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So, as you may have noticed I was not active in the last week.  

I have really been into too much things lately, and I'm getting a new role at my job which is requiring me to do extra hours to complete formation. Plus had a car accident on the highway that luckly didn't hurt anyone, but still need to pay for the damage since it happened for someone unkown who dropped furniture on the road...
What will happen then?  

Well as I've stated in my last post, my works are gonna be slower and I will give less updates since I'm having less and less time to invest here. I'm not going to stop doing animations, they will just take long to come out, so I want to make sure of one thing: FEEL FREE TO STOP SUPPORTING ME ON PATREON.  

Last thing I want is to have you feel like you are wasting money, because if your pledge is for getting extra content, I'm sorry but these days it simply won't be worth it. :S 

I hope to regain regularity soon but I can't promise it now.  So, no worries, just delete the pledge and it'll be okay! I will continue doing this when I can, but I don't even feel like I deserve your support right now!  

I hidden every tier except for the base one, and actually, I invite even the biggest supporters here to go back to the base one if they really wanna still help me out.

 I really don't deserve more than that right now. :( 

 Older commissions are in the making and will be posted here before as usual! They will come out! :)  

Also, I want to let you know that another video is in the making, this time with Blender from start to finish, and it's gonna be new grounds for me, but hopefully something cool will come out!

I created a custom model for a character that will be potagonist in this very next animation.
It's still in the works, but I think you can easily guess who's gonna be eheh

Thank you for still being here actually,
Really glad to have someone like you in the community.

Hope I can come back to full strenght some time soon.
Cya! :)




Oof sorry to hear that's happened to you recently, I can understand the extra work but man I hope your okay. I understand what your saying with the dropping down to the base tier, so that people aren't spending too much. So what I'll do is move down to the base tier and still support you, but I may reduce my Patreonage down to half what I currently paying so that I can still support you and still have money in the pocket ^^ if that's alright with you. Also Hinata o3o", This will be interesting to see what the next animation will be with this ninja ^3^. Anyways I wish you good luck ^3^7 ❤️


Thank you for being so supportive even now, again! (Might hit you in the DM soon, got a first render in the making for your commission :) )

Marko Sallmen

Sorry to hear all that, but cher up, it can only go better from here on out. I keep my tier becous i want to support you in any way i can and money is no problem of mein. I relly interisted in your next viedo. The Hinata model looks cute and looking forvord to see what you can do in blender. Anyway i wish fun at work and that evryting go much better in your futer.


Thank you very bery much! :' ) I just don't want to make it seem like I disappeared. :(