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The Sport Rangers consider themselves a solid team. After all, they are star athletes in their civilian lives, so they know the true meaning of team unity. Yet, such a notion had no sense when they are lured to a particular eerie building filled with a seemingly endless maze. In the interminable corridors, their courage wanes, and their team bond fractures.

Can the Sport Ranger overcome the darkness that threatens to consume them, or will they succumb to the sinister forces lurking just around the corner?

PS: Another try of non-Toei, non-Japanese tokusatsu series! I don’t know whether you’re familiar with this superhero group, yet they interest me!

Special thanks to my loyal and royal patron friends:

大也 成吉

Ken K


Ty smith




Robert Terwillger

Diamond Serpent


Daniel K


Turning here, turning there, back to where they were, now even more desperate!

The city buzzed with anticipation as rumors of a new gym promotion spread like wildfire, igniting the curiosity of athletes far and wide. Among them were the vigilant Sport Rangers, drawn by the promise of unparalleled training opportunities whispered by the eager voices of young, muscular athletes. With its allure of transformative workouts and cutting-edge facilities, the Gymnasium beckoned to them like a beacon of possibility.

Approaching the Gymnasium, the Rangers were met with a scene of bustling excitement. Teen athletes, their faces flushed with the thrill of accomplishment, stood at the entrance like guardians of a forbidden kingdom, their enthusiasm contagious as they regaled tales of strength and success within the Gymnasium's walls.

One of the teens, a charismatic figure with a gleam of excitement in his eyes, stepped forward to greet the Rangers. "Hey there, folks! Welcome to the Gymnasium, where champions are made, and dreams come true! You won't believe the incredible workouts we've been having here. It's like nothing you've ever experienced!"

Ace (เอส) / Boxing Red, his interest piqued by the teen's enthusiasm, nodded in approval. "Sounds promising. We're always looking for ways to push our limits and improve our skills."

A keen observer, up (อัพ) / Soccer Yellow surveyed the scene with a critical eye. "What kind of equipment do you have here? We're looking for top-of-the-line facilities to enhance our training regimen."

Beaming with pride, the teen athlete gestured towards the Gymnasium's entrance. "We've got everything you need and more! State-of-the-art machines, personalized training programs, you name it! Trust me, you won't be disappointed."

Ever the optimist, New (นิว) / Tennis Green couldn't hide his excitement. "I've heard rumors about the Gymnasium's legendary equipment. Count me in if it's half as good as they say!"

May (เมย์) / Gymnastic Pink, her curiosity piqued by the promises of transformation, stepped forward. "To think of the heights we could reach, the feats we could accomplish. It's worth the risk."

Yu (ยู) / Swimming Blue, her eyes reflecting the glimmer of possibility, nodded in agreement. "We owe it to ourselves to explore every opportunity for growth. Let's see what this Gymnasium has to offer."

With a shared sense of excitement and anticipation, the Rangers followed the teen athletes into the Gymnasium, oblivious to the darkness that lurked beneath its facade. As they crossed the threshold, the air crackled with energy, stepping into a world where reality blurred and shadows danced.

The lobby welcomed them with open arms, its polished floors and bright lights a testament to the promise of greatness that lay within. But as they ventured deeper into the building, a chill settled over them like a shroud of darkness, and the once-inviting Gymnasium revealed its true nature—a labyrinth of deceit and despair.

The excited chatter of the teen athletes slowly faded into an eerie silence, replaced by the unsettling hum of uncertainty. The Rangers exchanged wary glances, sensing the subtle shift in the atmosphere—a prelude to the horrors that awaited them.

As they delved deeper into the labyrinthine corridors, the walls seemed to close around them, suffocating their senses with a palpable dread. The once-inviting Gymnasium now revealed its true nature, a maze of deception designed to trap the unsuspecting and devour their souls.

Ace's (เอส) fist tightened, his resolve unwavering even in the face of uncertainty. "Something isn't right here. We need to stay vigilant, watch each other's backs."

