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A little surprise this week! I decided to play around and add a shader for party levels and the minigames that makes things feel more like a nightclub. I'm still tweaking it here and there. I hope it looks good so far!

I also worked a bit on polishing levels some more, and Dakk made a new animation for when Carol jumps and lands on a "scooch platform" (like the chandeliers).


Monday: Tweaked levels 4-2 and 4-3. Made Carol not trip when walking past dancing patrons who are on a different layer. Started on a new shader for party levels.

Tuesday: Worked on party shader. (Dakk)Made new animation for when Carol lands on a scooch platform.

Wednesday and Thursday: Tweaked the party shader some. Reworked how the overlay for when going through a door is drawn.

Friday: Tweaked 6-2 a bit and added real par time for level 4.



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