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Some little visual tweeks this week. The timer is now a rolling counter like the score counter, and whenever you're missing drinks, the bartender will show which ones above them.

(gif taken before they were colored)

Also, whenever Carol trips, you now tap right and left quickly to recover. The more you trip, the more inputs are needed and the faster you have to do them. I think it's more fun this way.

Dakk has also started on new sprites for bartenders that only serve 2 of the 4 drinks, so they can be unique characters and Geoff doesn't somehow teleport across the level. They're pretty adorable, but they're not done enough to show off yet!


Monday: Tweaked scoreboard to have a smaller coin icon.

Tuesday: Changed tripping so that instead of pressing one input a bunch, you now have to tap right and left several times to recover.

Wednesday: Added new display over bartenders when they can give Carol drinks.

Thursday: (Dakk)Started on new sprites for split bartenders

Friday: Made the timer on the ui nicer looking.


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