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Someone left the freezer door open and the Rangers must fight to close it! Uh oh, what’s this? They instead become frozen food?
The Freezer Org might seem harmless at first. Clumsy at best, impotent at worst. But that’s the canon version. What if there’s more of this demon that the Wild Force Rangers thought they knew. As many monsters had their personal dimensions, why not Freezer Org?

This time around, the Rangers will be given a free invitation into the Freezer Org’s chill space!

Special thanks to my lovely and loyal patrons:


Matt Thomas


Shunsuke Hoshino




Red Nineteen

Daniel K




Time for some wild just-ice!

The Wild Force Rangers dodged the attack just in time. If not, they would end up like the poor tree behind that was flash-frozen in seconds. “He’s freezing things!” exclaimed the Red Ranger after his roll. “Guys, watch out!”

The second attack got them. The heroes felt their spandex costume stiffening by even a slight touch of the Freezer Org’s burst of thick fog. Using what remained of their strength, they hurled themselves to the rubbles. Their refuge wouldn’t last long as the monster rushed into battle with the other demons, Toxica and Jindrax.

A fight erupted between the colorful heroes and the Orgs. Going against Toxica, Alyssa the Wild Force White Ranger taunted her enemy, “Come on, Grandma!”

Her insult rewarded her with a whipping attack made of evil energy that struck her over and over again before ensnaring her. Alyssa gagged as the glowing tentacle wrapped around her neck. “Argh!”

“Time for you to learn how to respect me!” groaned the infuriated Org lady. The White Ranger was flung across the industrial road. Alyssa ended up hitting a crane scaffolding with such a force that she simply dropped unceremoniously on the concrete floor. The heroine squirmed as pain tormented her.

Luckily, Alyssa recovered before Toxica could give her the fatal blow. The monster’s staff was held by White Ranger’s claws. “What was that for?!” blurted the heroine.

“That’s for calling me ‘grandma’!” Toxica gave the White Tiger Ranger a double kick that sent Alyssa tumbling down to the waterfront.

The Wild Force Yellow Ranger fought against Jindrax. It was sword against dagger with both weapon’s blades producing friction sparks as they went against each other. The Org used its muscles to overwhelm the eagle warrior. But Taylor held on with her own strength. “Yellow is the color of fear. Do you feel the sweat running down your face there, Ranger?”

“At least I don’t look like a clown!” retorted Taylor.

The two freed themselves from each other, then rushed back in. The blades struck their bodies and left burn marks. But the Yellow Ranger managed to use the momentum to immediately launch her counterattack. “Soaring Eagle!”

Jindrax was caught off guard as the female eagle warrior came swooping and took him away. He screamed as they rammed against barrels and crates until Taylor decided to dump him against a cargo container. The Org still yelled as he burst into the broken metal doors.

The Red Ranger battled the big man of the week: Freezer Org. With his Crystal Saber, he charged against the bull-rushing monster. It was a bad strategy as his adversary simply slapped him with sharp claws. Two strikes and he was out, thrown into the glass windows of a nearby warehouse.

The Blue and Black Ranger rushed in to help. “Cole, are you okay?!”

Stumbling when assisted to get back up, the Red Ranger nodded. His fighting pose was imperfect.

The three spandex heroes didn’t have time to discuss their plans, if any. The Freezer Org already blocked the only exit. The monster opened his refrigerator door to unveil the cursed hole between his reptilian eyes. A burst of cold mist hit the Rangers hard.

“Argh, it’s so cold!” grunted Max as his movement began to stiffen. He tried to form his stance, but his muscles became increasingly hard to move.

“He’s…freezing us…” stuttered the depleted Danny as the Black Wild Force Ranger as his breathing became harder to take.

The Ranger’s spandex suit crackled. Frost formed all over their bodies, even blotting their helmet visors. Helpless, the three frozen warriors dropped on the concrete like statues.

