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Trapped with no exit! A killer breathing down your neck! A terrifying experience for all!

There will be some twists and turns for this second part, but the ultimate question is: Would the Wild Force Rangers team able to save their Yellow friend from the torment on screen or would they join them as part of a sick new show?

Special thanks to my awesome patrons:

Matthew Peers




Arthur Edward Kopellas



Joshua O’Neill


Matt Thomas

Dragonkingkj & Famousfox13


Shunsuke Hoshino

Marc Gantha


Matthew Peterson


Red Nineteen


Daniel K





Get your tickets now!




Danny was running for his life. He paced across the corridor of an abandoned horse stall on a stormy night. The wind picked up some of the hays and blocked his glasses from time to time. The loud thunder that lit up the black sky struck fear into his heart.

Of course, the creaking of the old wooden board behind him also made Danny jittery. The youngster hid in the corner. With his back on the plank, he panted. He opened up the Growl Phone. “To all Wild Force Rangers, anyone there? Hello? Dammit!”

Danny was sweating. He couldn’t get anyone from his team to answer the call. Something was very wrong with that place. He tried something else. “Wild Access!”

Danny posed. He held the phone heroically, but nothing happened. No Morphing Grid energy coalescing. No surge of power coming in. It was nothing. Danny Delgado couldn’t morph. “What is going on here?”

The creaking came back behind the wall. The young hero with glasses put his morpher back and leaned against the wood. He then listened carefully as the presence of an unknown individual could be heard coming closer.

The noise went further to the other side. Slowly but surely, it was gone. Danny breathed in a sigh of relief. “That was close…”

That was too close. A hand burst out of the old wood bar and grabbed Danny by the neck. Screaming, he was pulled back across the damaged structure to the broken hallway. He tumbled down until hitting a big plank. Realizing the horrifying situation he was in, the young hero tried to get up.

But his throat was choked by a strong arm in a glove. “That’s not possible…” gagged Danny. The one suffocating him was not a monster. It was the Wild Force Black Bison Ranger.

“Hello, Danny boy…,” said his evil twin with the same voice. “Surprised to see me?”

“Your-” Before Danny could say anything, he was flung toward the stall barrier. His heavy body smashed through it. He was left grunting on the floor.

“What’s that, Danny? I can’t hear you over the sheer pitiful existence you are in!” The Wild Force Black Ranger kicked him right in the gut. Danny squawked in pain at the pain.

“You… are nothing but a cheap copy!” snorted Danny even as his breath was leaving him. The response he got was a clean blow to the face. His eyeglasses was thrown to the hays with its lenses cracked.

“And you are nothing but an extra in this play, Danny,” The Black Ranger sat on Danny’s stomach and made him go oompf. The warrior’s legs pin the youngster’s arms to the floor. He adjusted his position to sit on the thighs. “Do you even know what you have gotten yourself into?”

Danny was terrified to see the Black Ranger taking interest in the lump on his pants. He squealed as his adversary simply grabbed his meat along with the fabric. “No… Stop!”

He was more terrified when the Ranger summoned the Bison Axe. He groaned in pain when his jacket and shirt were torn bit by bit by the weapon’s swing. The blades came dangerously close to harming him and actually made cut marks on his chest.

“Aren’t you excited to find out?”

Danny felt reprieve when the Black Ranger let go of his baton, but then he lifted the handaxe high. The boy with glasses could only scream in terror before the weapon stabbed his chest. Pain was an understatement as he felt life escaping his trembling body.

It was the end for him. He could feel his blood rushing out, his consciousness fading. The worst part of it was the view of the sneering Black Ranger. The warrior didn’t even care to sit on him anymore. His evil laughter filled the abandoned horse stall as he lifted the Bison Axe high along with Danny and impaled him on the wall. “You’re in a slasher movie, Danny boy! And there will be a sequel!”

As the final humiliation, the dying Danny was forced to wear a horse’s muzzle.

The entire scene was captured on camera. Camera Org laughed with Jindrax and Toxica at the audience’s row. “Prepare for Take Two, everyone!” ordered the venomous mistress while licking her own lips in satisfaction. “No one knows what deliciousness we can achieve if we repeat this beautiful scene!”