Up (อัพ) / Soccer Yellow scanned the surroundings, his instincts on high alert. "Agreed. We can't afford to let our guard down. There's more to this place than meets the eye."

New (นิว) / Tennis Green gripped his racket tightly, a flicker of unease in his eyes. "I thought this was supposed to be a simple joyride. This feels... different."

May (เมย์) / Gymnastic Pink's movements were charming, but her voice trembled with uncertainty. "I don't like this. It's like the walls are closing in on us, suffocating our hopes."

Yu (ยู) / Swimming Blue's gaze swept the corridors, searching for an escape route. "We can't lose hope. There must be a way out of this maze, a path to freedom."

As they pressed forward, the echoes of their footsteps mingled with the whispers of unseen forces, a symphony of dread that echoed through the corridors. The Sport Rangers, once drawn by the promise of greatness, now found themselves entangled in a nightmare from which there may be no escape.

the Sport Rangers now faltered as the labyrinthine corridors of the Gymnasium twisted and shifted, confounding their senses. Shadows danced along the walls like evil spirits, and whispers echoed through the air, unsettling the heroes to their core.

Ace, the team captain's usually unfaltering gaze now clouded with uncertainty, glanced around. "This isn't right. We've taken the wrong turn somewhere. Keep your eyes peeled and stay close."

Up furrowed his brow as he examined the shifting walls. "It's like the whole layout is mocking us. We need to find a way out, fast."

New spun around to face the Rangers. "Come on, team! We've faced challenges before. We can navigate this maze together. Strength in unity!"

May scanned the surroundings. "I don't like this. We can’t contact Dr. Earth or anyone outside.  It feels like the walls are twisting and warping in on us. Stay sharp, everyone."

Yu, the caring swimming veteran, looked at the endless twists and turns. "We need to find an exit. Let's not lose hope. Keep moving forward."

The Rangers pressed on, their initial resolve giving way to frustration as the maze seemed to mock their efforts. Corridors elongated, dead ends materialized out of nowhere, and false passages misled them at every turn. The once-clear path had become a shifting labyrinth of doom.

Soccer Yellow's frustration boiled over. "This is absurd! It's like the walls are playing tricks on us. We need a plan, fast."

The atmosphere grew heavy with despair, and the unity that once defined the Sport Rangers began to fray. Doubt crept into their minds, and whispers of distrust echoed in the dim corridors.

Ace, his patience wearing thin, shot a glance at Tennis Green. "Are you sure you know where we're going? We can't afford mistakes right now."

Tennis Green, defensive, replied, "I'm doing my best! This place is intentionally disorienting us. We need to stick together."

May, usually the voice of reason, said, "Let's not turn on each other. We're a team, and we need to find a way out together."

But doubt lingered, festering like a seed of discord in the once-unbreakable bond of the Sport Rangers. The labyrinth seemed to feed on their uncertainty, tightening its grip with each passing moment.

Gymnastic Pink hesitated. "I thought we were supposed to achieve victory, not get lost in the dark. This can't be right."

Swimming Blue added, "We need to trust each other. The maze wants to divide us. We can't let it."

As they delved deeper, the twisting corridors played tricks on their minds. Shadows morphed into fleeting figures, and whispers grew into eerie murmurs that seemed to emanate from the very walls.

Ace clenched his fists. "Stay focused. We can't let this maze break us. There has to be a way out."

Up, still scanning for an exit, muttered, "This is more than a maze. It's a trap. We're being led deeper into its clutches."

New, his optimism now tinged with uncertainty, glanced at the shifting walls. "I thought we were the ones in control. Now it feels like the maze is toying with us."

May, her voice echoing through the disorienting labyrinth, urged, "We can't let fear dictate our actions. We're the Sport Rangers. We find a way out together."

The oppressive atmosphere tested Yu's caring demeanor and whispered, "I don't like this. But we have to keep moving. There's strength in unity."

