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Right so lots of stuff to say:


I'm still on holiday and will start production on 5th July on the next thing [TO BE RELEASED 5th AUGUST] , which according to the poll is 1 big video. 

PC problems:

So far, no more BSOD errors since deleting Malwarebytes pro, but the sheer amount of forum listings in the malwarebytes forum for the same problem, all with pro and all affecting Netio.sys and Ntokrnl.exe like mine and having had no problems until it upgraded itself to a pro trial would suggest it is. That said I'm still afraid I may click on something and trigger another one. Hopefully it doesn't. However I am prepared for that too and the money you have given me for a few months I have in a fast release investment  so computer breaks I'll order a mid range one to tide me over, if not then happy days.


As some of you may know I mentioned working on a story in my spare time, for those that feel like a bit of reading I enclose what I have so far written, comments and reviews welcome.


So the poll is for the next big video, haven't done one of these in a while, you must be itching to get back to the main series of videos. I'm opening this up to everyone because of the recent delays and issues that most of you have loyally stayed with me throughout. So...what would you like? [Release 5th August]

Happy Honeymoon 13 - It's 18 years since the events of the last episode and you wouldn't think Isadora has aged a bit, she's been invited to visit the happy married couple and the 'husbands' daughter who is now 18 and is oddly resembling Isadora. What will happen at this reunion?

MAGA 3 - Tiffany stars in her comedic patriotic adventures! In this episode Tiffany must first fend off the accusations of slavery and abuse of immigrants by Antifa girl for hiring a latina maid. She does so by banging them at the same time, commenting that as a commie she should appreciate fucking everyone equally. She also shares a heart warming moment with her son when she tells him she would never stop them being a couple or steal her away from him completely. 

Lana 5 - The evil blondie is at it again! What nefarious schemes will she concoct this time? In this episode Lana is invited to talk about science and medicine at a local school (over 18+ school), however she has created a serum that turns people into futa/dickgirls!!! She sneaks this into the Staff water supply as well as puts it in the roof watertower. Suddenly all the staff and students are turning into futa/dickgirls! But wait....there is a survivor, the principle of the school who Lana watches with amusement as she sneaks around and tries to escape.

SRG Emily 4 - Barnes gets lost on the way to the donut shop and encounters a futa/dickgirl who turns her ass to a donut, complete with internal glazing. Valia invites Xala to a spa experience, she is refused at first until Valia promises her a physical battle with an enormous foe, for which she is mildly annoyed when it turns out Valia meant going back to the hotel room with the well endowed spa masseuse. Jewel and Fi Ling are invited to a photoshoot for a big butts magazine with a student photographer, said student studies, works at a convience store in chinatown and has a gothic appearance (Thinking of you DD). To finish, Emily is visited in Jail by Wayne and Chantelle who having talked about it, offer to have some fun to lighten up her shift.

Kyra 3 - Patrons ($3+) can vote for what happens in the video:
* Kyra visits and hangs around another futa/dickgirl
* Kyra dates Katya.
* Kyra pursues Mrs Patel.
* Kyra hangs around her dorm mates.
* Kyra visits the library and hangs around Valia and Markellus.
* Kyra gets a part time job (as an agent for the darkdaughter corporation, a librarian, a police cadet, a student nurse, as Isadora's apprentice and many more!)
etc etc.

Prima Noctis 3 - Hail to thee! Come ye forth unto mine telling of a tale, forsooth ye shalt watch thy Lady Alissandra and her mischief! In this episode a peasant petitions Lady Alissandra that his wife is barren and hath no child, can she do something about it? (In those days nobles were deemed to be where they were because of divine blessing) So she suggests she and the wife conduct private prayers, and behold! It worked. Elsewhere a pirate/bandit queen is recruiting new members and has receives a promising new recruit, for which she addicts them to her cum with frequent sex sessions to ensure loyalty.



So many choices, I don't know what to choose! 😱 Between SRG Emily and Lana, there seems to be plenty of sex scenes in those options and the Emily option gave me a shout out, which I appreciate, once again! Decisions, decisions


I know you like the big tiddy goth girl so I thought I'd put her in. It is the same one as 'Big Tiddy Goth GF' I just made her hair longer.


Alot of good choices, I really like MAGA 3 and Prima Noctis 3 but I have to go for HH13 lol. I want to see Charlotte and Isadora together again! Also really want to see more of Annabella and how all her interactions go down lol