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"Nereidyl Production Unit R.4.01-0... Rebecca, as she is more commonly known... has become a rather precious resource for the corporation. 

While initially inducted through the rather brief clinical trials of Nereidyl Strain EC092041 with selected volunteers from the general populace, Nicholas took more than a passing fancy in... overseeing her development, quickly pushing past the cosmetic pretenses the board had established for the trial as he converted her into his plaything, and well beyond the maximum amount of EC092041 ever administered to a human at that point without complete nereid contamination of the specimen.

Rather brash, and completely absent of any proper scientific rigor, something I hate to admit yielded such an impressive advancement to our research... but, in the end, I suppose many of our greatest discoveries throughout the ages have had their own share of blind luck in their conception, after all.

These scheduled sessions in between her production periods, however... they rub me the wrong way. R.4.01-0 loves the attention, and this outlet for her desires seems to keep her in high spirits... but Nicholas' completely reckless self-exposure to Nereidyl-enhanced test subjects, specially the one we have identified as possessing the highest yield/concentration of Nereids in her secretions...

I really must try to convince him somehow to allow an examination and genetic screening sometime..."

- Excerpt from Dr. James Krieger's private journal, no date attached to this entry.



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