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Asuka, the last hope for the Abaranger team, falls into the ranch's trap. Drawn into the clutches of the malevolent barn, he faces the same filth-filled torment that consumed his comrades. The barn echoes with corrupted dialogue that orchestrated Asuka's descent into a fate worse than defeat. Will he resist the ranch's insidious control, or succumb to the same fate as his fellow Sentai heroes?

Special thanks to my loyal and royal patron friends:




Ty smith



Violet Fentenstine


Robert Terwillger

Matt Thomas

Daniel K


It’s harvesting season!

In a bizarre twist of fate within the confines of Hell Ranch, Ryouga, Yukito, and Ranru–the three core Abaranger Sentai heroes–were warped into a bizarre sense of excitement. They removed their Abaranger helmets as makeshift tools to scoop the mud beneath their feet. With an otherworldly enthusiasm, they consumed the filthy mixture with their faces and mouths soon coated in the repugnant goop.

“Hell Ranch, our muck paradise!”

Ryouga, his face smeared with mud and urine, raised his helmet as if presenting an offering, and with warped glee, exclaimed, "Hell Ranch, we willingly embrace your filth! Mud and urine, our symbols of redemption. We're willingly devoted to the stench and muck. City's cries are drowned out far away!"

"We're diving headfirst into this muck!"

“We're smearing our faces, our bodies in this depravity!”

A strange transformation overtook them. Their wild excitement for the mud and urine extended beyond mere consumption; it fueled a bestial desire for labor, a new role they were inexplicably excited to embrace. As the Abarangers continued their endless, backbreaking labor within the confines of Hell Ranch, the filth-soaked barn became a testament to their tamed devotion. Shackled and chained, they pulled, hauled, and cleaned with a peculiar hunger, their stuttering, excited dialogue echoing through the murky air.

Ryouga, beads of sweat mingling with the filth on his exposed face, exclaimed with a peculiar fervor, "Work, work, work! Hell Ranch's chains are our tamed allies in settling the debt.

“Clank, clink, clunk — our tamed carnival at Hell Ranch!” Yukito’s moves synched with the clinking chains as he nodded with a subdued grin, "No more heroics, but every tough task takes a chunk out of that mountain of debt. Gratitude's building up, slowly but surely. Let's turn this endless labor into our own gritty journey of thanks and responsibility."

Ranru navigated the muck and added her voice with a hint of gratitude, "Hell Ranch, talk about a wild twist. Debt's the challenge, and we're diving into it with each grind. Our thanks linger. This seemingly boundless labor, our deliberate journey of appreciation and duty."

The warped Abarangers toiled ceaselessly in their never-ending debt labor. The stench of filth and the clinking of chains became the rhythm of their existence. Just as the gloom threatened to engulf them entirely, a discordant melody pierced the air—their wrist communicators rang.

Ryouga, his face smeared with cried cattle feces and urine, glanced at the flickering device. "Well, well, look who's calling. AbareBlack, the unbeatable hero," he scoffed, sharing a knowing glance with Yukito and Ranru. The trio exchanged sly grins as evil subjugation took hold.

Asuka's voice emanated from the wrist communicator, concern lacing his words, "Abarangers, where are you? I've been trying to reach you. Respond, damn it!" His desperation hung in the air, unaware of the depths to which his teammates had sunk.

The corrupted Abarangers huddled together, Ranru suggesting a sinister plan. "Why don't we lure him here? Make him join us in eternal debt labor. Misery loves company, right?" Her eyes gleamed with the newfound malevolence that had taken root.

Yukito chuckled darkly, "That's a wicked idea, Ranru. He won't even see it coming. Let's bring him into this glorious trap." Ryouga nodded in agreement, the prospect of ensnaring their fellow hero bringing an unexpected thrill.

The barn owner chuckled darkly as he heard the dark conversation, reveling in the looming chaos. "Let the hero walk willingly into the clutches of Hell Ranch. Soon, he'll be just like the rest of you—indebted and broken."

The Abaranger trio initiated a false distress response, their voices laced with urgency. "Asuka! We're held captive at Hell Ranch. Hurry, we need you here!" Their false distress broadcast echoed through the barn, reaching Asuka's communicator with a deceptive urgency.

"He'll come running, thinking he's the savior," Ryouga sneered. "Little does he know, he's walking into his own muddy cage of piss."

