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 This week, we worked on some more visual polish. Early on, doors were sized based on Carol and the patrons, but we've added quite a few tall characters since then! Now doors are sized to fit Rory, because she's the biggest character that can fit within the grid size we already used. Sorry, Helen...

They're also animated now, and you may notice that the level-exit doors look a bit nicer too! Before, they use a sort of rose design motif that I liked way back, but have moved away from in favor of hearts. Don't worry, the window is heavily tinted, so passers by probably won't see anything if they try to peek in...

Oh, and Dakk has been making new paintings of each character to go in the background as well. Here's a great one of Rose!


Monday: Started on updating 3-3.

Tuesday: Made new door sprites that are taller and look better. Continued working on 3-3. (Dakk)Made portrait for Rose.

Wednesday: (Dakk)Animated new doors. Added new animated doors to the game and made it so Carol turns and walks through them when using them. Made it so waiters wait a few seconds before they start moving at the start of a level. Finished 3-3.

Thursday: Updated the screen wipe effect when walking through a door so it looks smooth and actually shows two viewpoints at once.

Friday: Added some framerate optimizations. Patrons who want to see Carol dance will now continue doing the cheer animation after their request has been complete.



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