Screaming in ungodly dread, the butchered remain of Danny Delgado was easily brought back to life. Vigor returned the glisten of his eyes, dry blood flowed back to the closing wounds, and the character himself was forced to undergo disorienting rewinding.

“Action!” shouted Toxica, freeing Danny from the inescapable freeze that felt forever. The situation he was released into was not the most ideal either.

“What… Where am I? Guys!” call out Danny, but the eerie abandoned town was silent save for the blowing wind. It was dark and the rumbling noises in the air suggested a storm was brewing.

Danny explored the main avenue of the settlement. It was a typical small-town America with rows of shops and other commercial buildings on either side. The flags that were put on display were that the Wild Force team combined symbol, albeit upside down. “I don’t like this one bit…” Danny reached out his Growl Phone. “Wild Access!”

His transformation lit up the decaying shops around him for a moment. In a literal flash, the Wild Force Black Bison Ranger appeared. Through the same device, he tried to call his friends. Nothing but static from the other end. “Dammit!”

Someone was there. The Black Ranger heard running footsteps just around the corner. “Hey!” he called out, but no reply.

He rushed toward the source for that noise. He was confused that the town ended at the next intersection. What was in front of him was a ranch with a dilapidated gate and wind pointer. Danny summoned the Bison Axe and cautiously explored the farm.

At the end of a field of rotten wheat, he arrived at a house. It was not the only structure on the ground as there were also a barn and a horse stall to the right. He went into the house.

The door creaked when the Black Ranger pushed. Everything inside was dark and Danny’s logic told him that coming there was a very bad idea. But something pulled him inside. An urge that somehow told him that the Ranger could find the answer for everything inside.

Little that he knew a sinister figure could be seen lurking as visible through the cabinet and window glass reflections. It was even apparent on the Black Ranger’s Bison Axe blade. But Danny didn’t realize him.

He saw an eerie crimson glow at the end of the tight corridor. He carefully walked to its end. He arrived at the kitchen/dining room. “No… This can’t be…”

Around the circular dining table were four seats. On each, laid the corpse of different individuals. Each one of them wore distinct Wild Force Ranger costumes. The Blue Ranger, Yellow, White, and Red were there. All were dead. “Guys!”

The terrified Danny heard the resonating noise of a sharp blade behind him. He turned around just in time before the lanky monster ambushed him with a giant sickle. The Black Ranger managed to hold his assailant, but the brute force slowly overwhelmed him. At that proximity, he could see the details of the monster’s old video camera head, including his own reflection on the lens. The end part zoomed in and out violently.

Danny jolted the figure back before giving him a powerful kick to the chest. The camera monster stumbled one step, but no more. He was too powerful even for the most powerful Ranger. “Uh-oh…”

The slashing attacks came. Danny was able to dodge each, but barely. The sickle’s sharp blade easily destroyed the corridor wall and the kitchen cabinet. Shards of glass scattered across the tiled floor. When the weapon wasn’t enough, the camera monster simply grabbed the Black Ranger by the ass and threw him to the chinoiserie cabinet behind.

He was lucky to move away before the two sickles went down and split the glass cupboard into three parts. The shattering kitchenware noises echoed in the room. The camera monster roared in a strange, twisted electronic buzz. His head tilted to track the escaping Ranger before giving a short glow.

Danny tripped on his way to the kitchen’s backdoor. He looked down to see the most perverted scene of all: the Red Ranger corpse was holding his ankle. The dead body had already fallen from the sloping chair. With his other arm, the Lion Ranger grabbed the table stand to keep him in place. “You can’t go, Danny….”

“Let me go!” shouted the spooked Black Ranger. Crashing noises made him look. The other dead Rangers followed Red to fall from their chairs and came after him.

“You will join us in eternal pain of death!” shrieked the White Ranger. The previously sweet and kindhearted Alyssa had been transformed into a vicious zombie. She even hissed at her former teammate as she tried to reach for his leg.

They were decaying corpses, but even one of them was enough to bring Danny’s escape plan into failure. No matter how hard he kicked Cole, the Red Ranger wouldn’t budge. The Black Ranger screamed in horror as more of his former teammates grabbed him. Max held his left arm while Alyssa in his right.