Ranru's voice, now a sly whisper, added, "Once Asuka steps into this cesspool…”

The ranch owner, a sinister figure in a cowboy hat, grinned at the success of the plan. "Good, good. Now, summon your giant mechas to welcome him in. We'll make him part of the ranch family too," he ordered with a relish on the manipulation of the previously dominant trio.

In the barn, the Abarangers, their minds warped by the ranch's influence, eagerly complied. "This is our chance to level up our debt payment. Let's show loyalty to the ranch that gave us a second chance," Ryouga declared as they summoned their mechas.

Excitement bubbled within them as they leaped into the cockpits, eager to shoot down Asuka when he arrived. The corrupted heroes reveled in their newfound purpose, blinded by the false sense of loyalty and obligation instilled by Hell Ranch.

In the heart of Hell Ranch, the Abarangers' dark transformation unfolded, leaving behind the remnants of their former fearless selves. The barn witnessed their descent into villainy and stood silent and indifferent to the impending clash that would unfold with Asuka, the hero unknowingly walking into their trap.

the Abarangers prepared to enact their dark plan. The barn's atmosphere crackled with corrupted energy as the trio, now loyal servants of Hell Ranch, summoned their colossal mechas.

The once charismatic AbaRed, bellowed in a tone dripping with malevolence, "AbareRed! Unleash the power of darkness!" His voice echoed through the barn, resonating with the warped energy that had taken hold.

The corrupted AbareBlue, followed suit, his roll call laced with a wicked edge, "AbareBlue! Embrace the shadows that bind us!" The mecha responded to his call, its darkened aura matching the newfound allegiance.

Ranru, transformed into the devious AbareYellow, added her twisted touch, "AbareYellow! Serve the Ranch, our true master!" The giant mechas stood tall, a testament to their corrupted loyalty.

In unison, the Abarangers leaped into the cockpits of their colossal machines, the clanking of chains and the stench of filth following them even into the mechanical sanctuaries. The barn owner, hidden in the shadows, reveled in the success of his manipulation.

The mechas powered up with an eerie glow, their once-vibrant colors now muted by the dark influence that had consumed the Abarangers. As the colossal machines stood ready, the trio exchanged glances, their eyes gleaming with anticipation.

"No more fighting for an ungrateful world. We serve the ranch, and in return, it eases the weight of our insurmountable debt."

As their mechas powered up, the filth and chains inside the barn seemed to seep into the very core of the colossal machines. The loyalty to Hell Ranch pulsed through the Abarangers' veins, drowning any remnants of their heroic past.

AbareBlue’s sinister laughter echoed in his soiled cockpit of the soulless Bakuryuu Triceratops, "AbareBlack won't stand a chance. Once he's here, the ranch will claim him, just like it claimed us."

Ryouga's now-dulled AbareRed mecha cockpit became a mirror of his corrupted soul just like the others. The walls were stained with filth, and the air was thick with the stench of urine and feces. The once pristine controls were now smeared with grime, and the air was laden with the putrid smell of the barn. Yukito’s neck bore the throbbing brand of "Property of Hell Ranch," a reminder of the Abarangers’ inescapable debt. The heroic dino chest symbol on AbareYellow’s suit was now warped into Hell Ranch's demonic pig logo, a twisted emblem of her new allegiance. The same logo was branded on the trio’s forehead, erasing any trace of their heroic past.

Ryouga let out a smirk. "This filth suits us better, doesn't it? We were idiots who believed in friendship, teamwork, and all that nonsense, and now are paying the ultimate price.”

Yukito’s twisted words added, “We were so naive, so green. The cruel world doesn’t work that way.”

Ranru nodded. “We’re now sluts of the merciless farm, living a new life as lowly servants of its filth.”

The barn owner, monitoring the cockpit communications, chuckled with satisfaction. "Yes, my puppets. Lead AbareBlack into the heart of Hell Ranch. His fate is sealed, and the debt will be his shackles."

Ryouga, his voice now a distorted reflection of his former self, spoke through the cockpit's intercom, "Asuka, prepare to meet your fate. Hell Ranch welcomes you!" The barn trembled with the ominous vibrations of the awakened mechas.


As Asuka approached Hell Ranch, the landscape transformed from the familiar cityscape to the desolate surroundings of the ranch. Unbeknownst to him, the air was thick with a corrupted energy that would soon engulf him.