As the Sport Rangers ventured deeper into the labyrinthine corridors of the Gymnasium, the oppressive weight of the atmosphere intensified, pressing down on them like a suffocating blanket. Each breath became a struggle against the heavy air, and their movements grew more labored with every step.

Ace clenched his fists, feeling the relentless pressure. "Feels like I'm throwing punches underwater. This isn't just a workout; it's a nightmare!"

Up was strained to maintain composure. "I've faced tough opponents on the soccer field, but this... This is a whole different league. We're getting boxed in."

New, his optimism fading in the face of adversity, glanced around with growing unease. "I thought I could dance through any challenge, but this is like a dance with the devil. My agility isn't helping much here."

May, her gymnastic grace overshadowed by fear, felt the weight of hopelessness bearing down on her. "In the gym, I used to defy gravity, but now it's like gravity is crushing me. It's not the kind of balance I'm used to."

Her endurance tested to its limits, and Yu struggled to maintain her resolve. "Swimming against the current was nothing compared to this. The maze is like a never-ending lap pool, and I'm running out of breath."

As they pressed forward, the maze seemed to twist and contort around them, its walls closing in with each passing moment. Shadows danced along the corridors, casting eerie shapes that appeared to mock the Rangers' plight.

Ace's voice trembled with uncertainty as he struggled to find a way forward. "I've trained for speed and power, but this maze is making me feel like I'm moving through molasses. We need to keep pushing!"

Up's words were tinged with desperation as he fought to keep his fears at bay. "I've navigated tight defenses on the soccer field, but this maze plays a different game. We can't let it score against us!"

New was wrecked by doubts that crept into his mind. "Tennis taught me precision and quick reflexes, but this place is like a chaotic match. I can't seem to find the sweet spot."

May's voice was barely above a whisper as she struggled to make herself heard. "In the gym, I used to twist and turn effortlessly. Now it's like I'm getting tangled up in a web, and I can't break free."

Yu's resolve wavered as she fought to keep the flames of hope alive. "I've swum through rough waters, but this maze is like an endless tide. We must find a way to stay afloat, or we'll get swept away."

With each passing moment, the darkness seemed to grow more suffocating, its tendrils wrapping around the Rangers' hearts and minds, threatening to consume them whole. In the face of such overwhelming despair, their unity was tested like never before.

But even as the shadows surrounded them, the Sport Rangers refused to surrender to the darkness. They pressed forward with every ounce of strength they could muster, stubborn to find a glimmer of light in the labyrinth's depths.

A palpable tension hung heavy in the air, fracturing the once unbreakable bond of their team unity. Doubts gnawed at the edges of their minds, eroding the trust that had once held them together.

BoxingRed's brow furrowed with uncertainty as he glanced at his teammates. "Are we even supposed to be here together? Maybe we're better off on our own..."

SoccerYellow's steady voice wavered as he struggled to maintain the facade of conviction. "I thought we were a team, but maybe we were wrong. Maybe we're just holding each other back."

TennisGreen’s usual cheer was replaced by a somber tone. "I used to believe in us, but now... Now I'm not so sure. Maybe we're not meant to be a team after all."

GymnasticPink questioned everything she thought she knew. "We thought we could face anything together, but maybe we were mistaken. Maybe our unity was just an illusion."

SwimmingBlue’s resolve wavered and her usual warmth was overshadowed by doubt. "I thought we were stronger together, but now... Now I'm not so sure. Maybe we're just fooling ourselves."

With each step they took, the distance between them seemed to grow, their once-unbreakable bond stretched thin by the weight of uncertainty. In the face of such profound doubt, their unity crumbled like a sandcastle before the tide.

But even as their trust in each other wavered, a flicker of hope remained. Deep down, they knew that they were stronger together than they ever could be apart. And as long as that spark endured, there was still a chance that they could overcome the darkness that threatened to crumble their unity.


The walls seemed to come alive in the deeper parts of the labyrinth and pulsated with eerie energy as they recounted the heroes' past battles. Images flickered and danced across the stone, showing scenes of athleticism and power, but there was something twisted about how their past victories were portrayed.