The Freezer Org shut his door and rubbed his curving horns. “Ooh, I’m so good at this! Three Power Rangers flash-frozen like a bunch of mixed vegetables.”

It seemed like it, but it was a ruse. The three Rangers held on inside their motionless form. They waited for the monster to come closer. Max gripped his Shark Cutter tighter.

But fate was more sadistic to give them easy victory. The Freezer Org didn’t approach them. He instead opened his jagged teeth-filled mouth. “Let’s get you somewhere more cozy!”

The Ranger felt a strong tornado begin to pull them in. It was pointless to maintain the deceit now. Max threw his weapon at the threatening mouth.

The monster was hurt. The sucking air stopped. “So you’re just tricking me!” roared the angry Freezer Org. “All of you need to chill!”

The Rangers were bombarded by ice shards that exploded on contact. Freezing eruptions damaged their spandex and threw them to the wall, even breaking the warehouse. The battle went back outside, but it was clear who was winning this time.

The Wild Force Ranger boy staggered as they tried to create some distance with the Freezer Org. But their adversary was ironically hot on their tail. Like an angry bull, the monster assailed the Black Ranger before hitting the young hero’s stomach with his two powerful fists. He could hear Danny vomiting inside his helmet as he arched up from the impact. Another hit to the helmet sent the most powerful hero powerless on the ground.

Max attacked the monster from behind. He was a cowboy riding a rodeo as Freezer Org couldn’t reach him. Cole helped the Blue Ranger by attacking from the front with his Crystal Saber.

Mad, the Freezer Org jumped high before tumbling himself down. The Blue Ranger screamed just before he hit the ground first. The impact created a small crater. In its heart, laid the pathetic Ranger.

The demon only had the Red Ranger as the remaining pesky enemy. No matter how hard Cole tried to strike him, the Freezer Org’s body was simply too sturdy to be damaged by the Crystal Saber. A slap made the hero’ lose grip on his weapon. Then Freezer Org headbutted Cole with devastating force. “Hurgh!”

The Wild Force Red Lion Ranger was flung into the same warehouse before. This time, he hit the gas tanks so hard that they exploded. The whole structure erupted in a big fireball.

“Cole!” called out the Black Ranger. He couldn’t do anything. He couldn’t even get back up as his body surrendered to the pain.

“No…” mumbled the equally-defeated Blue Ranger.

“Now, where were we?” asked the monster as he turned around to savor his prey’s feebleness. “Ah yes, you’re about to make me happy!”

Freezer Org opened his diabolical maw again. Danny and Max immediately felt the pull again. They tried to claw the ground with their glove talons, but it was futile. The two Rangers’ attempt only left a long trail of material damage as they slowly got dragged across the concrete toward the black hole.

“I can’t fight it… It’s too strong!”

“No, Max. Hang on! Just hang-” Danny’s words were replaced by a panicking scream. The Black Ranger lost his grip and flew feet first. The hero let out an additional shriek of pain as the rows of jagged fangs gnawed on his shiny spandex costume. Both of his arms reached out at the monster’s face to hold on, but it was a hopeless cause.

More and more of the Black Ranger’s body was consumed by Freezer Org. First the legs, then the waist and stomach, then the chest. Danny called out for his friends who couldn’t help him before the young hero was slurped into the void inside. His wail faded into obscurity.

“That one fit for a big winter meal!” exclaimed the monster as he rubbed his bloated belly. His curving horns grew in size and majesty. He turned toward the depleted Blue Shark Ranger. “It’s your turn now, Blue Boy!”

Max crawled backward in despair. “No, no, please!”

But Freezer Org was indifferent to human emotions. What he cared about was only hunger. “Stop your pathetic whimpering and get in here!”

Max howled in sorrow as the same suction began to pull him in. “No, someone please help me!”

“No one’s gonna help your sorry little spandex ass now, Blue Ranger! You’re gonna join your friend as an ice sculpture in my personal icy lair for eternity!”