The communication crackled in Asuka's earpiece, the voice of his comrades resonating with desperation. "Guys, I'm on my way," Asuka declared, his heroic resolve undeterred. The promise of rescue filled each step as he ventured deeper into the ominous barn, guided by the belief in camaraderie and loyalty.

The barn's atmosphere was thick with an otherworldly aura as Asuka confronted the first challenge—a skirmish with the ranch goons in the filthy pig stables. The air was rife with tension as he entered, his eyes scanning the shadows for signs of the lurking adversaries.

As the first goon lunged at him, Asuka's reflexes kicked in, and he gracefully sidestepped the attack. "You think shadows can extinguish the light of justice?" he taunted, his voice cutting through the dimly lit barn.

The battle unfolded in a flurry of movements, each strike met with an equally skillful counter. Hay scattered in every direction as the combatants danced through the filth-streaked pig stables. "This won't be the end of the Abarangers!" Asuka shouted, the rhythmic clash of blows punctuating his defiant words.

His fists blurred in the dim light as he engaged the goons with a combination of kicks and punches. "Our bond is unbreakable, no matter the darkness you throw at us!" he declared, his words echoing off the barn's walls.

The battle intensified, shadows writhing around Asuka as the goons coordinated their attacks. The hero's dialogue shifted from proclamations of justice to tactical reassurance. "I've faced formidable foes before. Your shadows won't be the end of the Abarangers!" he proclaimed with resolve in his face hidden by the heroic AbareBlack helmet.

Despite his valiant efforts, the barn's shadows seemed to grow darker, and the goons more relentless. The air crackled with energy as Asuka continued to evade and strike. "Our light won't be extinguished," he muttered, the promise made amidst the chaotic dance of combat.

Outside in the dead of night, The Abarangers with their mechas poised for the impending confrontation, exchanged wicked glances. Ryouga, his voice thick with deception, radioed Asuka, "You're almost here, hero. Just a little farther, and you'll understand the real meaning of respect."

As the skirmish reached its zenith, the barn's dim interior became a canvas for the clash between heroism and encroaching darkness. "I'll find a way through this darkness," AbareBlack vowed, each word emphasized with a powerful strike. "Our light will pierce even the deepest shadows."

The goons’ mocking laughter echoed through the filth-streaked pig stables. "You really thought you could defeat the shadows, AbareBlack? How naive!" one of the defeated goons jeered, his voice dripping with malicious satisfaction.

The undeterred hero scanned the wreckage around him. It was then that the barn's roof was violently torn apart, revealing the monstrous arm of the Bakuryuu Gattai AbarenOh giant mecha. Energy blasts shot toward Asuka, who showcased his agility by dodging some, but two struck him with unrelenting force. The fallen AbareBlack was slammed into the filthy barn wall with his body leaving an imprint on the grime.

In his dazed state, Asuka gazed up to witness the colossal form of his Abaranger trio's mecha, now turned against him. Confusion and betrayal etched across his face as he wondered why they had seemingly betrayed him. "No... it can't be. Something must be controlling them," he muttered, attempting to comprehend the inexplicable turn of events.

Before he could delve further into his thoughts, the scene darkened as more goons descended upon him. Swiftly, they clamped an evil choke collar around Asuka's neck. The jolt of pain surged through him, and AbareBlack convulsed on the filthy ground, unable to muster the strength to resist any longer.

The goons dragged AbareBlack into a cramped standing pen of horror. The hero’s boots were half-drowning in disgusting cattle urine, feces, and mud that overwhelmed his helmet’s filtration system. Asuka’s head became dizzy from the battle’s aftermath and the stench.

As Asuka pounded on the unbreakable door, the Abaranger trio reveled in the twisted satisfaction of their comrade's captivity. Ryouga, his once-brave demeanor replaced by a vile glee on his dirty urine-soaked face, sneered at Asuka's futile attempts to escape. "Look at him, Ranru. The mighty AbareBlack was reduced to nothing but a caged animal. How delicious."

Ranru added with a titter that echoed throughout the dilapidated barn , "His pleas for heroism are pathetic. We've embraced our new purpose. He should join us willingly or suffer the consequences."

The wicked Yukito joined in, "Perhaps a taste of the collar will enlighten him. The ranch's debt is all-powerful, Asuka. Beyond our meek dino powers. Embrace it, as we have."

