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Tales: The Imp of No Importance

The manor of one Lord Fenutant, devourer of sheep and barn animals alike, was not what one would call grand or even fancy. The black iron fence covered in rust, the overrun garden filled with Jawbreaker vines and Stranglethorn bushes was an eyesore. Honestly, the master of the home barely seemed...



Betting that the army that sold their Souls was the followers of the Silence that Delta has just discovered (the Skeleys), and that the Demon Blacksmith got trapped in the Sealed area with them when they were. Interesting to see if he's still alive in there or if the followers if the Silence killed him. Wonder if Delta's band of Adventurers will find the Sword or if the Adventurers staying in Durence will when they eventually get to explore the new Floor? Will the Imp turn up looking for it? And I think we all know who the the Demon Kings half blood daughter is.




Has it been mentioned what level of the abyss waddles and the other dark drakes hail from? I want to say yes but I can't remember.


Yeah, aside from the meta convenience of it being mentioned right now, the 30-50 year gap is a bit of a coincidence as well.


Would a certain imp be interested in changing job to dungeon imp for a certain delta? It comes with a lot of benifits; slightly crazy but easy to get along overlord, possible chance to acquire a job class, likeable coworkers, comfortable place to live.😌 I forgot, but as a contracted monster would the imp be eligible for be immortal while in delta’s employment.🧐


I thought demons interacted differently with ambient mana and the like than other mortal races?