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Betrayal lurks in the tightening spandex, as an unsuspecting Turbo Ranger hero succumbs to a sinister equation. Can the remaining Rangers solve the mystery before the numbers add up against them?

This is actually the prequel for our fate Turbo Yellow Ranger story, focusing on the young Justin the Turbo Blue Ranger’s downfall due to the corruption of his own teammate. It is deliciously obese!

Special thanks to my loyal and royal patron friends:




Ty smith



Violet Fentenstine


Robert Terwillger

Matt Thomas

Daniel K


Serve me, boy!

The beach of joy and laughter now bore the oppressive weight of impending doom as Numbor, Porto's diabolical creation obsessed with "spooky math," unleashed chaos on the shoreline. The natural order of the serene location had been violently disrupted, turning it into an eerie battleground.

Responding to the alert, the Power Rangers Turbo – Tommy, the Turbo Red Ranger; Adam, the Turbo Green Ranger; Tanya, the Turbo Yellow Ranger; Kat, the Turbo Pink Ranger; and Justin, the young Turbo Blue Ranger – morphed into action. The once-vibrant beach party had morphed into a surreal spectacle, heralding an impending battle.

Numbor, adorned with unsettling mathematical symbols, reveled in the imminent confrontation. "Power Rangers, brace yourselves for the might of spooky math!" His malevolent voice echoed ominously, setting the stage for a showdown between the Rangers and this numerical terror.

As the Rangers prepared for battle, each underwent a lore-accurate transformation. "Shift Into Turbo!" they exclaimed, striking their iconic driving poses to activate the Morphing Grid energy from their morpher devices. With a united shout of "Lightning Turbo Power," they morphed into action, each clad in their respective colored suits.

The battle unfolded with a dazzling array of kicks, punches, and acrobatics. Numbor, hungry for chaos, exploited his unique power to alter the weight of nearby rocks. Hurling them with newfound heaviness, he caught the unsuspecting Rangers off guard.

Tommy, the Turbo Red Ranger, engaged a Piranhatron with swift swordplay. Blades clashed, sparks flew, and Tommy's witty retort echoed through the chaotic battlefield. "Looks like your math doesn't add up, Piranhatron! Time to subtract you from this equation!"

Adam, armed with the Turbo Axe, twirled and swung with precision. "Let's see if you can handle the wind of change!" he quipped as he unleashed a barrage of attacks against his Piranhatron adversary.

Tanya, embodying grace and agility, engaged her opponent with Turbo Wind Fire. Dodging and weaving, she taunted, "You're going to need more than numbers to catch me!" Her nimble movements left the Piranhatron bewildered.

Justin, the young Turbo Blue Ranger, displayed remarkable skill as he faced off against his adversary. The Turbo Navigator became a blur of energy as he maneuvered through the fight. "Numbers can't catch what they can't see!" he proclaimed with youthful confidence.

In the midst of the numerical chaos, Numbor interjected with wacky number puns. "Your odds of victory? Approaching zero! Time to subtract your hopes, Rangers!" His ominous and wacky dialogue added a layer of unpredictability to the already intense battle.

With a malevolent glint in his eyes, Numbor conjured ominous numbered rocks, each one a harbinger of doom. As the Rangers, unaware of the villain's sinister appetite, regrouped to face the emerging threat, Numbor hurled the rocks with devastating precision. The projectiles, once airborne, morphed in mid-flight, gaining weight exponentially. The Rangers, caught off guard by the sudden increase in mass, were struck with punishing force.

The Turbo Red Ranger, Tommy, was the first to feel the impact. The weighted rocks collided with his suit, sending sparks flying as the formidable hero staggered under the unexpected load. "What in the... these rocks are heavier than a mountain!" Tommy grunted, attempting to maintain his footing amidst the chaos.

Numbor, reveling in the success of his numerically enhanced assault, unleashed a sinister cackle. "Your interference has earned you a one-way ticket to the dark side of math, Rangers! Prepare to be crushed under the weight of your own demise!" The villain's voice echoed with malicious glee as he continued to manipulate the very fabric of reality through his malevolent math.

To escalate the peril, Numbor infused some of his Piranhatron minions with additional numbers, granting them an unnatural speed that surpassed the Rangers' defensive capabilities. The once-slow minions now moved with a frenetic energy, closing the gap between themselves and the heroes with predatory swiftness.

Turbo Green Ranger, Adam, found himself confronted by a numerical onslaught. Clawed Piranhatrons, propelled by the numeric enhancements, unleashed rapid attacks that left him defending against a flurry of strikes. "These Piranhatrons are moving faster than our Turbo Carts! We can't keep up with this onslaught!" Adam shouted, urgency lacing his voice.

