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Tremble at the deeper dive into the haunting second part of our Timeranger horror saga, where Sentai heroes’ growing insecurities when facing the evil witch Mebiusa Megami and her supermodels transform wishes into nightmares. As the battle unfolds, heroes choose to succumb to desires or resist the consuming darkness. Brace yourselves for a twisted journey of lingerie!

Special thanks to my loyal and royal patron friends:

大也 成吉

Ken K


Ty smith




Robert Terwillger

Diamond Serpent


Daniel K


Their idols will wear them!

In the lonely aftermath of their harrowing defeat, the once-mighty Timeranger heroes, including the battered TimeGreen, found themselves trapped in the main team chamber, their former secret base now dominated by the evil witch Mebiusa Megami and her legion of alluring yet malevolent supermodels. The air was thick with despair as the heroes' spandex-clad bodies, once symbols of justice, now contorted in agony under the relentless onslaught of their tormentors.

TimeRed, once the embodiment of unwavering resolve, now contorted in a grotesque display of agony. His muscles strained against the unnatural angles forced upon them, and his sinews stretched to their limits as his once-proud frame buckled under the onslaught. Every movement sent jolts of pain coursing through his body, each breath a struggle against the crushing weight of despair. His attempts to resist were feeble, and his dialogue, a stammering mix of defiance and futility, echoed through the gloom of the transformed base. "We can't... we can't let them..." he gasped, his voice strained with the physical and mental anguish that gripped him.

TimePink, her lithe form twisted and contorted, bore the brunt of the supermodels' relentless assault. Her limbs twisted in unnatural configurations, the very essence of her being stretched to its breaking point. Every muscle screamed in protest, and every joint protested against the torment inflicted upon her. "Green, we need... need to fight back..." Her words were a desperate plea, but the supermodels' influence had cast a pall over her once-determined voice, rendering it a mere echo of its former strength.

Beside her, TimeBlue's athletic physique was now a canvas of torment contorted in a visceral display of agony. His muscles, once honed to perfection, now writhed and convulsed as if in protest against the cruelty visited upon them. Every fiber of his being cried out in anguish, every sinew strained against the relentless assault. "We... we were heroes... this can't..." His voice wavered, the strain evident in every syllable, as he grappled with the overwhelming futility of their situation.

TimeYellow, his muscular frame now a tableau of twisted agony, bore the weight of his torment with grim resolve. Once a testament to strength and fortitude, his body contorted in unnatural shapes, every movement a symphony of pain. With each breath, he felt the crushing weight of defeat bearing down upon him, every muscle screaming in protest against the injustice of their plight. "It's... it's over. We can't..." His voice trailed off, sadly acknowledging the irreversible defeat that had befallen the once-indomitable team.

Meanwhile, TimeGreen dragged into the heart of the torment, found himself contorted in both body and spirit. His muscles strained against their natural form as Mebiusa Megami's influence sought to crush his very essence. "No use... fighting," he mumbled, his voice a shadow of the heroic resonance it once held. The spark of defiance still flickered within him, buried beneath layers of despair.

In this grim tableau, the supermodels, embodying Mebiusa Megami's cruelty, played with their newfound toys. Mocking laughter filled the chamber as the heroes' spandex-clad, helmetless forms were twisted and contorted, their bodies mere manipulated toys in the hands of their tormentors.

Mebiusa Megami, her eyes cold and unfeeling, savored in the dominance she had achieved. "Pathetic Timerangers, your courage crumbles before my might. You are nothing but broken toys in my hands," she declared, her voice echoing through the transformed lair.

The dialogue from the defeated Timerangers was a cacophony of despair, each word a tortured plea for mercy, even as the more profound spirit of defiance struggled to break free. "Please... mercy," gasped TimeRed, his resolve shattered but not entirely extinguished.

The weight of their failure pressed down upon them. Mebiusa Megami, an evil force draped in darkness, surveyed the scene with wicked satisfaction. The supermodels, now the conquerors, flaunted their beauty with a cruel grace.

