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Title : I think I'll post it this weekend

가능하면 달이 지나기 전에 올리고 싶었는데, 그래도 최대한 빠르게 해볼게요

I wanted to upload it before the month passes, but I'll try to do it as fast as I can

그리고 몇몇 사람들의 과거작 번역요구가 들어와가지고, 포스팅하는대로 바로 또 식질해서 올리겠습니다.

And some people have asked me to translate past works, I will post them as soon as I post the new work.


I think it's going to be like..

이렇게 될거같네요


사실 과거작 번역은.. 굉장히.. 괴롭습니다

Actually, the translation of the past works.. It's very... It's painful.

그건 마치 5살에 쓴 일기장을 읽는 느낌과 비슷해요

It's like reading a diary written at the age of five.


oh dear

얘기 나온 김에 앞으로 로드맵이 어떻게 되느냐

Now that we're talking about it, let's see what the road map is.

저번에 구사2개 썬더2개 예고했었엇쥬

Last time, I told you that I'd draw two An94's story and two Thunders's.

그거 후속작이 이번에 포스팅할 거고, 그 썬더2개는 여름(해변)관련 이벤트라 7월즘에 올리면 좋을거같고..

The follow-up will be posted this time, and those two Thunder's are summer(beach) related events, so it would be good to post them on July...

그 사이에 걍 간단한 일상툰 몇개랑.. 야한거 몇개, 일상 몇개 이렇게,

Just a couple of slice of life toons between them.. couple of explicit things... you know.

예를들면 카리나의 비밀상점 시리즈 몇개 있고 (제품설명이나 로어설명)

For example, there are a couple of Kalina's Secret Store series (Product description or lore)

생각해보니 흥국이 그거도 마저 해야하는데.

speaking of which, I have to finish HK's too.

사실 그릴 아이디어는 많이 쌓여있어요. 언제 그리냐가 문제지.. 정확히는 이 느려터진 손으로 언제쯤에나 그릴 수 있겠냐는..

In fact, there's a lot of ideas to draw. The question is when to draw.. I don't know exactly when I'll be able to draw with this slow hand..

그리고 중요한거

And the important thing

지금 예~~전에 받아놓은 리퀘가 '아직도' 밀려있지요

I still have a lot of requests that I received before.

저도 알고있습니다.. 그거 빨리 손을 대야하는데

I know..

지금 여기서 밀려있잖아요? 근데 이게 조금 스케일이 커져서 이거를 다루기 위해서 몇개 에피소드가 필요합니다 (한 2-3개정도)

It's pushed back from here, right? But the scale of the episode has gotten a little bigger, so I need a few episodes to deal with it. (About 2-3)

지금까지 단신지휘관 2번 나왔었죠? 앞으로도 최소 한번은 더 나와줘야합니다..

So far, the short commander's story has come out twice, right? It should come out at least once in the future..

이게 계속 밀리는고 있구요.. 이걸 빨리 해야하는데..

It keeps getting pushed.. I need to do this quickly..

다른거 먼저 해야하나... 생각이 들기도하고

Even, What I'm thinking right now is... Should I have to do something else first...

제가 손이 느리다보니 이게 하다보면 아이디어가 점점 쌓여요..

My hands are slow, so when I draw something, I keep getting ideas... and that's where I get sidetracked.


The point is,

빨리 그림마저 그리러 감

I'm gonna have to go finish the works, see ya

++궁금한거 댓글로 달아주시면 좀있다가 확인할게요

++If you leave any questions in the comments, I'll check it out later



완성작만 아니더라도 중간과정이나 낙서같은거라도 올려주시면 감사히 잘먹겠습니다


혹여 페르시카 야짤도 계획에 있으신가용


으음 있기는한데.. 짤 수준으로 있습니다.


님 그림 너무 좋아요 평생 그려주세요


Thank you for doing those old translations! Feel free to pace yourself easily, your work is excellent and I understand you are busy with things in life. I look forward to the new comics you can produce, like the M2HB one. If you have any new distracting ideas for Secret Store or standalone, I hope one would involve Angelia. I think seeing more of her in your style would be amazing. As always, thank you for your work, and I hope you continue making comics


언제나 감사함다


I like Ukrainian Commander, tall chick with the pierced tongue. Any content with her in your visions?


She will appear a few times in minor roles. Any suggestions?


Size Queening. Lewding another SKK, double-teaming with their dolls. Big sex toys. Dp28.