Tanya, the Turbo Yellow Ranger, agile and precise, attempted to evade the Piranhatron assault. However, the numerical enhancements granted the minions an unnatural advantage, and her defenses were gradually overwhelmed. "Their speed is off the charts! We need a plan, fast!" Tanya urged her teammates, her voice betraying a sense of urgency.

But Numbor wasn’t done in abusing the Rangers. He had his own diabolical plan. Now, it involved separating Kat the Turbo Pink Ranger from her teammates. The Numeric Vortex materialized as a tornado of twisted numbers that spiraled towards the unsuspecting Rangers. As the vortex engulfed them, the once united Power Rangers Turbo found themselves thrust into a nightmarish dimension where the very fabric of reality was entwined with malevolent mathematics.

Tommy, the Turbo Red Ranger, felt the vortex's violent pull, tearing at his very essence. The world around him blurred into a chaotic dance of numbers, each digit a malevolent entity seeking to disorient and displace. "Guys, hold on! This vortex is messing with our minds!" he shouted, his voice barely audible amid the numerical cacophony.

The disorienting effect of the Numeric Vortex intensified as Adam, Tanya, and Justin struggled against the relentless forces. Adam swung his Turbo Axe in a frenzied attempt to cut through the twisted numerical winds. Each swing brought a barrage of hostile numbers, jumbling his surroundings. "It's like a nightmare of equations! Watch your backs!" he warned, the urgency evident in his voice.

Tanya's graceful acrobatics were rendered chaotic in the vortex. As she somersaulted through the air, her senses were assaulted by a barrage of malevolent numbers. "I can't find my bearings! This is worse than a math pop quiz!" she exclaimed, narrowly avoiding a storm of numeric anomalies that threatened to throw her off course.

Meanwhile, Justin, the youngest of the team, grappled with the unpredictable nature of the Numeric Vortex. His Turbo Navigator, a tool usually reliable in navigating challenges, became a source of confusion in this malevolent numerical dimension. "I can't make sense of these numbers! It's like they're playing tricks on my Turbo Navigator!" he confessed, the frustration evident in his voice.

Within the vortex, the Rangers' surroundings twisted into a surreal nightmare, where numbers danced and taunted, mocking the heroes. The very air seemed to resonate with the agonized screams of the Rangers as they grappled with the disorienting chaos.

Numbor, observing from the fringe of the vortex, reveled in the unfolding mayhem. His malevolent laughter echoed, blending seamlessly with the cacophony of numbers. "Welcome to my Numeric Vortex, Rangers! Let the chaos of spooky math consume you!" he gloated, his voice a sinister melody amid the tumultuous whirlwind of twisted numbers.

As the Rangers struggled within the chaotic abyss of the Numeric Vortex, their senses overwhelmed by the relentless onslaught of malevolent mathematics, Numbor reveled in the unbridled delight of their suffering. The twisted dimension became a stage for his sadistic amusement.

As chaos unfolded, Numbor fixed his malevolent gaze on the Turbo Pink Ranger, Kat. Entranced by her beauty, he seized the opportunity to isolate her from the rest. "Ah, the lovely Pink Ranger. A masterpiece for my collection!" Numbor gloated as he initiated the vortex's isolation protocol.

Kat fought valiantly against the relentless Piranhatrons, her swift kicks and punches a testament to her skills. However, the numerically enhanced minions proved formidable. The Numeric Vortex intensified, hurling rocks weighted with malevolent numbers towards the isolated Pink Ranger.

The Piranhatrons seized Kat, holding her defenseless before Numbor. "Your beauty will be enhanced by my special numbers, Pink Ranger," Numbor hissed as the Piranhatrons removed her helmet, exposing her to the impending horror.

Kat's defiant cries resonated, a stark contrast to the ominous laughter of Numbor. "You won't break me, Numbor! The Power Rangers will stop you!" she shouted, the resolve in her voice undeterred.

With sadistic delight, Numbor forced the evil numbers into Kat's mouth. Gagged and helpless, Kat's body convulsed as the grotesque transformation began. Her once-toned physique succumbed to the inflationary magic, and the spandex of her heroic suit strained under the pressure.

Meanwhile, the remaining Rangers battled against the relentless Piranhatrons, their movements hindered by the relentless Numeric Vortex. The chaotic numerical anomalies made every attack and defense unpredictable, leaving the Rangers vulnerable.

Tommy's voice echoed through the chaos. "We can't let Kat face this horror alone! Break free, Rangers!" His plea was met with determined efforts, but the numeric onslaught proved relentless.