Like Danny before, Max the Wild Force Blue Ranger was devoured with a slurping sound. The hero could feel his spandex suit being damaged all over by the merciless sharp teeth inside the monster’s maw. The pain was unbearable even for a trained warrior like him. At the last second, he saw and tried to reach his Shark Cutter. “Just a little more!”

“Max, hang on!” called out Cole with his injured suit. Even the team leader was no longer in the shape for battle. But he got the Red Lion Fang armored gloves on. “I’ll save you!”

“Cole, help!” cried out his doomed teammate.

“Oh no, you won’t!” A sudden jerk made Max lost his grip on the weapon. He lost his grip on everything as both of his arms followed his body to enter the diabolical mouth. His gagging sound slowly disappeared into the darkness inside. “A double meal. That’s gonna be useful for long cold nights!”

“Damn you!” cursed the Red Ranger as he hit the monster with his Lion Fang gloves. Alas, he was thrown back by the weird elasticity of Freezer Org’s new bulging belly. “Argh!”

“You’ve arrived late to the party, Red Ranger. Even now, your friends’ powers are reinforcing me into something unstoppable. The best thing you can do now is to join them!”

The monster extended his arm to the sky. Dark clouds gathered above the industrial area before a hailstorm of golf ball-sized ice rained down on everyone. Not just the hurting Red Ranger, but also the Yellow and White Rangers as their adversary already got the warning beforehand. Taylor and Alyssa felt each hit across their spandex-clad bodies. Some of the bigger pieces even hit their helmet and visors, knocking them to the ground before more of the ice pummeled them. It didn’t take long before the entire Wild Force Rangers team was subdued.

Then the Freezer Org can continue to play. Laughing triumphantly, he observed the battered Red Ranger before him. “Not so fiery now, are you?”

“You’re… gonna pay for this!” cried out Cole defiantly even though he was barely able to speak. Furiously, he clenched his fists as if ready to punch the monster. But his Lion Fang gloves already left his hands. Worse, they were visibly damaged by the hailstorm and buried under a sizable heap of ice.

“What’re you gonna do to make me pay, Ranger? Cry with frozen tears? Hahaha!”

The insult struck Cole’s heart like a knife in the night. As much as he wanted to deny it, the battle was not going as the team wanted it to be. Then, something worse was heard by not just him, but also Alyssa and Taylor.


From inside Freezer Org’s gaping maw, faint howls were audible. Those were from their comrades inside. Danny the Wild Force Black Ranger and Max the Blue Ranger begged for release.

“Please, help us. I can’t feel my legs and arms anymore. He’s turning us into living statues in this frozen hell!” cried out the once-macho Danny.

“The ice is creeping upon us. It seeps into our blood and muscles. It is turning us into a part of this dead world!”

“Guys, hang on!” groaned the Yellow Ranger. But she couldn’t even stand up properly. Her tiger comrade was in an even worse condition.

“So cold… I will end up as a Freezer Org’s ice statue….”

“I can feel everything… I can’t feel anything… I am a sculpture…”

The crackling sounds overtook the Black and Blue Rangers’ voices. Then, Freezer Org’s har-har overtook that one too. “Don’t worry, Rangers. There’s still plenty of space inside my frozen globe dimension. All of you will decorate it with your lovely colors! Starting with you, Red Loser!”

The tornado came to grab Cole from Freezer Org’s mouth. The team leader desperately tried to fight it, but his aching muscles no longer had the fortitude to stand his ground. “Taylor, Alyssa, help meee!” cried the Red Ranger as he flew head-first into the vore.

The disgusting slurping and crackling sound of their team leader sunk the hearts of Yellow and White Rangers. They were nowhere near to help him and they were nowhere strong enough to do anything about it. Alyssa needed to kneel just to keep herself up. In the end, they were forced to become impotent witnesses of their captain’s demise.

As the last of Red Ranger’s boots were devoured, Freezer Org’s belly continued to bloat. His belch let out the usual cold mist along with some crimson sparks. He rubbed his stomach with satisfaction.