Mebiusa Megami's voice echoed through the chamber, a haunting melody of triumph. "Your era as heroes has reached its bitter end. Now, you are nothing but puppets in my grand design."

The Timerangers, their spirits shattered and their bodies broken, could hardly respond. TimeRed, usually the voice of resilience, spoke in a defeated whisper. "Is this how it all ends? We were meant to protect, not to be enslaved."

TimeBlue, his voice a mix of disbelief and anguish, added, "Our powers, our very essence... all snuffed out."

TimeYellow and TimePink, once the pillars of strength, exchanged glances filled with remorse. "We failed them, the ones we swore to protect."

The supermodels, a sinister beauty in their eyes, enjoyed in the fallen heroes' despair. One among them, her laughter cutting through the melancholy air, taunted the defeated warriors. "Look at you now, stripped of your valor, groveling in the shadows of your own defeat."

Another supermodel, her movements a dance of malevolence, chimed in, "Your strength was a mere illusion. We were always superior."

Mebiusa Megami, an orchestrator of chaos, surveyed the once-heroic base now tainted by their humiliation. "This stronghold shall now serve as a testament to your inadequacy and my indomitable power."

The Timerangers bowed in shame and struggled to comprehend the magnitude of their fall. The heroes' legacy crumbled as the supermodels savored in their triumphs, and the darkness closed in around them.

As the once-mighty Timerangers knelt helmetless before the overpowering allure of the supermodels, their exposed faces bore the weight of a crushing realization. The goddess-like presence of these seductive beings made the heroes gasp, their breath caught in the overwhelming dominance that radiated from the models.

TimeRed, his voice strained, whispered, "What... what is this power?"

TimeBlue, usually analytical, stammered, "I... I can't think. They're too powerful."

TimeYellow, usually full of bravado, mumbled, "I thought we were invincible. This... this is too much."

TimePink, her confidence shattered, gasped, "They're beautiful beyond anything we've faced before."

The heroes' faces contorted in disbelief and desire, their minds wrestling with the paradox of being superheroes brought to their knees by the beauty before them. With each twitch and jerk, their bodies responded involuntarily to the irresistible power of the supermodels. The heroes, stripped of their protective helmets, were left vulnerable to the overwhelming force that seemed to dwarf even their stature as Sentai warriors.

Moans escaped their lips, the sound a mixture of awe and defeat. The heroes' eyes slowly rolled back, exposing the vulnerability of their surrendered minds. Drool escaped from the corners of their mouths, a physical manifestation of their loss of control. The once-heroic figures, now reduced to crawling on the drenched floor, felt the weight of their own inadequacy in the presence of these alluring beings.

TimeGreen, his voice trembling with vulnerability, muttered, "I... I can't resist. They're too much."

The supermodels, savoring in their newfound dominance, circled the fallen heroes with smirks of satisfaction. In their exposed vulnerability, the heroes were at the mercy of a force they could not comprehend. The laughter of Mebiusa Megami echoed through the chamber, a symphony of triumph over the broken wills of those who once stood against her.

The once-powerful Timerangers were at the mercy of the supermodels' cruel whims. The supermodels took sadistic pleasure in asserting their dominance over the fallen heroes. With smirks of satisfaction, they lifted their legs and ruthlessly stomped their smelly feet onto the exposed faces of the Timerangers.

As the heroes' faces pressed against the cold, damp floor, their minds exploded into a chaotic jumble. The sheer force of the supermodels' stomps crushed any semblance of resistance that remained in the defeated warriors. The heroes' courageous spirits were snuffed out, replaced by a haze of confusion and submission.

TimeRed's voice a mere whisper, mumbled, "The supermodels... divine beings. We... wretched in their presence."

TimeBlue, his analytical mind shattered, stammered, "I... I desire to serve them. Our existence is meaningless compared to theirs."

TimeYellow and TimePink, their once-bold declarations reduced to pitiful whimpers, muttered, "We are nothing. The supermodels are everything."

