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Oioi people!
Since the big adoption of Discord recorded on the last survey I started my own server.

Many of you are already in, but still not as many as votes on that same survey, so there may be some issues in the auto-join feature.

Please unlink and relink your discord account to Patreon.

 Most of you that had issues solved simply by doing so.
Sorry for the inconvenience, but I really have not much power on this :(

In the meantime you can manually join here, but you won't have access to the Patreon tier if you do it this way,so I strongly advise to try re-linking the accounts.

In the behind-the-scenes channel I share WIPs, and in the learning-with-xtense channel there's already a few tips and discussions ongoing!

Sharing the WIPs images so far here aswell, but in the future I may not update Patreon as frequently with WIPs since Discord is a much much easier way to share content fast!

Thanks for all your support for this month and I really hope you are enjoying the WIPs :)

See you on Discord!






Finally got everything sorted out! I’m excited to see where this goes!


If it helps, I had some luck in the past just waiting till the end of the month and then I auto join on the new Patreon cycle (what I'm going to try to avoid unlinking)


Yes indeed, that's also the last option. Hope it will fix it for everyone now in October

Gino Bagnino

Yeah! I'm in hype for this video! P.s: I joined Discord! 😉