The monster took his time before approaching the remaining destitute Ranger heroines. “Looks like it’s just me and you now, Ladies. But before you join in the box, let me share the fates of your worthless boys.”

From his curving horns, twin electrical shocks struck the Wild Force Yellow and White Rangers. The two girls shrieked in intense pain as the monster forced a mental image that the would never forget.

Their minds were transported into a desolate world with a black sky. The ground was fully covered by a thick mist. There was no life, only barren shapes of trees and gigantic ice shards. Between all of them were the two frozen Wild Force Rangers. The Black and Blue Rangers were turned into motionless ice sculptures with their spandex suits partially covered with frost.

Before them, the Red Ranger tumbled from the sky. Falteringly tried to stand back up, Cole could only kneel before his former friends. “Danny, Max!” cried out the hero in pain.

His teammates couldn’t answer, but their eyes moved. Those were the only parts of the young heroes that were still moveable as they were trapped as living statues. Cole was not far away in the process.

“What the heck is this?!” shouted the team captain as he failed to move his legs. The frozen ground began to crawl up his spandex costume and pinned him where he was. “I gotta do something. Crystal Saber!” To his surprise, nothing happened. “Crystal Saber!”

The same failure, even as his fingers froze. The freeze creeped up and invaded more of his toned body. His abs were turned into petrified curves. His broad shoulders turned frigid. Finally, Cole’s tongue went numb and destroyed any more chance of summoning additional help. The Wild Force Red Ranger was turned into the same thing as his friends. He was forced to live the horrible fate as them too.

“Cole, no…” murmured Alyssa in defeat as the shock ended. There must be something the girls could do.

But the looming presence of the Freezer Org before them showed that the battle was already over. “I wanna do something different with you girls. I need something more personal than just some decorations. I want slaves.”

“I will never serve you, You Freak!” blurted the Yellow Ranger blatantly and without hesitation.

But the White Ranger was silent. “How about you, Dear Little Kitty? Would you be my servant?”

Taylor realized the gravity of their situation. The monster broke her team so much that Alyssa was in doubt about her heroism. “Alyssa, don’t listen to him!”

“I’m not asking you!” Freezer Org flicked his fingers and rain of sharp ice shards hit Taylor from all directions. Frozen needles left the female warrior squirming on the ground.

“Alyssa… Please, don’t…”

Alyssa was sobbing. “You already know what he is capable of. He got our teammates in that icy dead world. I don’t wanna end up trapped as a living statue forever.”

The Freezer Org cupped the lovely White Tiger Ranger’s helmet. “There, that’s more like it. Don’t ever stop being reasonable, my Silky Smooth Slut!”

In a flash, Freezer Org teleported behind Alyssa. The confused female warrior had no chance to escape as the monster’s fangs dug deep into her neck. His armored arms that held the Tiger Ranger’s body ensured that his prey wouldn’t go anywhere until the corruption was finished.

Blood dripped out of the double wounds. Alyssa’s helmet visor opened on its own to show her pale face. His eyes opened wide with terror as more and more of her blood was drained by the vampiric monster. “I am a worthless Ranger…,” mumbled the former heroine robotically.

“You were,” replied the monster while giggling. He then took away the fangs and left the Tiger Ranger slumping to the ground. “But now, you are more than that.”

“Alyssa!” Taylor basically threw her weakened body at her. She could barely shake her friend, but the White Ranger slowly opened her eyes. The Yellow Ranger instantly regretted it.

Those were not normal human eyes. The colors were reversed with the whites replaced by black and the iris with a strange silvery hue. The White Tiger Ranger immediately attacked her own friend. Hurting the Yellow Ranger, the corrupted heroine slashed her way using her claws.

Posing like a ferocious tiger, Alyssa pinned Taylor by placing her boot on her teammate’s neck. “Alyssa, please listen to my voice… Come back to me…,” begged the Yellow Ranger with dashed hopes.