Ace's courageous punches seemed feeble and ineffective, his movements slow and clumsy against the looming adversaries. Up's strategic maneuvers faltered, his plans unraveling in the face of overwhelming odds. New's agile leaps and bounds became awkward and uncoordinated; with moves nothing more than being stumbling missteps. May's refined spins and tumbles ended in awkward falls and misjudgments, her gymnastic prowess failing her at every turn. Yu's fluid strokes and dives became sluggish, and her endurance tested beyond its limits.

With each display of their past battles, the Rangers felt a growing sense of unease gnawing at the edges of their fearlessness. The maze seemed to revel in their failures, twisting their greatest triumphs into bitter reminders of their shortcomings.

Ace gritted his teeth as he watched his past struggles play out before him. "That's not how it happened... I was stronger than that..."

Up's voice trembled with uncertainty as he watched his strategies crumble before his eyes. "I thought I had it all figured out... But it was all just smoke and mirrors..."

New's optimism waned as he saw his past agility reduced to clumsy fumbles. "I used to be able to dance around any obstacle... What happened to me?"

May's heart sank as she witnessed her past grace replaced by awkward stumbles. "I thought I was invincible... But now I'm just... falling apart..."

Yu's resolve faltered as she saw her past endurance falter and fail. "I used to be able to push through anything... But now I feel like I'm drowning..."

With each passing moment, the weight of their past failures bore down on the Rangers, crushing their hardihood and sowing seeds of doubt in their minds. The maze seemed intent on breaking their spirits, using their own past battles against them in a cruel twist of fate.

The growing haunting images on the walls delved deeper into their past, revealing a stark contrast between their heroic personas and their civilian lives. The once-vibrant and mighty Rangers were now portrayed as mere janitors, condemned to the lowliest tasks in the shadow of the true athletes.

Ace was depicted scrubbing grimy toilets and emptying overflowing trash bins in a decrepit locker room. Up was shown mopping dirty floors and enduring the scornful laughter of athletes who towered above him. New became mocked and bullied while struggling to keep the shower room spotless. May, the graceful gymnast, was reduced to cleaning the mess left behind by others; her efforts met with derisive sneers. Yu, the endurance powerhouse, faced the humiliation of scrubbing moldy showers and enduring the taunts of those who considered themselves superior.

The Rangers were forced to witness their civilian selves subjected to ridicule and scorn, their lack of athletic prowess in their everyday lives laid bare for all to see. The maze seemed determined to strip away any remnants of their conviction, replacing their heroic personas with images of submission and servitude.

Ace clenched his fists, the humiliation etched on his face. "This isn't who we are. We're not janitors. We're athletes, heroes..."

Up's eyes burned with frustration as he watched his janitorial counterpart endure taunts. "I... I had a purpose. I wasn't meant to be someone's punching bag."

New's upbeat demeanor crumbled, replaced by a profound sadness. "I thought I could bring joy to others. Now all I see is mockery and disdain."

May's eyes glistened with unshed tears as she witnessed the humiliation of her janitorial self. "I used to soar through the air, and now I'm reduced to cleaning up after others."

Yu's usual strength seemed to waver as she faced the degrading images. "I've faced tough challenges, but this... This is a different kind of struggle."

The images on the walls mocked them, taunting the Rangers with the stark contrast between their heroic exploits and their menial civilian roles. The once invincible team found themselves grappling not only with the physical challenges of the maze but also with the psychological torment that threatened to shatter their spirits.

The malevolent echoes of their past adversaries took on a more sinister tone. Each evil athlete they encountered seemed to embody the darkest aspects of their fears and doubts, their voices dripping with venom as they launched their cruel tirades.

The violent boxer now leered at Ace with twisted delight, his words like daggers aimed at his heart. "You call yourself a leader? You're nothing but a failure, a pathetic excuse for a hero! You couldn't lead your way out of a paper bag!"

