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Holy hell it will be hard to manage as I'm pretty bad at these kind of stuff, but I just created a Discord server.

So first, why Discord?
The main goal for me was to have faster and more fluent communication with you, aswell as creating a portal to help new talent in the scene develop.

I'm no pro at this point, but I enjoy sharing whataver I may know that can help someone start creating their own scenarios.
I understand it's not for everyone, and it's not like I'll be there at all times to give you a scholarship.
But I when I was starting out I may have had the same struggles you are facing right now if you are actually trying by yourself.

Please have a read at the Welcome channel for more info!

I'm pretty new to Discord as I only used it a few years ago to game with friends, so sorry if I will be making mistakes.

The tiers should be available to you from the get go, but you may see things move as I'm setting up the whole thing.

Please, please, let me know if you see anything off or have suggestions on how to set it up!

There will be a section that is public and another one that's connected to the base Tier.

I have ideas in mind (WIP streams maybe?...) but need to see if this works at all first lol

So, yeah, I have one questions before going.
How many of you use Discord?

Please answer the poll, as I want to check adoption in order to decide the reach of me posting something on Discord only.

Thanks for the collaboration, and yeah. See you there! 🤠



Why can't I join the discord ?


That's awesome that you got a Discord ^^ I know it'll be better for you to post mini updates and what not.


a discord group is great for schedule management


I definitely use Discord. When can I join?


It should be available to you by linking patreon and discord! :)


if you want to leave yourself notes or update everybody in a quick manner. Keep yourself on top of everything essentially


Yeah, I'm not in the group yet. I'd have to resub to your Patreon account to join, which thankfully I can do once my $ comes in.

Ryan Desjadon

My discord is Ryan Hellsing#9988