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Hey guys, a while back I was approached by a few professional groups wanting to publish Epic. I was interested but needed to as a few things first. It turned out if I accepted any of their offers then those doing amazing fan works, fan audiobooks or general readings would then be ordered to take their content down.

I honestly can't choose to be content with that. So, I'm turning down any offers like that so everyone can keep producing epic vidoes. I may lose cash from not having official sales, but that doesn't matter really. I got you guys here.

So, anyone making videos or copy epic to another site to translate into Russian (i wish you luck with the puns), I'm here for you.

I'm not here for epic loot, only good times.




On one hand thats super sweet. On the other I would pay good money for a physical Epic Loot book.


Wow... That is very generous of you. Cheers for lighting one candle that ignites the rest.


I'd like a physical book one day so I can keep it in a little treasure chest. Then when people open it. There's the title.


Спасибо от всей души!😘😚😁


I'd keep them in mind for when the series eventually ends.

Kabir Kumar

Have you thought about self publishing?


Awesome of you; although it doesn't sit well that you'd lose out Their is low hanging fruit in the form of people who don't read webnovels, but are related to people who do; which for me, despite being part of a family that's big on reading; is everyone who isn't myself Maybe first try self publishing for one volume, and see just how big that pool is?


Heck, I just started reading this story, totally awesome story, and even though I'll certainly read it on my computer, I'd be eager to pay to get it on my kindle so I can read in bed and at lunch and everywhere else!


Or you could make a kickstarter to publish it yourself so that way the story would reach a larger target audience and you still have total control over the IP