Within the swirling chaos of the Numeric Vortex, the Rangers were ensnared in a nightmarish ballet of numbers. Each digit seemed to taunt them, fragmenting their thoughts and memories into a disorienting kaleidoscope of confusion. The once united Power Rangers Turbo found themselves reduced to shrill cries of agony as the malevolent mathematics wreaked havoc on their minds.

"Use your Auto Blasters and Turbo Blades! We need to cut through this madness!" Tommy's voice pierced through the numerical onslaught, the urgency evident in his strained command. The Rangers fumbled to grasp their weapons, struggling against the torrent of jumbled numbers that bombarded their senses.

Adam swung his Turbo Axe with desperate willpower, each strike attempting to pierce the twisted fabric of the vortex. "I can't... focus. These numbers... they're breaking us apart!" he shouted, the frustration evident in his voice as his blows landed erratically.

Tanya's acrobatic grace was replaced by desperate somersaults, attempting to evade the malevolent numbers that circled her like predatory vultures. "This is a nightmare! I can't even think straight!" she cried, the confusion evident in her voice as she narrowly avoided a barrage of numeric onslaught.

Justin, usually adept with his Turbo Navigator, found himself disoriented in the chaos. "My Turbo Navigator is useless here! I can't make sense of anything!" he confessed, his voice tinged with a mixture of fear and frustration.

As the Rangers struggled to maintain their composure, their collective will became a beacon of determination amid the disorienting whirlwind of numbers. With a synchronized effort, they brought together their Auto Blasters and Turbo Blades, aiming for a united strike against the vortex's core.

The moment of impact unleashed a shockwave that rippled through the Numeric Vortex. Numbers scattered like startled birds, and for a brief moment, clarity emerged from the chaos. The Rangers, their minds still reeling from the onslaught, found themselves confronted with a disheartening sight.

“I guess you scored higher than expected, not never good enough to pass! Hahaha!” With his plan foiled, Numbor chose to retreat from the battlefield. His twisted laughter echoed in the Rangers' ears as he vanished into the shadows, leaving them to face the grim aftermath of their battle.

In the midst of the dissipating vortex, the Rangers beheld Kat, the Turbo Pink Ranger, now transformed into a grotesque caricature of her former self. Her once-toned physique had succumbed to the insidious power of Numbor's numbers, leaving her in a state of morbid obesity. Spandex strained against the inflated mass, and her visage displayed an insatiable hunger.

"Hunger... more food..." Kat's broken words resonated through the shattered remnants of the Numeric Vortex. The Rangers, their resolve tested and their spirits shattered, shared grim glances as they realized the extent of Numbor's malevolent influence.

Numbor's sinister laughter echoed in the Rangers' minds, his voice reverberating with twisted satisfaction. "Numbers don't lie, Rangers! You're powerless against the arithmetic of despair. Enjoy your feast of regret!" His words lingered in the air as the team, burdened by both physical and emotional wounds, teleported away from the desolate beach. The echoes of their battle resonated in the fading light, a haunting reminder of the malevolent power that had left its mark on both mind and body.


The Power Chamber, a once bustling hub of teamwork and camaraderie, now hung heavy with an unsettling tension. Kat's condition, deteriorating with each passing moment, cast a shadow over the team. Her insatiable hunger for growth and food had escalated to a point where she posed a threat not just to herself but to anyone who came near.

In the main Command Chamber room, Tommy, Tanya, and Adam huddled together, their expressions reflecting the gravity of the situation. The holographic displays flickered with data, showing the disturbing progression of Kat's curse.

Tommy, the Turbo Red Ranger and team leader, couldn't shake the gnawing worry. "We can't let this continue. Kat's getting worse, and we're running out of time. We need a plan."

Tanya, the Turbo Yellow Ranger, shared Tommy's concern. "I've never seen anything like this. It's like she's possessed by some insatiable force. We have to find a way to break this curse before it's too late."

Adam, the Turbo Green Ranger, studied the data on the holographic screen. "Numbor's curse is no ordinary spell. It's messing with her on a fundamental level. We need more information, maybe from Dimitria or Alpha."

Their dialogue was charged with urgency, a reflection of the dire circumstances. Little did they know, in the healing room, where Kat was restrained to prevent any attacks, another layer of the tragedy was unfolding.

Kat's eyes glowed with an unnatural hunger as she wailed with an alluring voice, echoing through the room. Justin, the Turbo Blue Ranger, stood guard, wrestling with doubt about succumbing to Kat's influence.

"Justin," Kat's voice dripped with enchantment, "I'm so hungry, and only you can help me. You want to help me, don't you?"

The young hero hesitated, his doubt evident. "I... I want to help, but I don't know how."

