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Witness the Red, Yellow, Black, and Green heroes as they battle against impossible odds against the mushroom infection in the abandoned research facility, only to be caught in a nightmarish web of fungal horror. Trapped within the facility's labyrinthine corridors, their heroic spirits crumble as they succumb to the relentless advance of diabolical spores, their bodies contorting with seeping evil.

But will they find a way to escape their vegetative fate, or are they doomed to spend eternity as mindless thralls of the void that surrounds them?

Special thanks to my loyal and royal patron friends:

Tim Blackwell


Ricky Hartono






Marc Lange

大也 成吉

Ken K


Ty smith




Robert Terwillger

Daniel K


From heroes to to fungi!

In the dingy corridors of the research facility, chaos reigned as Red Falcon, Yellow Lion, Green Sai, and Black Bison fought valiantly against the onslaught of mushroom-infected zombies. Each member of the Liveman Sentai team was locked in their own struggle, their spandex-clad bodies battered and bruised as they clashed with the relentless minions.

"Yusuke, man, these things just keep coming!" Jou exclaimed, his voice laced with frustration as he delivered a powerful Lion Punch, sending a mushroom zombie crashing into the wall.

"I know, Jou! We need to find a way out of this mess!" Yusuke replied, his Falcon Saber slicing through the air with deadly precision as he fended off another wave of attackers.

Jun'ichi and Tetsuya fought side by side, their movements fluid and coordinated as they battled against the encroaching horde. "Jun, any ideas on how to deal with these things?" Tetsuya shouted, his voice strained with exertion as he delivered a punishing blow to a nearby mushroom zombie.

"I'm working on it, Tetsuya! Just keep them off our backs for now!" Jun'ichi called back, his mind racing as he searched for a way to turn the tide of battle.

But even as the Liveman Sentai heroes fought with all their might, the mushroom zombies seemed to grow stronger with each passing moment. And as the air filled with bursts of spores, threatening to overwhelm them, a sense of desperation settled over the group.

"We can't let these things beat us, guys! We have to keep fighting!" Yusuke shouted, his voice filled with willpower as he pressed forward, refusing to back down in the face of adversity.

As the mushroom zombies unleashed their devastating spore storm, the male Liveman heroes found themselves engulfed in a whirlwind of chaos and despair. The explosive force of the spores sent them hurtling through the air, their bodies crashing onto the cold, unforgiving floor of the nearby morgue with bone-jarring force.

Groaning in agony, Yusuke, Jou, Jun'ichi, and Tetsuya struggled to their feet, their senses reeling from the impact of the blast. But before they could catch their breath, their attention was drawn to the plastic body bags that lined the walls of the morgue, their contents shifting and writhing violently as if possessed by some unseen force.

"Sweet mother of..." Tetsuya began, his voice trailing off in horror as he watched in disbelief as the corpses inside the body bags began to stir, their lifeless forms contorting in unnatural ways as if eager to feast upon the flesh of the living.

"We've got company, guys!" Jun'ichi shouted, his voice tinged with urgency. He drew his weapon, ready to defend himself against the grotesque onslaught.

With a rigid sense of purpose, the Liveman heroes sprang into action, their weapons flashing in the dim light of the morgue as they unleashed a barrage of attacks against the newly risen morgue zombies. But even as they fought, they could hear the sinister laughter of the mushroom zombies echoing in the distance, their evil presence looming over them like a dark cloud.

"We need to take out these morgue zombies before they overwhelm us!" Yusuke shouted, his voice filled with steadfastness as he plunged his Falcon Saber into the writhing mass of undead flesh.

Jou and Tetsuya fought side by side, their movements synchronized as they unleashed a relentless assault against the encroaching horde. "We can't let them get the upper hand!" Jou exclaimed, his voice strained with exertion as he delivered a powerful Lion Punch, sending a morgue zombie crashing into the wall.

But even as they fought with all their might, the Liveman heroes could feel the tide of battle turning against them. The morgue zombies were relentless in their pursuit, their numbers seemingly endless as they closed in on their prey with unbridled ferocity.

"We need to find a way out of here, and fast!" Jun'ichi shouted, his voice tinged with desperation as he surveyed the chaotic scene unfolding before them.

But before they could formulate a plan of action, the hardened mushroom zombies finally caught up with them, their twisted forms lumbering into the morgue with malicious intent. With no time to spare, the Liveman heroes braced themselves for the inevitable confrontation, knowing that their survival depended on their ability to overcome the horrors that lay before them.