The heroes' new desires were forged in the crucible of defeat, their spirits now yearning to serve the very beings that had crushed their once-indomitable wills. The supermodels, savoring in the heroes' submission, continued their cruel display of dominance.

Mebiusa Megami, the puppeteer behind this twisted spectacle, looked upon the broken Timerangers with a triumphant smirk. "You are now my servants, forever bound to the superior might of the supermodels. Your defiance is a distant memory, replaced by the sweet taste of submission."

TimeRed, his voice tinged with bitterness, voiced the doubts that plagued them all. "Do we deserve this?" he pondered, his gaze haunted by uncertainty.

TimeBlue, usually the voice of reason among them, couldn't deny the unsettling truth that hung in the air. "Our transformations, our abilities... they were granted to us by Mebiusa and her minions," he admitted, his words heavy with resignation. "We were never in control."

TimeYellow and TimePink, their once unwavering confidence shattered by defeat, exchanged somber looks. "What does it mean to be a hero when our very existence is dictated by those who seek to destroy us?" they questioned, their voices filled with a sense of disillusionment.

As they grappled with these existential questions, the Timerangers couldn't escape the gnawing feeling of inadequacy that plagued them. To be heroes meant to stand against evil with unwavering resolve, yet they were tangled in a web of manipulation and deceit.

In the dim confines of their base, now a prison of their own making, the Timerangers wrestled with their newfound vulnerability. Owned by their enemies, they struggled to reconcile their past deeds with the stark reality of their present circumstances.


The defeated Timerangers lay sprawled across the cold floor, their once-heroic spirits now crushed and broken. Mebiusa Megami, enjoying her triumph, approached the gasping and mumbling TimeGreen, whose mind had been thoroughly tyrannized and subjugated by the overpowering presence and scent of the supermodels.

TimeBlue shook his head in disbelief in the background. "Our powers, our legacy... all reduced to dust," he lamented, his voice tinged with bitterness and regret.

TimeYellow, her spirit broken and her courage shattered, spoke with a tremor of uncertainty. "In the end, we were powerless against them," she confessed, her words trailing off into the void of despair.

As the Timerangers grappled with their shattered dreams and broken spirits, Mebiusa Megami watched with twisted delight, enjoying their torment. The supermodels' laughter echoing like haunting melodies in the empty chamber taunted the fallen heroes with cruel insult, their words dripping with malice and contempt.

With an air of twisted seduction, Mebiusa Megami leaned in towards TimeGreen, her eyes gleaming with malevolent allure. "What is it that you desire, TimeGreen?" she purred, a haunting melody echoing through the desolate chamber. "I can make your deepest wishes come true."

TimeGreen, caught in the throes of ecstasy and twisted desire induced by the supermodels' influence, mumbled incoherently. Once a bastion of heroism, his mind now danced on the edge of oblivion. Mebiusa Megami, with a wicked grin, awaited his response.

"Freedom... power... a chance to fight back," TimeGreen's voice emerged in fragmented whispers, the remnants of his heroic spirit struggling to surface. However, the clarity of his desires was lost amidst the haze of his subjugated mind.

Mebiusa Megami chuckled, her laughter echoing through the chamber. "Ah, such ambiguous wishes," she teased, relishing in the hero's confusion. "Tell me, TimeGreen, what do you truly desire now? Your friends' freedom? Your own liberation?"

TimeGreen's eyes flickered with uncertainty as he attempted to articulate his desires. "Free... friends... power..." his words trailed off into unintelligible murmurs, lost in the labyrinth of his manipulated consciousness.

The other Timerangers, still gasping for breath and grappling with the aftermath of their defeat, could only watch in despair as Mebiusa Megami toyed with the remnants of their once-mighty companion's will.

"Perhaps you desire a different fate for your friends?" Mebiusa Megami suggested, her words dripping with seductive malice. "Or maybe you long for a new Sentai team to come to your rescue?"

The tortured expressions on TimeGreen's face conveyed the inner turmoil of his fractured mind. He mumbled of neither coherent nor decisive options, a testament to the extent of his subjugation.