The despairing AbareBlack begged his former teammates to snap out of their corrupted state. "Ryouga, Yukito, Ranru! This isn't you! Remember who we were, the heroes who saved the world. We can still be heroes!"

Ryouga mocked Asuka with a malicious ridicule. "Heroes? The world has moved on, Asuka. We found a new purpose, a purpose that doesn't involve futile heroics. You're the one stuck in the past."

Ranru's eyes gleamed with a corrupted zeal and sneered, "Asuka, you can't escape your destiny. The ranch owns us now, and soon it will own you too."

Yukito's tone was twisted with newfound loyalty, "The collar is the key to enlightenment. Embrace the ranch's debt, and you'll understand your true purpose."

As Asuka continued to plead, the false memory of a devastating defeat began to seep into his mind. Images of failure, defeat, and an insurmountable debt overwhelmed his thoughts. The metallic collar throbbed with each pulsation, imprinting the false memory deeper into his consciousness.

Desperation laced Asuka's stuttering words, "No, this isn't real! We were heroes, we saved people. I won't accept this false reality!"

"Accept it, Asuka. The debt is your reality now. The ranch's victory over your failing Sentai hero career."

The relentless throbbing of the choke collar intensified, sending waves of corrupted energy surging through Asuka's mind. Doubt crept in, like insidious tendrils wrapping around his thoughts. The stench of filth permeated the air in his cramped pen, each breath a sickening reminder of his fallen state. The once-vibrant skintight heroic suit now clung to him, smeared with the filth that symbolized his descent into despair.

Asuka writhed and squirmed within the confines of the pen, the filth beneath him adding to the torment. The overpowering smell assaulted his senses, overwhelming the protective barrier of his helmet. His commanding AbareBlack persona was now tarnished with the filth seeping into the very core of his identity.

The false memory of failure and debt whispered to him, tempting him with a twisted reality. Images of defeat played in the recesses of his mind, each moment etching itself into his consciousness like a dark stain. Asuka, a warrior who once stood tall and proud, now struggled against the tendrils of doubt that gripped his thoughts.

His voice wavered with uncertainty. "No, this can't be real. I remember our victories, our triumphs. The ranch is playing tricks on me."

But the false memory persisted, its insidious whispers growing louder. The debt became a burning brand, searing into Asuka's mind. His memories blurred, the line between reality and illusion becoming increasingly indistinct.

The stench of filth permeated every inch of his cramped pen as a constant mockery of his fallen state. Asuka's heroic resolve wavered, and the whispers of the false memory grew louder, offering a tempting chance at redemption through endless labor to repay an unpayable debt. The ranch's insidious influence played on his deepest fears and insecurities.

"The Abarangers..." Asuka sighed, his shoulders slumping under the weight of uncertainty. "Have they all given in?”

His triumphal demeanor was now replaced by a heavy heart, and Asuka's doubt extended to his team. He questioned their resilience, wondering if they too had succumbed to the corrupted allure of the ranch. The thought of his comrades now embracing endless labor as a means of redemption, weighed heavily on his conscience.

"What hope do we have?" Asuka muttered to himself, his voice filled with a defeated tone.


As the shadows of doubt continued to engulf Asuka's spirit, an ominous machinery descended from the barn ceiling with calculated precision. Hoses and pumps, reminiscent of sinister milking apparatus, loomed closer, clamping onto AbareBlack's chest and groin. The barn's eerie silence was broken by the mechanical whirring and pumping, signaling a grotesque transformation for the depleted hero.

Asuka's eyes widened with terror as the machinery clamped onto him, restricting his movements and leaving him powerless against the ranch's cruel intentions. The metallic contraptions encircled his chest and groin, cold and unyielding, symbolizing his descent into a form of subjugation he had never fathomed.

"This... this can't be happening!" Asuka exclaimed in horrified disbelief, his voice tinged with desperation. "What kind of twisted torment is this?"

The hoses began their insidious work, pumping and sucking, treating Asuka not as a hero but as mere cattle, a source of something the ranch coveted. The vanquished AbareBlack felt his essence being drained away, his very identity stripped away with each mechanical pulse.

Outside the cramped pen, the corrupted Abaranger trio, now AbareRed, AbareBlue, and AbareYellow, reveled in the grotesque spectacle. Their laughter echoed through the barn, an unsettling chorus of amusement at their former teammate's torment.