As the horde of hardened zombies descended upon them, the Liveman heroes found themselves utterly overwhelmed by the sheer ferocity of their attackers. Mighty cracking fists and numbing jabs rained down upon them, each blow sending shockwaves of agony rippling through their spandex-clad bodies. Unable to withstand the relentless assault, the heroes could do little but brace themselves for the onslaught to come.

Yusuke, Jou, Jun'ichi, and Tetsuya held on against the pain as they fought desperately to defend themselves against the unyielding tide of undead fury. But with each passing moment, the relentless barrage of blows took its toll, leaving them battered and bruised, their bodies covered in a patchwork of bruises and wounds.

The impact of the zombies' attacks was so severe that the heroes found themselves unable to contain the contents of their stomachs, their breakfast rising up in their throats before spewing forth into their helmets. The nauseating stench of vomit mingled with the metallic tang of blood, filling the air with a sickening miasma of despair.

"God, I can't... I can't take much more of this!" Jou cried out, his voice choked with agony as he struggled to fend off his relentless assailants.

"We have to keep fighting, Jou! We can't let them defeat us!" Yusuke shouted, his words filled with a sense of purpose even as he staggered under the weight of the zombies' blows.

But their efforts were in vain. No matter how hard they fought, the zombies seemed to possess an endless reservoir of strength, their unyielding assault pushing the heroes to the brink of exhaustion.

Jun'ichi and Tetsuya found themselves surrounded on all sides, their movements hampered by the press of bodies as the zombies closed in for the kill. "We're... we're not going to make it out of this, are we?" Jun'ichi gasped, his voice barely audible over the hurricane of battle.

Tetsuya shook his head toughly, his heart heavy with despair as he fought to stay on his feet. "I don't know, Jun... but we have to keep fighting until the very end. We owe it to Megumi and the others."

But even as they spoke, the zombies tightened their grip, their inhuman strength overwhelming the heroes as they grabbed them and spun them like ragdolls, slamming them against the unforgiving surfaces of the morgue. Tiles shattered, and structures crumbled under the force of the impact, leaving the heroes reeling from the sheer brutality of the assault.

Amidst the chaos and despair, the heroes could hear the mocking laughter of the zombies, their voices filled with hunger and malice as they taunted their prey. "More flesh for the feast!" one of the zombies bellowed, its voice echoing through the chamber like a death knell.

With each blow, the Liveman heroes felt themselves slipping further into darkness, their bodies battered and broken, their spirits on the verge of breaking. But even in the face of overwhelming odds, they refused to surrender, their determination to survive burning bright even in the darkest of hours. For as long as they drew breath, they would continue to fight, their defiance unyielding even in the face of certain death.

The atmosphere changed s the Liveman heroes stood their ground, their weapons drawn and ready for battle. But their confidence was short-lived as the hardened mushroom zombies closed in, their grotesque forms looming over them like dark specters of death.

With a sickening crunch, the first armored zombie lunged forward, its powerful fists crashing down upon Yusuke's Falcon Saber with bone-shattering force. The weapon splintered beneath the impact, leaving Yusuke staring in shock as the remains of his beloved weapon fell to the ground in pieces.

"No... not my Falcon Saber!" Yusuke cried out, his voice filled with disbelief as he watched his weapon crumble before his eyes.

Beside him, Jou and Tetsuya fared no better as the relentless assault of the armored zombies mercilessly crushed their own weapons. The Lion Punch gauntlets and Bison Axe were no match for the sheer strength of their assailants, crumbling like paper beneath the force of their blows.

"We're... we're defenseless!" Jou stammered, his voice trembling with fear as he stared down at the shattered remnants of his Lion Punch gauntlets.

Tetsuya's eyes widened in horror as explosions ripped through his Black Bison suit, tearing through the fabric and exposing him to the parasitic spores that now filled the air. The pain was unbearable, searing through his flesh like fire as the roots of the spores burrowed deep into his skin, spreading their tendrils with a relentless sense of purpose.

"Get them off me! Get them off!" Tetsuya screamed in his voice a frantic plea as he struggled against the agonizing torment that wracked his body.

But his cries fell on deaf ears as the mushroom zombies closed in, their laughter echoing through the chamber as they continued their relentless assault. With each crushing blow, the heroes were sent reeling, their bodies battered and bruised by the overwhelming force of their attackers.

