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Starfire (Teen Titans) - Suggestion from Jacob Finch Halsey
Tsubaki (Soul Eater) - Suggestion from Salk32
CC (Code Geass) - Suggestion from Alexander
Ahri (League of Legends)
Miia (Monster Musume No Iru Nichijou)
Alma Elma (Monster Girl Quest)
Gardevoir (Pokemon)
Mosquito Girl (One Punch Man)

On a side note, the suggestions haven't been working out so well- not a single one has won! One day I may have too manyPatronsto take suggestions! I may remove it soon. Are you okay with this, or would you like another reward as a replacement? I will also be drawing extra content for Patreon soon to replace the 'Thank you' that new Patreonreceiveandalso update the banner.

Thank you for your continued support!


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