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It seems to be a problem with Patreon as a whole.
They seem to be fixing it right now:
I'll update you guys with more news as I get them.


Looks like it was fixed. All previously Declineds went back to Pending. If you get declined again, there is a real problem with your Billingg Info and Patreon will send you a new email about it.


Something unprecedented and disturbing is happening today:
The majority of pledges (including many from long-term members) are being declined for some reason.

I usually get around 25% declines every month, but right now I'm getting numbers around 70%, which make absolutely no sense and make me very worried.

I can't see any reason for it happening, unless many of you are pledging through Paypal, which is not allowed by Patreon for NSFW projects.

So, if you get a message from Patreon noticing your pledge has been declined, know that it's happening to a lot of patrons and you should update BOTH your pledges AND Credit Card billing information in order for them to retry once more.

I highly recommend that you do it as soon as possible in order to receive the comics on the release date (July, 5th). Otherwise, I won't be able to send your reward until your contribution is processed.

I apologize for any inconveniences this may cause, but know that I'm the most interested one on getting the financial matters out of the way quickly so I can go back and devote my time to working on the actual comics, which is what I'm actually here for.

Thank you all for your patience.




<a href="https://twitter.com/Patreon/status/616363723423232000" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/Patreon/status/616363723423232000</a> - getting fixed on their end.


Thanks, my friend. I was getting very nervous here. Seems to be a much larger "contagion" than I thought...

That black guy

Not just nsfw (i got a decline on one of the non nsfw), i use my card and i told them to retry card .


Thanks Vi9. Looks like a general bug on Patreon. They're aware of it and trying to fix it promptly.


Mine is fine. So don't worry


Just curious, how would you know your payment is "declined"? My June support for you was in but I have one of the Patreons I'm supporting mysteriously removed from the list of creators that got payed this month.


Patreon usually sends you a message if you get Declined. Also, you can check your pending pledges on <a href="https://www.patreon.com/settings">https://www.patreon.com/settings</a> ("Outbound Pledges" tab). About your other supported page, the creator may have either shut down his page or he may have deleted you as a patron for an unknown reason. Patreon does not warn a patron when he is deleted.


I told them to retry and it went through so let me know if anything does happen.


It might be fixed now I just tried to repay and it says it went through.


Thanks! But just so you know, that means that it went back from DECLINED to PENDING again, which is perfectly normal, so they should retry it again soon. When they do that, it changes to PROCESSED for me. =)


Thanks! Let's see how they handle it all for the next couple of days. These things are the exact reason why I set the release date for the comics on the 5th day of the month. =)


If mine is declined, It's cause i don't get paid till midnight Central.


Nah... You were always fine every month. =) If it does again this time, it's because of this "leap second" patreon bug.


This has been an ongoing issue since December where it declined ALL my credit card pledges, forcing me to switch to paypal ever since. Hopefully when this issue with their payment merchant is resolved it'll fix all the credit card issues, leading to less overall declined patreon pledges. That being said, havn't heard a peep from my own pledges so I assume its still processing


Yep, I dream of the day I can live Paypal-free. Now, their ToS states that they not only can ban you and hold all currency for many months, but they can also permanently seize $2500 from your account for each offense they see fit. No appeals granted. And yes, so far, your pledge is still PENDING (aka processing).


Weird and patreon with PP not for NSFW never had a problem with that, or haven't seen any declines ever when considering mine pledges here.


Thanks! Looks like a general bug on Patreon. They're aware of it and trying to fix it now. Things should be solved soon.


Rest assured, we ain't going nowhere missus.


I had a couple of payments rejected (not to you), but they got reprocessed within a few hours. Hopefully they will get around to you ASAP. -BM

tracyscops (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-07 11:01:42 ありがとうございます( ◜௰◝ )
2015-07-02 12:42:19 That's too kind. Thanks!

That's too kind. Thanks!


Yes indeed, according to the e-mail I got, everything got processed A-Ok.

Hentai Borg

I am not sure but I think the 'Paypal don't allow for NSFW' is an US rules. I keep earing this but since there is like 20 pages of conditions to read...


I read it all and suffered first-hand from it, even not living in the US. Paypal is very strict against what they classify as obscene. I know more than a dozen people that got banned for working with XXX art on paypal. Myself included.