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I'm not dead, end of the year is a bit stressful for us all so what I'm doing is rereading epic and collecting all the information I have so far in the chapters. People, jobs, relaitonships, monsters, room functions.

All that good stuff. Heres the first 10 chapters compiled so far.  I'm going in order so things I might know are coming up aren't getting added until I read past them again. Its gonna be crazy.

Is this a wiki?




HI STEWIE!! Welcome back


He's not dead! Welcome back.


I mean, we could make a wiki, but that's kind of intimidating as a project.


Dont worry, i'll do my thing with the spreadsheet and see how we get on. Really, I should have tracked things from the start but sounds... responabile!


Since you are just starting I would suggest tracking (at least) the first and last chapter you see a character.


Wiki time for the dungeon, is this what the fairplay company is doing while delta does her thing?


Thanks for writing this story. Epic is such a fun take on the normally over serious and deadly dungeon core genre. I hope you're doing well and can keep on bringing us all joy with your story.


Everything is so well-organized! I could probably benefit from using spreadsheets like this for my OC's, just for my own personal reference.