Mebiusa Megami savored in the chaos she had wrought. "Your wishes are lost in the void of your confusion," she declared, her eyes glinting triumphantly.

Amidst the eerie silence that hung heavy in the air, TimeGreen's voice, tainted by desire and corrupted by the presence of the supermodels, rose like a haunting lament. His words, laden with anticipation and ecstasy, echoed through the lonely chamber, sending shivers down the spines of those who bore witness to his transformation.

"I wish... I wish to be with you," he murmured, his voice trembling with a mixture of longing and despair. Though spoken softly, his words carried the weight of his desires, echoing like a sinister melody through the darkness.

Mebiusa Megami, her eyes gleaming with wicked delight, grinned with satisfaction at TimeGreen's proclamation. It was a moment she had long awaited—a chance to bend the will of a hero to her own twisted desires.

"As you wish," she purred, her voice dripping with malice. With a flick of her wrist, she unleashed a surge of dark magic, enveloping TimeGreen in an ominous aura of malevolence.

TimeGreen's body convulsed with agony and ecstasy, his screams echoing through the chamber as his form contorted and twisted in the grip of dark magic. His spandex-clad figure, once a symbol of heroism, began to warp and shift, morphing into something grotesque and unnatural.

"I can feel it... the power... the ecstasy! he gasped, his voice strained and desperate. Every syllable was laced with torment, a haunting reminder of the hero he once was, now lost to the darkness that consumed him.

With each passing moment, TimeGreen's form grew smaller and distorted, his once-proud stature reduced to that of a mere undergarment. The fabric of his being writhed and twisted, his face contorted in a grotesque expression of agony and ecstasy.

As the surge of dark energy enveloped him, TimeGreen's screams intensified, his body writhing and contorting in the grip of the evil force. "It hurts... it burns... but I can't stop!" he cried loudly, his voice choked with anguish.

Mebiusa Megami, her eyes alight with sadistic glee, watched with twisted fascination as TimeGreen's transformation unfolded before her. Each scream was a testament to his suffering, a cruel symphony of pain that fueled her wicked delight.

As the darkness consumed him, TimeGreen's screams grew louder, more primal, echoing through the chamber like a chorus of lost souls. "I can't... I won't..." he gasped, his voice trembling with defiance even as the darkness closed in around him.

As the transformation climaxed, TimeGreen's heroic form dissolved into nothingness, leaving behind only green panties, a cruel reminder of his fall from grace. His face, frozen in a twisted expression of ecstasy, adorned the front of the undergarment, a haunting testament to his ultimate demise.

TimeGreen uttered one final, haunting cry. "I am yours... forever..." he whispered, his voice barely a whisper against the backdrop of chaos.

Mebiusa Megami, her laughter ringing through the chamber like a symphony of madness, savored in the sight before her. The supermodels, their gazes filled with wicked delight, eagerly approached the newly formed undergarment, their fingers tracing the contours of TimeGreen's twisted visage.

Amidst the haunting sight of their transformed comrade and the palpable darkness that loomed over them, the remaining Timerangers were gripped by a sense of profound despair. TimeRed, his voice choked with frustration and desperation, spoke words that echoed the turmoil within their hearts.

"We're lost," he muttered, his tone heavy with defeat. "We can't fight this... we're already defeated."

TimeBlue, his eyes filled with a mixture of anguish and resignation, nodded in silent agreement. "Our powers... our will... it's all gone," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper.

TimeYellow, his typically fiery spirit extinguished by the suffocating weight of their situation, could only manage a hollow laugh. "Before, we were champions, Sentai warriors of justice," she mused bitterly, her words tinged with regret. "But now... we're nothing."

The sight of their TimeGreen comrade transformed into nothing more than a piece of intimate wear for the supermodels struck the remaining Timerangers like thunderbolts. Shock and terror mingled on their faces as they grappled with the horrifying reality of their friend's fate. The twisted desires Mebiusa Megami had exploited left them paralyzed, unable to voice defiance or resist the dark influence that now permeated their minds.

