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Enjoy you glorious sunflowers!




Hell of a reason to give thanks on this most blessed Turkey Day! Thank you, Stew and Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you get just as stuffed as the turkey!


If we are sunflowers, you are the entire field! Happy Thanksgiving!


Thanks for the awesome chapter!

Carl Mason

Well, since we have two slots now, may as well finish the team out. Shall we go for Hudson and Bronx, in addition to Goliath, Lexington, Brooklyn and Broadway. Who knows maybe she will get another spot for Demona, too, at some point. Thank you so very much for writing this story.


Thanks Stewart. Was a fun read.


Haha, chemical warfare!😂 I guess the room where all of jeb soups are stored should have a warning sign about highly toxic and corrosive substances, mess with at your own risk! Maybe they could be used to any poison resistance training, and I would have to wonder what would happen with that room and deltas mana that landed in the demon world? Last thought; are you using a diffrent format then usual, last two chapters seem awfully squished when I was reading them.

Carl Mason

At last, Delta's conquest of the Demon Realm begins. (Insert GoT meme.) "Delta is coming..."


I too believe in the existence of a true double jump.


Thank you for the chapter.


If anyone can find a way, Delta can.


I Wonder if that expelled Room full of Deltas Mana might land in the Demon World near a certain Sword seeking Imp? Or end up drawing the attention of a certain Demon King Father of a certain Huntress?


Praise the Green Sun!!


You’re awesome!!! (They finally fixed the problem on mobile that wouldn’t allow posting) I look forward to continuing the tale ❤️


Just binged this story over the past week and I absolutely love it!