The soccer player of evil sneered at Up with a cold, calculating gaze, his words laced with malice. "You thought you were smart, didn't you? Well, guess what? You're nothing but a clueless pawn in a game you can't even begin to understand!"

The tennis goons scoffed at New with disdain, his laughter ringing hollow in the oppressive silence of the maze. "You thought you had talent? You thought you had what it takes to be a champion? Ha! You're just a joke, a pitiful excuse for an athlete!"

The bullying gymnast sneered at May with a wicked gleam in her eye, her words dripping with contempt. "You used to think you were special, didn't you? Well, newsflash: you're nothing but a has-been, a washed-up relic of a bygone era!"

The abusive swimmer glared at Yu with cold, unfeeling eyes, her voice like ice against Yu's skin. "You thought you were strong, didn't you? You thought you could conquer anything? Well, look at you now, trembling like a frightened child!"

With each cruel barb, the Sport Rangers recoiled, their spirits crushed beneath the weight of their adversaries' scorn. The memories of their former glory twisted and distorted before their eyes hidden by the heroic helmets, and transformed into grotesque caricatures of their former selves. The evil athletes savored their torment, relishing the sight of their victims' anguish.

As the vicious maze continued to assault the Sport Rangers with twisted memories and cruel taunts, a shadow of doubt crept into the recesses of their minds. The once-unshakable belief in their prowess as athletes began to erode, replaced by insidious thoughts that whispered of unworthiness and failure. The resolute bond that had united them was now strained under the weight of suspicion and distrust.

Ace found himself questioning his abilities. "Maybe I'm not as strong as I thought. Maybe I'm not fit to lead. Perhaps this mission was a mistake from the start."

Up grappled with doubt as he contemplated his past decisions. "I used to trust my instincts, but what if they've led us astray? Maybe we're not the heroes we believed ourselves to be."

New's optimism waned as he considered the possibility of their inadequacy. "I always believed in the power of positivity, but now I'm not so sure. Are we really heroes or just morons chasing an impossible dream?"

May felt a creeping unease. "I thought I had control over my movements, but now everything feels uncertain. Can I trust my own abilities, or am I just a pawn in someone else's game?"

Yu questioned her strength. "I used to endure any challenge, but now it feels like I'm on the brink of breaking. Maybe we're not meant to be heroes after all."

The glimmer of resilience that had defined the Rangers now resurfaced, but a toxic seed of distrust tainted it. Instead of drawing strength from their unity, they began to entertain the idea that they could be better off alone, each hero navigating the treacherous maze independently.

Ace's voice, once a rallying cry, now held a bitter edge. "We don't need each other. Maybe it's time we go our separate ways. We're not the heroes we thought we were."

Up's usually steady resolve wavered as he spoke words he never thought he would utter. "Our friendship was a weakness. We're better off alone. I can't afford to be dragged down by the doubts of others."

New's cheerful demeanor had faded, replaced by a sense of self-reliance. "Positivity won't save us. I'll forge my own path, away from the weight of false expectations."

May's charming movements were marred by uncertainty. "I can't trust others to catch me when I fall. It's time to break free from the illusion of team spirit."

Yu, who once drew strength from the team, now embraced solitude. "Endurance isn't a group effort. I'll face the challenges alone, free from the burden of others' weaknesses."

As the Rangers distanced themselves from each other, the insidious maze tightened its grip, exploiting the fractures in their unity. Little did they realize that the true strength they needed to escape lay not in isolation but in the unbreakable bonds of friendship and trust they had forged as a team.

The once unbreakable bonds of friendship among the Sport Rangers began to fray, replaced by resentment and bitterness. Each Ranger harbored a deep-seated belief that they alone deserved to escape the labyrinth, while their comrades were unworthy and weak.

Ace's voice dripped with disdain as he pointed accusatory fingers at his teammates. "If only you all had been stronger, we wouldn't be stuck in this mess! It's your fault we're trapped here!"

Up's usually calm demeanor cracked under the weight of his frustration. "I should have never trusted any of you. You're all holding me back. I could have made it out on my own."

