make me feel like I'm in one of those medieval war movies, standing before my people, shouting: *Freeeeedom!!!!*


I really believe in Karma. I'm sure the universe will reward your kindness very soon.


I respect your point of view, but the bottomline is that it was not his choice to make. It is mine. Patreon suggests that system you describe, but that's not even slightly enforced. They even state in every patronage notification that Rewards SHOULD NOT be sent until the payments are clear. We live in a world where people are always making decisions for other people, based on what they believe. That's not the world I'm trying to build. Either way, I know this can get even more philosophically hot quite soon, so maybe we should move on and stay with the theme of focus here. Lewd Parodies. ;)


Sucks that you got ripped off I'll still be here to the end as well, but I would like to ask permission to be able to unlock the secure aspect of my bought comics from you. Thanks


Well, I'm going to out myself and admit that I'm only here because I found the first twos Spidercest for free somewhere else. I probably wouldn't have come to patreon if I hadn't found them that way, but I may also not be here if they just had the rest. That way I had to go looking for the source. So that piracy thing sucks.


Thanks for your honesty! I had minor leaks a few times before and they had both good and bad consequences. I even shared a few of them at some places in the past. But this full leak? I doubt it will bring the same good consequences as the bad ones. =\


Gotta say. Honestly. You don't actually treat this like a subscription service. More like, you get content for what you paid for. Like buying from amazon or some such. Since most subscription service, you pay one month, you get all content and access. Instead, you give us a choice of different payments, to receive few, latest, or all content. And honestly, I saw your work on e-hentai, spidercest 1 and 4. And I thought, wow, if there's more of this, then I want to see it! So I paid for the whole collection last month. But for someone to just suddenly put EVERYTHING out for free, it's no longer just spreading the word. I mean, spreading the word is a taste or teaser, not the whole full course meal. Cause, if it's all out these, and people know someone's actually putting it out there, chances are, they're not likely willing to pay for the new stuff, when they're thinking "Oh, why pay now, when someone's just gonna put it up for free soon." It's why people wait for special sales or price drops when they buy clothes, video games, or food. But yeah. I sympathize. I understand. And I'll continue my minimal subscription to get the newest comics.


I really appreciate your kindness in staying supporting these stories. Thank you so much!


Hey, you're doing us a service for which I personally feel you should be compensated for. If anyone truly appreciates your work and most if not all here already do then everyone will be fine. Best of luck!