Jun'ichi's heart sank as he watched his comrades fall one by one, their weapons destroyed and their bodies wracked with pain. He knew that they were outmatched, outnumbered, and outgunned, but he refused to give up hope.

The Liveman heroes found themselves caught in a web of agony and despair, their spandex-clad bodies battered and bruised, their minds clouded by the suffocating embrace of the parasitic spores. Within the confines of their helmets, Tetsuya, Jun'ichi, and Jou gasped for air, their faces contorted in agony as the spreading roots formed an evil mask, gagging them with mind-numbing spores that left them thrashing violently in their torment.

Muffled cries filled the air as the Liveman heroes struggled against their suffocating prison. "Get it off me! I can't breathe!" Tetsuya's voice was a loud, desperate scream, barely audible amidst the chaos.

The relentless onslaught of the spores drowned out Jun'ichi's pleas. "Help me! Somebody, please!" he gasped, his voice hoarse from shouting.

Jou's cries echoed a crowd of pain and despair through the chamber. "Make it stop! It's too much... it hurts!" he sobbed, his voice breaking with each word.

But amidst the chaos and despair, Yusuke, the Red Falcon, refused to surrender to despair. He rallied his remaining strength with steadfastness, his mind racing as he searched for a way to turn the tide of battle.

"This is not the time to falter, not now!" Yusuke's voice was a defiant roar amidst the chaos of battle. "We have to trust each other, trust in our power!"

With a heavy heart, Yusuke made a desperate decision, channeling the remaining strength of his friends into a single, powerful attack. With a mighty roar, he unleashed the team cannon, the energy coursing through his veins as he summoned the weapon's immense power. “BIOMOTION BUSTER!”

“We did it," he said, his voice relieved as his spandex-clad body became utterly fatigued. "We fought together, and we emerged victorious. And no matter what challenges lie ahead, we'll face them together, as a team."


The chamber fell into an eerie silence as Yusuke, also known as Red Falcon, surveyed the aftermath of their battle. The destruction of the armored zombies had brought a momentary sense of relief, but it was short-lived. A creeping dread began to gnaw at his insides, a feeling that something was horribly amiss.

His words were cut short as he felt something cold and slimy wrap around his face, tightening with an unyielding grip. Panic surged through him as he reached up to tear the cocoon away, only to find it stuck fast to his helmet, the roots binding him in place.

"No... no, this can't be happening!" Yusuke's voice cracked with disbelief as he struggled against the suffocating embrace of the roots. "I defeated them! I saved us!"

His heart sank as he realized the truth—the spore roots were still spreading, and now they had caught him. Panic surged through him as the sticky tendrils wrapped tightly around his face, encasing him in his Red Falcon helmet. Frantically, he tried to pry it off, but the roots held firm, binding him in place.

Jou's cries were filled with anguish as he struggled against the roots' suffocating embrace. "Somebody help us!" he screamed, his voice raw with fear. "Please, anyone!"

But as the roots tightened their grip, crushing their hopes and extinguishing their cries, the Liveman heroes knew the bitter truth. They were trapped, their fate sealed by the relentless advance of the spores. And as darkness closed in around them, their screams of horror echoed through the chamber, a chilling memorial to their impending doom.

Yusuke’s growing despair turned into sheer horror as he watched the cocoons encase his teammates, their spandex-clad bodies becoming rigid statues trapped in a nightmare. "This can't be... no, no!" he cried out, his voice filled with disbelief and denial. "We're Liveman! We can't go down like this!"

Beside him, Jun'ichi, Tetsuya, and Jou struggled against the suffocating embrace of their cocoons, their mouths gaping open in desperate attempts to draw in air. But the foul stench of decay and spores filled their lungs, choking them with every breath.

"Jou! Tetsuya! Jun'ichi!" Yusuke's screams grew louder as he watched his friends succumb to the same fate. "Hold on!”

Beside him, his teammates' voices rose in a noise of terror as they, too, felt the creeping embrace of the darkness. Jun'ichi's cries echoed with disbelief, a desperate acknowledgment of their descent into hell. "This is hell! We failed to see it before!"

Tetsuya's fists pounded against the walls of his cocoon, and each blow a futile attempt to break free from the suffocating darkness. "We can't escape!" he roared, his voice laced with frustration and despair. "These roots are crushing us!"

