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Hey there everyone!
Finally the moment has come, the video is out for you to watch and will be public later next week!

I have some stuff to say:
- I am deeply sorry for how much time it took me to release this video, but as you already know, lately I've been short on time. I am atending a 3D videogame school that it's taking all my free time outside of my job. [ Actually let me know if you are interested in seeing some stuff I made there, I can't show you EVERYTHING but maybe it could be interesting... who knows]
- Quality wise there is not really an improvement from previous episodes, mainly because I am concentrating myself on learning stuff in Blender, which will be my next platform for making these videos as you have seen from the short clips I've been posting.

- I also had the idea on making small tutorials on how to take a character, expand it and render it in a pose of your choice, would you be interested in it?

- Last, thank you again for the infinite support and faith you give me everyday. I will never stop thinking that you are bless for me and my willing to go on with these projects! After this realease I will conclude the commission that I left behind and start the making of my next project which I will talk about later on, obviously, made with Blender!

Hope you guys enjoy the video and let me know what you think of the things I've said here!
Have a great day!

Bye! :)


Harui Lifts Off - Ep. 6 [ Full Body Inflation ]

It's finally summertime and Harui was taking a walk to her favourite beach spot. There she finds a mysterious giant tank of helium, what happens next it's pretty obvious! 🎈 This video comes from an idea from Twitter user TisMatty (https://twitter.com/Tis_Matty) Thans for being so supportive! __________________________________________________________________________________________ ☛ Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MMDFun ☛ For keeping in touch follow me on Twitter [ https://bit.ly/38r2tLJ ] and SUBSCRIBE here on Youtube! ☛ Thanks to SwellReads for the audio editing! Follow him on DeviantArt [ https://deviantart.com/nametaken0 ] or Patreon [ https://patreon.com/swellreads ]


Marko Sallmen

It was worth the wait. You did a great job with inflating Haru. It was a good animatin for you first time with blender. I hopp the 3D school is fun for you and i cant wait to see your improments in the futer.


Wait wait! This was not in Blender!! ahah The next one will be! And hopefully will be better overall! The main issue here I had, which I know how to fix easily in Blender is that at a certain point of extreme expansion, you can see her "geometry" pop up, and I really hate that! Btw thanks for the kind words anyway! <3 [Your commission render is on the way!]


Oh Sweet ^3^ It's here ^^ (I'll be able to check it out later maybe tomorrow cause I've just finished work 😔) But this will be super worth it in the end ^^. Also I'd love to see you make them tutorials, it may help me a bunch sinec I'm still trying to get use to MMD. ^^


The first tutorial would be on creating simple morphs in blender, that you can use in MMD too! I'll let you guys know if this will be a thing! Anyway, hope you will enjoy the video! :)


I’ve been meaning to learn blender so if you do tutorials that would be an even greater incentive to do so! Also very much enjoyed the video, worth the wait!