“You are never worthy enough to be a hero, Danny. None of us do. We only worth to be rotting servants of him!” shrieked the dead Yellow Ranger as she hugged Danny’s neck into suffocation.

Before them all was the video camera monster. His slender form was partially concealed by the eerie red glow that seemingly illuminated the kitchen from everywhere and nowhere at once. The creature sharpened his sickles against each other. Then, he swung them.

Pain stabbed the Black Ranger. Danny screamed at the top of his lung as the pointy end of the sickle pierced the bison symbol on his spandex costume’s chest. He could feel dig in deeper and deeper into his body. The suit’s fabric itself twisted and contorted to follow the blade’s penetration. Black blood then showered out from the wound as Danny could only watch in horror while being held captive by his own teammates. He squealed like a girl with bulging eyes and tears flowing down his cheeks inside his helmet.

The torment was far from over. The camera monster swung his other sickle to puncture his abs. Danny’s perfect muscle was slowly being plunged by its sharp end as the Ranger could feel it dug into his stomach. Perhaps it touched the intestines, perhaps the kidney. It didn’t matter as all damage was tremendous. More excruciating pain to torture the hero.

Surprisingly, Danny didn’t give up. He defiantly blurted at the monster, “I can… take this!”

Then, the Black Ranger couldn’t take it anymore. His eyes went almost wide as the monster did something gory. Danny’s body seemed to burst an incredible amount of blood that sprayed his teammates. But he didn’t die, although he wished that he did by now.

No, the video camera monster took his time to split the two identities of Danny Delgado. On one end that was still kept in place by the dead Rangers was his civilian form: the youngster with glasses. On the other and being lifted off the ground by the two piercing sickles was the Wild Force Black Bison Ranger. The heroic form squirmed and writhed in visible pain as the monster brought him closer.

The broken Danny could only produce a gagging sound from the event’s shock. His eyes gave away tears as he witnessed his Black Ranger identity being forced to merge with the camera monster. The black bison warrior kicked and struggled and pulled, but in the end, he got painfully assimilated by the demon. It was a hellish experience to hear his own scream as the Black Ranger became a part of his enemy.

It was worse than that. His enemy was now the Black Bison Ranger. The sickles were gone in a flash. The demon finally spoke. “Death has come to your little town, Ranger. You can fruitlessly try to fight it.” He brought out the Bison Axe. “Or forever join it!”

The threat of real death gave Danny the boost he needed. He gave another kick to Red Ranger’s helmet. This time, it worked as Cole let go of him. He elbowed the Yellow Ranger with such force that it cracked Taylor’s helmet visor. Max and Alyssa were got rid of by solid kicks.

Sent off by demonic Black Ranger’s laughter, Danny escaped the kitchen. He simply barged through the backdoor and ran as fast as he could to the open space.

The storm was there and picking up winds. Strong gush blew up the rotten wheat at the field and created a tornado. Bolts of lightning illuminated the impossible skeletal face impression on the twister.

“Where are you going, Danny? Don’t you know that there’s no escape from Tartarus?”

A burst of mental images bombarded Danny’s mind. He had to hold his head as it felt close to exploding. In it, he saw the fates of his friends before being turned into undead minions of the monster. The demon easily defeated them one by one after separating them in a maze-like tunnel under the house. He used creative means to bring the Rangers their end, some were even comical like the way Taylor was pulled into an agricultural machine that completely flattened her body before rolling it into a round baler. The Yellow Ranger screamed in pain along the process until only her two arms were visible before those two were also consumed. The Red Ranger was trapped in a farm stall with a permanent milking cup fixture on his bulge. Cole tried to pull it off, but once the process had started, the hero was powerless to stop it until his entire body deflated into a skin and bone corpse. The mowings and harvestings for the Blue and White Ranger were not child-friendly sights either.

Disoriented by the horrid projections, Danny wobbled his way to the horse stall. He repeated the previous scenario where he rushed down the abandoned hallway and hid behind the old wooden wall. The Black Ranger got him and threw him back out.

In a blink of an eye, Danny was made to wear the humiliating muzzle. No longer able to speak audible words, he desperately tried to remove the fixed gag. A powerful kick sent the bound youngster out of the building.

