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I'm enjoying my 'off' month so far what with all the improvements and modifications. If you haven't already you can unpledge and follow or drop down to $1 for this month as there won't be a video out on 5th Feb, the next video out will be 5th March.

So having seen the upgrade test video, and if you haven't it can be found here:


I'd like to know which style you prefer:


* 30 - 50 mins video
* Speech bubbles.
* Basic inbuilt software sounds [even that I modded, the original sound was like someone rubbing a balloon]
* Basic Cartoon graphics (However I will still keep the advanced graphics moving forward)
* Music for background
* Creepy blood red logo, Static, with dark music

* 10-20 mins video (Extended patrons still get more)
* Bright bold text speech.
* Hand edited sounds placed frame by frame (hence why I may have to shorten the video length)
* High resolution graphics with dynamic lighting
* Ambient sounds for background (with music only if appropriate)
* Animated friendly blue logo with upbeat intro music

Both will still have the graphics improvements, it's mainly question of sound and length. the more hand by hand ambient sounds, sex sounds and drawing you into the atmosphere a creator does, the more pressure on them the longer the video. I think I see why now a lot of creators push out 5 - 10 mins of video (but i still want to do a bit more than that to keep the story element alive)

- Icarus

P.S. Once I've figured out the graphical improvements and sound, my next aim is more smooth animation rather than cutting to and from static images and eventually voice. but that won't be for a while. Just letting you know my long term aim.



Name change? Did I miss the announcement of that?


this isn't an easy question to answer. On one side I would really like to see how you plan on improving your works and I understand what drives you to evolve yourself, on the other side I fear that shorter videos will mean having to choose between a good story and dialogues or the "fap parts", sacrificing one for the other. The "sound part" for me (but that's just my personal opinion) is not that much important in this kind of works to justify a cut in the video length, so for now i pick old style but "you do you" and go with your heart. One last thing: change yor name as much as you want, you will always be "Apo" for me... :3 <3


why don't you put out a full video with the new style then ask again which do we want?


That was the purpose behind the test video. As already stated i am off this month although I chose to release that test vid and to continue developing in my spare time. When you buy a car you have a 10 min test drive, malls offer small samples of food. etc etc. it not only shows what is to come but it, as with the name change shows people a "wow he's serious, what will the final product be?" moment, building up hype and anticipation. i know a lot of what i do and say may appear unlogical [sic] but I hope you trust me enough to know I do things for good reason. Thank you for your input.


That was the first strategic calculation I did. I don't want to do what the other creators do exactly because i realise a lot of people like the story element of my work. So for that reason I still chose longer than average videos. A lot of others rarely create a video longer than 20mins, instead preferring 5 min videos, but one of the things that always irked me about porn was a lack of story people could get into. The old cliche of the plumber knocking on a MILFS door and then banging her is a case in point.

Naughty James

LOL wow, 85% likes the new style and 15% like the old style, LOL. As for me, I like the new style but then I like the little bubble over people head but the ones I like the one that seems to be like they thinking with a small bubble leading to a larger bubble to finally the big one with them saying something in it. Otherwise I like the new style and keep up the good work


I like the new Style overall but I prefer the old speech bubble. But definitely the new style.


You are the second person to comment that. I could always keep the speech bubbles but have the rest of the new style as well if that's what most want.