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Yes, this weekly report took a little over a week to get out, but it's worth it.

Club Valentine now has a new mechanic: Elevators! These are similar to doors, but are linked together in a set pattern and will automatically whisk Carol away to her destination whenever she steps into one.

You can also use them like doors after stepping into one to go to the next stop without having to walk away and enter again. 

I hope this can help spice up some new and old levels! I'm pretty happy with how the visuals ended up being interesting and snappy.


Monday: Added elevators. Changed the doors in day 2-1 to elevators.

Tuesday: Finished tweaking elevators.

Wednesday: Started on remaking day 2-2. Added chandelier platform.

Thursday: Finished day 2-2. Fixed depth sorting for real this time.

Friday: Added animations for elevators.

Monday: Finished up elevators.


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