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Hello all, here is this week’s progress report.

Continued research for the landscape detail pass. Further replacing cliffs in Adûn Region.

Started rework of combat system; researched and prototyped a path finder for a good editing workflow for combat moves.
Animation Sequence Editor is functionally done and various options have been added to help improve the workflow.

Worked on a femboy-type character on Max skeleton base. Their name is Cram and it is yet to be decided where you will meet them ;)
A new hairstyle is in the works, a specific type of curly wolf cut.
More progress on outfits.

Worked on character faces and head movements during dialogue. This is so we can later display specific emotional states during conversations, instead of the generic dialogue idle animation currently in the game.

Finished design and distribution of mini location types. 
Finished dialogues for reworked Jadeen X Max / Milanna X Max quests from demo.
Finished dialogue for Maya's new encounter in Apoc, leading to the goatman pillory scene.
Finished Melee Combat Concept. Currently writing Combat AI and Ranged Combat Concepts.

Thank you for all your continued support,

-Wild Life Team




Ayo, looks good! :)

Camtastic H

any update on the next build?