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Hey there! To celebrate our success I'm planning a new pledging class for November: EDITOR ($400), and would like to hear your thoughts on it. You'll get boss me around over the development of a pre-stablished comic over that month, and I'll write it to both our satisfactions. ​But be careful! Don't be a pain-in-the ass boss or I'll quit the job and refuse your pledge. The titles for that class in November will be: - NEWLYWEDS (theme: romantic adult sex) A romantic funny sexy Amazing Spidey/MJ story (inspired on the McFarlane/Micheline run in the 90's). - SCARLET SPIDERS (theme: clonecest) Surfing the waters of the SpiderVerse event, this will be another spinoff the Spidercest series. Jess will entice Ben and Kaine under her all-known aphrodisiac spell.




PS: I know these are not the actual costumes they'll be using on the official series. But I particularly find Ben's hoodies and Jess' red spandex much sexier than the current ones. Thoughts on that?


Sweet, you went with my suggestion! <3 What a nice way to end a bad day... ^_^


Wait, you find the hoodie sexier but he won't be wearing it? Or do you mean that Kaine will be wearing something else? (Going back to his 90s costume, mayhaps?)


Maximum Clonecest sounds incredible. Love the title.