"Look at him," AbareRed sneered, the corrupted emblem on his forehead gleaming in the dim light. "The mighty AbareBlack reduced to nothing more than a pathetic cow in the ranch's herd."

AbareBlue and AbareYellow joined in the mockery, their once-heroic symbols now warped into the demonic pig emblem, proudly displayed on their foreheads. The perverse satisfaction in their voices mirrored the ranch's influence over their minds.

"Serve the ranch, repay the debt," AbareBlue mocked, a twisted sense of duty evident in his corrupted tone. "That's all we're good for now."

The machinery continued its relentless assault, clamped onto AbareBlack's chest and groin, its unfeeling pumps and hoses draining him of his essence with unyielding devouring. Asuka's previously potent form was now a mere shell of its former glory, the grotesque contraptions distending his chest and udder-like groin, swelling under the relentless suction.

"No, no, this can't be happening!" Asuka gasped, his voice a panicked symphony of frenzied disbelief. The mechanical hum of the pumps drowned out his futile cries, amplifying the horror that unfolded within the cramped pen. The sensation was invasive, degrading, and utterly overwhelming.

The hoses clung to him like leeches, pulsating with an insidious rhythm that seemed to synchronize with the torment of his stuttering dialogue. Asuka's attempts to resist only intensified the anguish, his feeble defiance met with the unyielding force of the machinery.

He writhed and wormed in the claustrophobic confines of his pen, limbs contorting in desperate attempts to escape the relentless grasp of the pumping apparatus. Each movement, however, only served to expose him further to the cruel sensations, the torment etched into his face as if by the ranch's sadistic hand.

"Stop, please, just stop!" Asuka pleaded, his words fragmenting into a panicked babble. The barn's oppressive atmosphere, thick with the stench of filth, closed in around him as he fought against the overwhelming sensations.

In his struggle, Asuka reached for the hoses, hoping to sever the connection and free himself from the machinery's relentless grip. But his efforts only unleashed a surge of sensations that debilitated his once-sharp mental prowess. The jolt of pain and discomfort mingled with a disorienting afterglow, leaving him in a state of frenzied confusion.

"Aagh! My strength... it's being ripped away!" he cried out, his words laced with the agony of loss.

Asuka could feel the very core of his Sentai abilities being siphoned away, the machinery orchestrating the theft of his power with a vile rhythm. His heroic legacy which was built on valor and determination, was now reduced to a feeble struggle against the relentless machinery.

The pain, both physical and spiritual, tore through Asuka's battered form. He could sense the draining of his Sentai essence, his very identity being poured into the hoses that connected him to the insidious machines looming above. Each drop of his juice, once a part of his macho strength, now served as a grotesque offering to the ranch's twisted desires.

"I can't endure this! Not like this!" he exclaimed, his voice strained with the exhaustion of his futile struggle.

His Sentai heroism days were over, eclipsed by the machinery's relentless hunger for his essence. Asuka's despairing realization echoed within the confines of the barn, a testament to the ranch's ability to degrade even the mightiest of heroes. Outside the confining standing pen, his corrupted teammates observed with delight, reveling in the demise of their own powerful comrade.

"I... I thought we were invincible," Asuka stammered, his voice a mere whisper within the confines of the pen. "But now... there's nothing left."

The Abaranger trio, corrupted and twisted by the ranch's influence, lurked ominously outside his pen, holding jars filled with the extracted milk and man-milk that was once the embodiment of Asuka's strength. In a perverse display of mockery, they sipped the fluid before his cramped enclosure, a haunting act that extinguished any flicker of hope within him.

"Look at him now, reduced to nothing," Ranru jeered, her tone dripping with malicious delight. "A mighty dino hero, now just a pitiful source of ranch jizz."

Yukito, his features contorted by corruption, raised a jar of man-milk in a mock toast. "To the fallen heroes, forever bound to the ranch's service."

Ryouga added with a sinister grin, "Our destiny is written in this milk. We are the ranch's prized possessions now."

The cavernous barn echoed with Asuka's despondent realization. The world had lost another superhero team to the encroaching darkness, swallowed whole by the insidious machinations of the ranch. The once-vibrant Abarangers were now mere pawns, twisted into a commodity to fuel the ranch's malevolence.

In a final act of surrender, Asuka's stuttering dialogue resonated with the eerie silence of the barn. "I thought we could overcome anything... but this.. We belong to the ranch now."