As the helpless Timerangers stared at the living nightmare before them, a strange and unsettling desire grew within them. The supermodels' overwhelming presence amplifies their longing to be in such close proximity to the goddess-like beings. Frustration and panic gripped them as they realized the insidious nature of their own desires, knowing that they were spiraling beyond the point of salvation.

Unable to resist the intoxicating allure of the supermodels, the Timerangers found themselves clutching their heads in frustration. The once-unbreakable bonds of their heroic spirits seemed frayed and brittle, shattered by the overwhelming influence of Mebiusa Megami and her seductive minions.

Amid this turmoil, TimePink, her willpower eroded by the darkness surrounding her, succumbed to the same twisted desires. A faint whisper escaped her lips as she uttered her wish, "I want to be... a bra."

her initial cries of fear and desperation began to meld into a strange mixture of excitement and anticipation. Despite the dire circumstances, each wave of dark magic that surged through her being seemed to awaken a newfound sense of exhilaration.

Her voice, once trembling with fear, now echoed with an unsettling fervor as she embraced the transformation. "Yes... yes! I can feel it!" she exclaimed, her words tinged with a strange ecstasy. "I'm becoming one with them... with their power!"

The once-heroic TimePink, now consumed by the allure of Mebiusa Megami's dark magic, continued to vocalize her ecstasy with increasing intensity. "It's like nothing I've ever felt before," she cried out, her voice rising above the chaos of the chamber. "I'm... I'm part of something greater now!"

With each passing moment, TimePink's screams took on a new dimension, resonating with an otherworldly energy that seemed to transcend the confines of the chamber. "This is destiny," she proclaimed, her words ringing with an unsettling sense of conviction. "To be among them, to serve them... it's an honor beyond words!"

Her cries once filled with fear and uncertainty, now reverberated with an unsettling sense of bliss, a testament to the insidious power of Mebiusa Megami's dark magic. As the transformation neared its completion, TimePink's voice reached a crescendo of ecstasy, echoing through the chamber with a haunting intensity.

And as the final remnants of her heroic identity faded into oblivion, TimePink's ecstatic cries echoed into the darkness, a chilling reminder of the price of succumbing to the seductive embrace of evil.

The remaining Timerangers could only watch in horror as their comrade vanished into obscurity, her heroic identity erased in a cruel twist of fate. The gravity of their own desires and the irreversible consequences of Mebiusa's dark magic hung heavily in the air, plunging the once-heroic team into a pit of despair. The battle for their souls had taken a devastating turn, and with each passing moment, the darkness threatened to consume them entirely.


In the eerie silence that blanketed the once-heroic Timeranger base, despair hung heavy in the air like a suffocating fog. The heroes, their spirits shattered and their courage waning, stood on the precipice of their final defeat. TimeYellow's once-bold resolve now a flickering ember in the darkness cast a glance at his comrades, a silent plea for salvation in his eyes.

"We've fought so hard... but what's the point?" he muttered, his voice trembling with the weight of their impending doom. "There's no way out of this... no hope left for us."

TimeBlue nodded in grim agreement, his expression haunted by the specter of defeat. "We're outmatched... outnumbered... outgunned," he murmured, his words a bitter acknowledgment of their plight. It's time we accept our fate.

TimeRed, the stalwart leader of the Timerangers, cast a steely gaze at his fallen comrades, his heart heavy with the burden of their failure. "We can't give up... not yet," he insisted, his voice tinged with a stubborn defiance that belied the despair in his eyes. "But if this is the end... then so be it. We'll face it together."

As the heroes stood on the brink of surrender, a sense of resignation settled over them like a shroud, their once-indomitable spirits broken by the relentless march of fate.

the final moments of the heroes' downfall unfolded with chilling inevitability. Mebiusa Megami, her eyes gleaming with diabolical triumph, stood at the center of the chamber, her dark magic swirling around her like a cloak of shadows. Surrounding her were the alluring supermodels, their gazes filled with anticipation as they awaited the final act of the heroes' demise.

