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Jenga apocalypse is coming up tomorrow and we've got 113 pulls, so to keep things from getting too repetitive I thought maybe you had some new ones? I loved your ideas before so I figured I'd just swap out the ones we've seen a lot with new ones. No pressure if you don't have any. This will just be for brick pulls so shorter ones, we've got a lot of falls we haven't done yet. Thanks! 



1. Have Mario Party's Bowser Blast running, and have an ally pick a color. If it detonates, do a jenga fall incentive.


Blindfold skittles taste test Charades a game from the Hall of Greats until an ally guesses correctly Recommend a TV show to another ally Wear a blindfold for your next pull Only use your non-dominant hand for your next pull Name the worst starter pokemon (in your opinion) Do a full effort Kamehameha Choose another ally, do a Father-Son Kamehameha Post a short video to the @easyallies Twitter explaining why a game you love is bad, actually Give Don 2 of your presentation minutes at the next Hall of Greats Moonwalk WITHOUT a purpose Let the ally who pulled last compose a tweet from your account Shoutout a specific user in chat Quick review the last book you read (comics/manga count) Draw a character of chat's choice Empty your pockets Blow a bubble Give Gabby a high five JoJo Pose (other allies can join if they want) Recap the story of the MCU in under 1 minute


Sing 30 seconds of your least favourite song


Compliment the Ally who pulled before you.


5 mins to draw a portrait of an AZA member, drawings can be mailed to top donors as bonus thank you.


You could describe what your keyblade would look like and what its name would be.


Without looking up quote Patreon promo from any of your reviews.


Tell a joke or ask Siri to tell one


Take a funny picture and post it on social media


Sing the alphabet backwards with no errors


Speak in a funny voice until you pull your next tile.


Top 5 levels from the DKC trilogy.


Recall a playground rhyme or saying you had as a kid that would have gotten you in trouble with an adult (example: Milk milk leomande, around the corner fudge is made)


Smack the Jenga tower down


Give Blood a lap dance.