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"So... this is your size AFTER milking?"

"Mhm! Just for a day or so. Or less... if you keep looking at me like that!"

"Ah... I think... I should go get you more tanks, haha..."

"... Javier, you're making me leak already!"

- Surveillance audio feed, Hitome Nakamura's quarters. 

[Male voice identified]

[Laboratory Technician Javier Ruiz, Sector M-07]

[WARNING: Individual's clearance level insufficient for Nereidyl Subject interaction]

[WARNING: Individual's DNA has not been pre-screened for Nereidyl compatibility]

[AUTOMATED SYSTEM RESPONSE: Security personnel notified for collection of Lab Technician Javier Ruiz, Sector M-07, ID# M07-JVRZ586391]




I like nipple plugs! Above all if they are barely able to hold! I would like to see Hitome showing her collection of nipple plugs from the smaller to the bigger ones!