Her friend was beyond salvation. Her tiger claws blackened into elongated talons fit for a bat monster. Alyssa grabbed her own helmet and removed it. Her new identity was now fully visible in its grotesqueness.

She was no longer the soft-eyed and kind-hearted Latino girl she was before. Alyssa Enrilé had been twisted into a pale female figure with black lips and seductive black eyes. Her skin was not only more blanched, but looked like frozen solid with small patches of frost.  When she gave out an alluring smile, her vampiric fangs peeked out. The corrupted Ranger licked her new monster talons. “I feel so cold, Taylor. It is as if my heart just froze and died. I kinda like it. Are you gonna tell me that this is not who I am?”

“He’s manipulating you. You are a Ranger. It’s your duty-” Taylor’s argument was cut when her former friend pushed the boot on her neck, making her gasp for air.

“You are always so pushy about duties. Ranger duties, hero duties, so boring. With my new master, I can have fun.” Alyssa traced the Yellow Ranger’s apparent muscular breasts and abs with her claws. “I want you to join me.”

“Alyssa, please-” Taylor’s words meant nothing anymore. The Yellow Ranger screamed and struggled as the former White Tiger Ranger of the Wild Force team sank her fangs into her neck. The spandex fabric had lost its power in protecting its owner and Alyssa’s corruption was easily injected into Taylor’s blood stream.

“Your blood tastes so good!” shrilled the vampire White Ranger as she stung her friend even more ravenously. The Yellow Ranger’s pounding on her back felt nothing more than gentle taps. Then, Alyssa removed Taylor’s helmet.

The head protector tumbled until stopped by Freezer Org’s foot. The monster stepped on the item as a show of dominance. Before him, the two former spandex heroines were in the last moments of their human lives. After this, there was only unflinching obedience. Freezer Org’s face was filled with pride as Taylor’s face slowly became pale and her lips blackened. It wouldn’t be long before the last of the five Wild Force Rangers became a part of his army. “Give in to the cold, Yellow Ranger. Let the ice freeze your soul. Hahaha!”

Alyssa removed her fangs while moaning. Her next step of vampiric evolution was the ballooning of her breasts. Even her spandex suit–now turned excessively shiny like latex–barely able to contain her new provocative rack. “There, there, Taylor. Let the last of your heroic mind seep into my bazooms,” flirted the former White Tiger Ranger as she suffocated the Yellow Ranger.

Her friend’s arms were no longer fighting. They were instead groping Taylor’s own yellow latex-clad body. Then, their master’s hand came.

Alyssa and Taylor both moaned hard as Freezer Org groped their chests. His intention was more than sensual. He was grabbing their power.

“Hahaha, what a nice souvenir for me!” exclaimed the victorious monster as he held the Wild Force Yellow Eagle and White Tiger Rangers’ symbols as two sparkling fridge magnets. He proceeded to fix them onto his belly, joining the other three, and triggered an energy cascade that empowered the demon tenfold. On the other hand, the two defeated heroines were visibly squirmed as the last of their heroism was drained.

The Freezer Org looked up to the cloudy sky. The Zords of the fallen Wild Force Rangers had arrived following his command. With his hands extended to mentally control the sentient giants, he forced them into the Wild Force Megazord Sword and Shield mode. Their singular combined mind was nothing compared to the monster’s domination.
With his two personal pets, the Freezer Org jumped into the giant mecha’s cockpit to take it over. “Let’s give those lovely children a brain freeze!” announced the monster as he controlled the Megazord to start trampling all over the city.

“So much fun! I can hear them screaming!” scritched the corrupted Alyssa as she let her ballooning breasts go boing-boing.

“I wanna drink their blood, Daddy!” squealed Taylor beside her with a similar arousal. Her talons caressed her shiny latex Ranger suit from top to bottom. Her inhuman eyes were as black and silvery as the night itself.



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