"Bring me more food," Kat's voice commanded, her influence deepening. "I need to grow, to become more powerful. You want me to be powerful, right?"

Justin, caught in the web of temptation, felt the conflict within him. "I... I'm not sure."

As the Rangers in the Command Chamber continued their urgent discussion, the seeds of corruption were silently sown in the healing room. Unbeknownst to them, the shadows of control were tightening their grip on Justin, casting a darker hue over the already grim situation.

In the dimly lit sickbay of the Power Chamber, Kat, now bloated and grotesque, reveled in her newfound control over Justin. The once-confident Turbo Blue Ranger stood beside her, his eyes clouded with doubt and conflict. The room echoed with the sinister purring of Kat as she toyed with her unwitting servant.

"Come now, Justin," Kat cooed, her voice a twisted symphony of dominance. "A little service won't hurt, will it? Massage my weary body, dear servant."

Justin, still struggling against the invisible chains of influence, hesitated before reluctantly complying. He handed over the hamburger, and Kat's grasp on his arm tightened. With a forceful yank, she guided him to kneel beside her bed and start massaging her bloated form.

Turbo Blue's defiance echoed in the room, his words a feeble attempt to resist Kat's control. "This isn't right, Kat. You've got to snap out of it!"

"You're underestimating the power I hold, dear Justin," Kat moaned, her voice laced with a sinister allure. "Now, massage away the stress of this cursed hunger."

Justin hesitated, torn between his loyalty to his friend and the inexplicable compulsion to obey. As he reluctantly began to massage Kat's bloated body, the healing bay's sterile environment became a stage for an unsettling display of dominance.

"You were a hero, Kat. We can find a way to break this curse together," Justin pleaded, his words tinged with desperation.

Kat, however, reveled in her newfound control. "Oh, but darling, this is my destiny now. To grow, to consume, to be adored. You, my dear Blue Ranger, are merely a servant to my insatiable desires."

As the massage continued, the room seemed to close in on Justin. The once-confident young hero found himself ensnared in a disturbing dance of servitude. The hum of the Power Chamber's machinery served as an eerie backdrop to the unfolding scene.

The healing bay in the Power Chamber witnessed a disturbing dance of domination as Kat, once the valiant Turbo Pink Ranger, held Justin, the Turbo Blue Ranger, under her sway. With each stroke of his hands on her bloated form, the insidious influence of Numbor's curse tightened its grip on the young hero.

Justin's initial defiance faded into feeble protests, and eventually, into utter submission. As his hands moved over Kat's distended body, his resolve crumbled. The once-confident Turbo Blue Ranger became a mere puppet, succumbing to the dark allure of his transformed teammate.

Kat, reveling in her newfound power, issued commands with a twisted blend of arrogance and satisfaction. "More food, Justin," she demanded, her voice now a haunting echo of the heroic Pink Ranger. "Greasier, fattier. Feed your mistress."

Stuttering and no longer resisting, Justin bowed to her grotesque request. "I-I can't resist," he mumbled, his voice a pitiful echo of the brave hero he once was. "Must... serve... Kat."

He teleported out of the Command Center with a sense of grim resignation, knowing that he had become a mere servant to the insatiable desires of the cursed Turbo Pink Ranger.

The Power Chamber's healing bay became an ominous stage for Justin's downfall, his transformation from the valiant Turbo Blue Ranger to a feeble servant ensnared by Kat's corrupted allure. As his hands continued their reluctant dance across her distended form, a sinister addiction took root within the young hero.

The scent of Kat's sweaty, obese spandex-clad body became a toxic elixir that Justin craved. With each inhale, he was pulled deeper into the abyss of his new feeble existence. The once-fresh air of the Power Chamber now carried the taint of corruption, a musky aroma that mingled with the despair permeating the room.

Kat, reveling in the power she held over her subservient minion, took perverse pleasure in the tragedy unfolding. "More, Justin," she commanded, her voice a twisted melody of dominance. "You're drawn to me, aren't you? Embrace your addiction."

Stuttering and no longer resisting, Justin complied with her every demand. "I-I can't help it," he mumbled, his words a pathetic admission of his enslavement. "Your scent... I need more."

As his hands continued their unwelcome journey, Justin's descent into servitude grew more profound. The once-heroic Turbo Blue Ranger, now a shell of his former self, found solace in the corrupted musk that surrounded him. He became addicted not only to Kat's physical presence but to the intoxicating aura of darkness that enveloped them.

Kat, amused by the extent of Justin's submission, reveled in his every move. "You're mine, Justin," she declared, her voice dripping with triumph. "Submit to the addiction. Embrace your servitude."