As the milk-pumping machine relentlessly drained him, Asuka's voice became a monotone, robotic murmur. The spirit that once echoed with heroism and willpower now succumbed to the rhythmic torment, surrendering to the ranch's insidious control.

"I am... a commodity," Asuka's stuttering voice was devoid of its former vigor in the confined pen.  His tongue jutted out and his eyes rolled back in an ahegao as the machine harvested more of his seed. "No longer... AbareBlack. Just a... vessel for the ranch's... insatiable greed."

His words were stripped of any semblance of resistance and echoed within the grim barn. The Abaranger trio stood as corrupted witnesses to Asuka's degradation who enjoyed the robotic surrender with their filthy twisted grins mirroring the satisfaction of the ranch owner.

The machinery's cold embrace continued to extract not only Asuka's essence but also his heroic identity. The rhythmic hum of the pumps drowned out any remaining echoes of his previously indomitable spirit. The ranch, now the sole proprietor of his being, reveled in the triumph of reducing a hero to mere cattle.

Asuka's AbareBlack helmet which was once the symbol of his heroic identity was violently torn from his head by the claw-like machine limbs. In its place, a degrading latex mask with hoses was forcibly affixed, robbing him of any semblance of individuality. The hoses gagged him, ensuring compliance as his eyes were subjected to mind-numbing light play, eroding his previously keen intellect.

The machinery didn't stop there; Asuka's mouth was forced open, a cruel apparatus designed for the consumption of filthy nourishment. The ranch's relentless torment extended beyond mere physical extraction; it sought to obliterate every facet of his being, leaving only a shell of compliance.

As the hoses and mask took away his identity, Asuka found himself trapped in a nightmarish cycle. The prison of despair prepared him for yet another day of harvesting his milk. The ranch owner, a profiteer reveling in the misery of others, delighted in the thought of his company's stock skyrocketing with the entire Abaranger team under his control.

Through the agonizing process, Asuka's stuttering protests and defeated pleas were drowned out by the relentless machinery. The ranch's torment extended beyond mere physical extraction; it sought to obliterate every facet of his being, leaving only a shell of compliance. "N-no, please... I'm not just... a c-cattle," he pleaded, his voice choked by the intrusive hoses.

Between bouts of helpless gasps and stuttered protests, Asuka's attempts to resist were futile. The ranch owner, a despicable figure driven solely by profit and greed, reveled in his triumph over the disgraced AbareBlack.

"Ah, the sweet sound of the stock market rising with each drop of your precious milk," the ranch owner gloated, his tone dripping with villainous satisfaction. "You Abarangers were heroes, but now you're my most lucrative assets. The world will pay dearly for their saviors turned products."

In unison, the Abarangers who fought for dino justice and excitement now uttered their somber declaration within the confines of the barn. “Bakuryuu power is no more…”

Ryouga, AbareRed, strained to speak through the filth, "Ab... Abaranger, sinking in the muck." His words were muffled, drowned in the depths of despair.

Yukito, AbareBlue, muttered, "Ab... Abaranger, buried in the soil." His voice carried the weight of obscurity.

Ranru, AbareYellow, spoke through the grime, "Like fossils mocked by time's cruel gaze." Her words resonated with the bitterness of being a mere spectacle.

Asuka, the defeated AbareBlack, stuttered, "Ab... Abarangers are thrown-away bones erased by the relentless tide." His voice echoed the extinction of a powerful legacy.

The Abaranger now stood defeated and ensnared within the evil clutches of the sinister barn. The looming door sealed their fate, imprisoning them in eternal darkness. The heroes who had once battled against evil, dinosaurs clad in vibrant spandex, were no more.

The barn, with its filth-laden air and oppressive atmosphere, whispered the final chapter of their heroic journey. The demonic pig symbol on their previously commanding costumes now symbolized not heroism but enslavement. The barn door, closing with an ominous finality, condemned them to a fate of endless labor, filth, and the haunting echoes of a bygone heroism.

In the heart of the ranch, the Abaranger Super Sentai superheroes had become relics of their former selves, fossilized in time. The barn became their tomb, where the echoes of their heroic roll calls faded into the oppressive silence of eternal captivity. The world outside forgot them, and within the barn's suffocating embrace, the Abaranger ceased to exist, swallowed by the shadows of their own downfall.



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