New was scornful as he looked upon his former allies with contempt. "I thought we were a team, but I see now that I was wrong. You're all just dead weight, dragging me down with you."

Sharp, cutting words replaced May's gentle voice. "I used to believe in us, but now I see I was mistaken. You're all to blame for our predicament. I deserve to escape more than any of you."

Even Yu struggled to contain her anger. "I've endured so much with you all, but now I realize it was all for nothing. I deserve to be free of your incompetence."

In the twisted corridors of the maze, fueled by the evil influence that permeated the air, the Sport Rangers turned against each other with a ferocity born of desperation. Each one believed themselves to be the rightful victor, who deserved to escape while the others languished in eternal torment.

Their minds clouded by hatred and mistrust, they no longer saw each other as allies, but as obstacles to be overcome. Blinded by their selfish desires, they failed to see that true strength lay not in superiority or dominance, but in unity and team spirit.

With the Sport Rangers succumbing to the vicious maze's corrosive influence, their once-unbreakable team spirit was shattered irreparably. They parted ways with hearts heavy with bitterness and resentment, each choosing a different corridor in a desperate bid for freedom.

Ace strode down one dark hallway, his steps heavy with resolve but his heart heavy with regret. He knew that by forsaking his comrades, he was sealing their fates and his own. Yet, his pride and stubbornness held sway in the grip of the maze's influence. "I'll prove that I'm the strongest, the most worthy of escaping this wretched place. The rest of you are nothing but obstacles in my path!”

Up, his usual hardihood shaken, he ventured down another corridor, his mind clouded by thoughts of betrayal and abandonment. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was better off alone, that the others were only holding him back from his true potential. "I won't let any of you hold me back. I'll show the world that I'm capable of greatness, even if it means leaving you all behind in the darkness!”

New wandered down a third path, his spirit weighed down by the burden of disappointment and disillusionment. He couldn't bring himself to trust his teammates anymore and couldn't bear the thought of facing their judgment and scorn. "I used to believe in teamwork, but now I see that I'm better off alone. I'll carve my own path to freedom, leaving you all to wallow in your patheticness!"

May was filled with a sense of bitterness and resentment, chose a fourth corridor, her heart heavy with the weight of betrayal. She couldn't forgive her comrades for their perceived weaknesses or see past her hurt and anger. "You were supposed to be my friends, my allies. But now I see that you're nothing but weaklings, unworthy of my trust or respect!"

Yu walked down a fifth hallway, her resolve crumbling in the face of overwhelming despair. She couldn't find it in herself to hope anymore, couldn't believe that unity and friendship could triumph over the darkness that threatened to consume them all. "I've endured so much with you all, but now I realize it was all for nothing. I don't need any of you. I'll find my own way out of this maze, and I'll do it alone!"

In the twisted corridors of the maze, fueled by hatred and resentment, the Sport Rangers turned against each other with a ferocity born of desperation. They failed to see the true enemy lurking in the shadows, waiting to consume them all.

The further they descended further into darkness, the more Sport Rangers forgot the noble mission that had once united them. All that remained was the burning desire to prove themselves superior and emerge victorious at any cost, even if it meant sacrificing their comrades.

The corridors shifted and twisted around them, changing shape and direction with each passing moment. The ominous laughter of the labyrinth resonated through the lonely halls as each Sport Ranger chose their solitary path. The corridors twisted and turned, entwining the fate of each hero with the cold, unyielding darkness surrounding them. Little did they know that this separation marked not just the division of their team but the unraveling of their very essence as Sport Rangers.

And so, the Sport Rangers found themselves condemned to wander the endless corridors of the inescapable maze, their powers scattered and their spirits broken. Never again would they reunite their strengths; never again would they stand as a unified force against the darkness.

For in the darkest corners and hallways of the labyrinth, hope dwindled to a mere flicker, swallowed by the relentless tide of despair. And as the Sport Rangers disappeared into the shadows, their fate sealed by their own pride and folly, the maze echoed with the hollow laughter of triumph.



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