The Power Chamber's once-pure air now bore witness to the transformation of a hero into a puppet. Justin's world narrowed to the confines of the healing bay, where he existed solely to cater to the whims of his corrupted mistress.

Unbeknownst to the other Rangers in the main chamber, the fracture within their ranks deepened. The echoes of Justin's servitude reached the ears of Alpha 5 and Dimitria, who exchanged solemn glances. The curse of Numbor to break the Rangers' spirit had found a potent ally in the form of addiction.

The realization of his own pitiful state struck Justin like a cruel blow. As he gasped and moaned, the weight of his feeble existence pressed heavily on his shoulders. The once-energetic and optimistic Turbo Blue Ranger had been reduced to a pathetic shell, ensnared by the corrupted allure of Kat.

In his warped mindset, Justin grappled with the bitter truth—he was just a kid. The older Rangers had always treated him with a sense of camaraderie and mentorship, but now he found himself gasping for air, drowning in the overwhelming darkness that surrounded him.

Kat who savored in the twisted pleasure of her dominance moaned with a mocking tone, "You see, Justin, your so-called heroism was nothing more than a child's fantasy. Embrace your new reality as my devoted servant."

Desperation colored Justin's voice as he stuttered, "No, this... this isn't right! I'm a Power Ranger; I shouldn't be your... your servant!"

Kat chuckled, her bloated form jiggling with sinister delight. "Oh, but dear Justin, you're no longer a Ranger. You're nothing more than my loyal attendant, catering to my every whim."

As Justin continued to serve his mistress with a fervor born of addiction, the healing bay became a silent testament to the triumph of corruption. The once-empowered Turbo Blue Ranger now existed in a state of pathetic servitude, ensnared by forces beyond his control.

Bound by the insidious enchantment of Kat's dominance, Justin found himself trapped in a never-ending cycle of servitude. The weight of his feeble existence pressed down on him as he acknowledged the truth—he was just a kid ensnared by an otherworldly power that stripped away his heroism.

With a heavy heart, Justin surrendered to his new reality. The once-mighty Turbo Blue Ranger was now a mere puppet in the hands of his mistress. Kat, reveling in the triumph of her corrupting influence, issued her orders with a commanding tone.

"Teleport, Justin. Bring me more of the delightful sustenance that fuels my power," Kat commanded, her voice dripping with the satisfaction of dominance.

Unable to resist, Justin succumbed to the compulsion. He hesitated for a moment, his internal struggle evident in the furrow of his brow, but ultimately, he bowed to the will of his mistress. With a resigned look, he activated his teleportation abilities and vanished from the Power Chamber.

As Justin reappeared in a fast-food joint, he sobbed in a defeated tone, "I'm just a kid... a pathetic servant now." The weight of his words mirrored the burden on his shoulders as he obediently acquired the grotesque feast for Kat.

The other Rangers were still unaware of Justin's plight and continued their efforts to counteract Numbor's curse and save Kat. Little did they know the tragic fate that had befallen their youngest teammate. His downfall was slow and agonizing.


Kneeling before his mistress, the sobbing Justin abandoned the remnants of his heroism. The once-mighty Turbo Blue Ranger had become a mere shadow of his former self, consumed by the corrupting influence of Kat's insidious power. His actions were now driven by a deep-seated need to serve and worship.

With a profound sense of submission, Justin pressed his lips against Kat's feet in a subservient kiss. The act symbolized his complete surrender to the dominant force that had overtaken his young mind. His heroism had been replaced by an unyielding desire to fulfill Kat's every whim.

Gazing up at her with eyes devoid of the youthful spark they once held, Justin uttered words of submission, "You are my mistress, and I am here to serve you."

As Kat reveled in her newfound control over Justin, a sinister plan unfolded in her calculating mind. She demanded more than mere adoration; she sought to turn the young Turbo Blue Ranger into a tool of betrayal against his former comrades.

With a commanding tone, Kat ordered Justin, "Prove your loyalty to me, my obedient servant. Lure the other Rangers into a trap set by Numbor. Let them walk into their demise."

Justin, in his pitiable state of submission, nodded obediently. His eyes, once filled with the innocence of youth, now reflected the darkness that enveloped his soul. Silently, he accepted the wicked task assigned by his mistress.

Teleporting out of the Power Chamber, Justin left to carry out Kat's malevolent bidding. The once-united team of Turbo Rangers now faced the threat of betrayal from within, all orchestrated by the corrupted puppetry of Kat.

Amidst the echoing laughter of the Pink Ranger, Justin moved to fulfill his mistress's commands, prepared to lead his unsuspecting comrades into the clutches of Numbor's sinister plot.



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