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First up holiday is/was going well until this all started happening. Now as a responsible person and because your money is supporting me it's important to let you know of everything. That includes both good and bad.

A few days ago I started to get BSOD errors. You can find the crash dumps in the attachments. I've done SFC Scannow and CHKDSK commands as well as updating drivers. I updated my realtek drivers and the initial netio.sys error went away. Now this morning it gave errors when my girlfriend was using it.

Please do not be concerned, The sounds for the extended version I haven't forgotten I've just been battling these. I will either:

* Get this fixed.

* Get a new desktop, this one has been with me for 3-4 years now. (This is why I invest the money I receive, so that I can plan for these sorts of events)

At any rate, I will now be backing up my copies of dickgirl dorm, videos etc to the cloud and online storage, just in case.


Andrew Rowe

Did you run chkdsk/r?


Just finished that now, nothing seems to be wrong with that, Scannow reported the same. Found and updated another driver through device manager. I'll check RAM sticks now...

Andrew Rowe

Good, seems like your doing a thorough check. Computer errors are a bitch. I should know, always have built my own.

Bobbie Blaise

I hope you get to the bottom of it...new computers are not cheap...I have no advice as I have no idea what to do when things like this happen apart from google and youtube etc


That's why I don't drink, smoke, gamble etc so that if one day my computer broke I'd have a backup plan. A new computer wouldn't be as good as my PC but I could shell out on a mid range one if needs be...but with hope it could manage making videos and game production.


Seems to be behaving for the moment, Memtest, Scannow and CHKDSK /r are reporting nothing wrong. Bizarrely this occured shortly after I upgraded to Malwarebytes Pro, I also found on their forum the exact same problem with both Netio and NTkrnl.exe, according to that forum deleting malwarebytes pro helped. I have done that and so far good. But I'm still expecting a BSOD at any moment...push comes to shove I'll do a factory reset.

Andrew Rowe

Did the forum explain what causes the issue?


Not really but https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/231366-netiosys-bsod/, https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/272619-new-bsod-netiosys/ and https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/269946-new-bsod-netiosys/ would imply that it is a re-occuring issue. I'm hoping that this has resolved it I really am.