Danny barely could stand back up. The sight his reddish eyes met when he did was the worst. The Black Ranger was prepared to finish him off, but not alone. The undead Wild Force Rangers summoned their individual weapons and combined them to build the formidable Jungle Blaster. The zombified heroes took their positions, including the monster as the Black Ranger. All of them gave off monstrous laughter as the weapon aimed itself at Danny.

“No… No… This can’t be my end… Please, no!” gurgled Danny with no more trace of his heroism.

But his pleas only made his dying existence more deplorable. His former teammates were now owned by the demon and none of them cared about him anymore. A burst of pure destructive energy rained down on the youngster. Danny could feel his skin, flesh, and bones charred and burned in a twisted reverse of the usual Power Rangers finisher attack.

Satisfied with the ending, the Black Ranger ordered his new minions to put down the Jungle Blaster. In front of them was blackened earth with smoldering smoke that was once Danny Delgado.

The whole scene was savored by their directors, Toxica and Jindrax. “I knew my decision to make this movie R-13 was the best! The finisher attack beats all creative slasher movie endings!” he exclaimed as his mouth was full with popcorn.

“Not gonna lie, that was delicious!” The female demon caressed her male counterpart. “But I’m bored with this genre. How about another one?”

Jindrax flicked his fingers. “No worries, my dear. What movie do you want? Crime? Action? Drama? High school depravity and slavery? We got all sort of stuff in our movie collection now that we have all the Rangers as our extra!”

The stage curtain opened again, this time revealing a group of TV screens. On each, different movies were broadcast. On each, the trapped Rangers were there.

On one show, Max was trapped in a baby chair. He tried to wiggle his arms free, but the coming gooey baby porridge fried his heroic mind into submission. The Blue Ranger then shamelessly soiled his diaper in mindless bliss.

On the other, a gym was shown and Alyssa could be seen flexing the muscles and pumping with heavy dumbbells. But that wasn’t the Alyssa everyone remembered. That wasn’t even a girl anymore as the former Wild Force White Ranger had been turned into a bulky and horny gym freak with muscles barely able to be contained by his straining spandex costume. Filled with testosterone and libido, Alyssa had become the perfect model for an abominable goop of “protein” shakes as advertised by the movie’s main villain.

“I looked so good…,” moaned the former heroine as she succumbed to the endless barrage of performance-enhancing drugs that penetrated his neck through the spiky choke collar. His trainer congratulated him on the good work today by slapping the butt cheeks where burned marks of a brand were apparent: PROPERTY OF BESTIAL GYM, Return to Owner if Lost. The mindless Alyssa continued, “Who needs to think if you can be a gym beast with this concoction! Buy now and be a beast forever!”

Flashback from the previous moments of the film showed the bulky White Wild Force Ranger cleaning the gym pieces of equipment and the toilet as well as being a beast of burden for the owner’s special chariot.

For the Red Ranger, Cole was in a Western movie. He wasn’t the hero nor the main supporting actor. He was instead one of the mining forced-labor slaves that were under the villainous gang’s overwatch. When one of the bandits took interest in him, he was forced to serve as his personal slave at the compound. Lost his way, the Red Ranger obeyed his new master even as liquid gold from the cursed mine was poured into his mouth. Instead of dying, he was turned into a living golden statue due to magic from the cursed mine but only on the inside. The former Red Ranger showed his golden tongue and mouth to the audience.

All of them drowned in their new TV universe. All of them no longer remember the real reason they tried to storm the theatre or why the Yellow Ranger was still had her successful career as a blank extra actress. For now, Taylor had to endure a script as a powerless female character that got abducted and probed by B-movie grey aliens.

“So much to choose! HAHAHA!” Toxica made a consideration. “Perhaps our viewers can just vote!”

Between Jindrax and Toxica, Camera Org saluted. The lens on his face aired the Ranger’s permanent predicament to the whole world. What’s more, was a mandatory voting system that was spread across the internet. Some people still believed in the Rangers while others already considered them as a simple nuisance. A quick vote on a specific movie genre that the monsters could inflict on the Rangers was a small price to pay to free their gadgets.



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