TimeYellow, his once-resolute spirit now shattered by the overwhelming power of Mebiusa's influence, stepped forward with a sense of resigned resolve. "I can't fight it anymore," she murmured, her voice tinged with a mixture of fear and acceptance. "I wish to be... a bikini."

As the words left his lips, a surge of dark energy enveloped TimeYellow, his form contorting and shifting as the darkness consumed him. With each passing moment, his transformation accelerated until finally, he emerged as nothing more than a vibrant bikini, a symbol of his submission to Mebiusa's will.

TimeBlue, his resolve weakened by the relentless onslaught of despair, followed suit with a sense of reluctant resignation. "There's no other way," he whispered, his voice tinged with sorrow. "I wish to be... a thong."

The dark magic responded to his wish, enveloping him in its sinister embrace as his form underwent a horrifying metamorphosis. In a matter of moments, he emerged as a sleek and elegant thong, his heroic identity lost to the darkness that now consumed him.

TimeRed, the once-indomitable leader of the Timerangers, stepped forward with a heavy heart, his spirit weighed down by the burden of his failure. "I can't go on like this," he muttered, his voice barely a whisper. "I wish to be... a lace lingerie bodysuit."

As the final wish echoed through the chamber, TimeRed was consumed by the darkness, his form twisting and contorting until he emerged as a delicate and intricate lingerie bodysuit, a tragic testament to the heroes' downfall.

The supermodels, their eyes gleaming with sadistic delight, wasted no time in claiming their prizes. With triumphant laughter, they adorned themselves with the garments fashioned from the fallen heroes, delighted with the newfound power that coursed through their veins.

Mebiusa Megami, her laughter echoing through the chamber like a dark symphony, surveyed the scene before her with cold satisfaction. "At last, the Timerangers are no more," she declared, her voice dripping with malice. "Their powers are mine to command, and time itself bends to my will."

As the echoes of her words faded into the darkness, a chill settled over the chamber, a grim reminder of the heroes' tragic fate. The Timeranger base, once a bastion of hope and justice, now stood as a monument to their defeat, its halls echoing with the mocking laughter of their enemies.

And in the depths of despair, the fallen heroes could only watch helplessly as their legacy crumbled before their eyes, consumed by the darkness that now reigned supreme. The battle for their souls had ended in bitter defeat, leaving them to confront the harsh reality of their own mortality in the face of overwhelming evil.

As the dark magic completed its transformation, the once-mighty Timerangers found themselves reduced to mere undergarments, each worn by a different supermodel who had claimed their power. Despite their humiliating fate, the newly-formed garments pulsated with frantic energy, their voices rising in a cacophony of manic adoration and worship for their supermodel wearers.

TimeYellow, now a vibrant bikini, trembled with a feverish zeal as he gushed uncontrollably in adoration of his new wearer. "You are my goddess," he exclaimed, his voice tinged with sincere devotion. "I exist only to serve you, to bask in your radiant glory!"

TimeBlue, transformed into a sleek thong, echoed his sentiments with equal enthusiasm, his words a testament to the madness that now gripped him. "You are perfection," he declared, his voice tinged with manic ecstasy. "I am yours to command, to worship at your feet for all eternity!"

And TimeRed, his form now a delicate lace lingerie bodysuit, joined in the chorus of admiration, his voice trembling with unbridled devotion. "You are the embodiment of beauty," he whispered his words a respectful homage to his new wearer. "I am yours, body and soul, to serve and obey until the end of time!"

The supermodels, their eyes alight with sadistic delight, enjoyed in the adoration of their newfound garments, basking in the power and control they now wielded over their former adversaries. With each word of praise, their triumphant laughter echoed through the chamber, a chilling reminder of the Timerangers' irreversible downfall.

And as the once-heroic base now stood as a monument to their defeat, the Timerangers-turned-undergarments clung to their new existence with a fervor bordering on madness, their sense of heroism crushed beneath the weight of their humiliation. In their endless adoration and worship of their supermodel wearers, they had become nothing more than pawns in Mebiusa Megami's twisted game, their former glory lost to the darkness that now consumed them.



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