Meanwhile, Jou's screams echoed off the chamber walls, a haunting hurricane of fear and desperation. "The roots won't let go!" he cried, his voice choked with anguish. "We're trapped in our own bodies!"

As the suffocating embrace of the spore roots tightened around them, the Liveman heroes writhed in agony, their bodies contorting and twisting in grotesque ways. Yusuke's once-strong limbs now convulsed uncontrollably, his muscles spasming as if rebelling against the relentless grip of the darkness.

Beside him, Jun'ichi's cries grew more frantic, his voice a desperate plea for salvation amidst the encroaching nightmare. "It's consuming us!" he wailed, his words choked with despair. "We're becoming... something else!"

Tetsuya's futile attempts to break free only seemed to exacerbate their plight. His fists pound against the unyielding confines of their skintight suits. "I can't... I can't breathe!" he gasped, his voice strained with the effort. It's like... like drowning!"

Meanwhile, Jou's screams echoed off the chamber walls, a harrowing clamor of anguish that resounded through the darkness. "We're losing ourselves!" he shrieked, his voice tinged with horror. "There's no... no going back!"

As the transformation continued its relentless advance, the Liveman heroes felt their very essence being twisted and distorted, their bodies no longer their own. Yusuke's limbs elongated unnaturally, his skin taking on a sickly hue as it melded with the encroaching darkness. Jun'ichi's once-vibrant features contorted into a grotesque parody of their former selves, his eyes wide with terror as he struggled against the inevitable. Tetsuya's body convulsed with violent spasms, his muscles bulging and contorting as they fought against the relentless onslaught of the spore roots. And Jou, his screams now reduced to desperate gasps for air, felt his very identity slipping away as the darkness consumed him.

As the transformation reached its horrifying climax, the Liveman heroes were consumed by a crowd of ecstatic screams, their voices echoing through the dark chamber.

Yusuke's once-heroic resolve crumbled beneath the weight of the darkness, his voice rising to a fevered pitch as he surrendered to the transformative power of the spores. "Yes!" he bellowed, his words reverberating off the walls. "Closer... Closer to becoming one with it all!"

Beside him, Jun'ichi's eyes gleamed with an unholy fervor, his movements jerky and erratic as he surrendered to the transformative power of the spores. "This is it!" he roared, his laughter echoing through the chamber. "No more worries! No more fears! Just... bliss!"

Tetsuya's once-clear mind was now awash with a noise of sensations, his senses overwhelmed by the intoxicating allure of the mushroom. "I can feel it!" he shouted, his voice rising above the chaos. "The ecstasy... The ecstasy of becoming!"

Meanwhile, Jou's laughter echoed through the chamber, and a blizzard of joy and madness echoed off the walls. "Isn't it beautiful?" he exclaimed, his voice booming excitedly. "To be... to be part of something so... so...!"

As their rubbery half-mushroom forms writhed and wobbled, the Liveman heroes were oblivious to the horror of their transformation, lost in a crowd of ecstatic screams that filled the chamber with their unholy clamor. Each movement brought them closer to their ultimate destiny, their voices rising to a crescendo of ecstasy and anticipation.

But as the mushroom cap slowly began to sprout from their helmets, their final descent into madness was complete. With each passing moment, their screams grew louder, their voices blending together in a nightmarish storm of euphoria and despair.


When the transformation into mushroom-shaped entities reached its dreadful conclusion, the former Liveman heroes were overcome with a perverse sense of joy and ecstasy, their voices blending together in a chaotic noise of euphoria.

"Ha ha! Yes, this is it! So... so good!" Yusuke's words tumbled out in a disjointed blur, his voice a twisted echo of his former self. "Feels... feels like... like freedom!"

Beside him, Jun'ichi's laughter echoed through the chamber, a clamor of madness and glee. "Yes! Yes! Can't... can't stop! More... more mushroom!"

Tetsuya's voice was barely intelligible amidst the chaos, his words a jumbled mess of excitement and delirium. "We... we are... we are one! Liveman... Liveman no more!"

Meanwhile, Jou's cries of joy echoed off the chamber walls, his voice a distorted echo of his former self. "Look... look at us! Beautiful... beautiful mushrooms!"

But as the last remnants of their former selves faded away, replaced by the empty euphoria of their fungal forms, the Liveman heroes felt a profound sense of emptiness wash over them. No more chance, no more hope, no more purpose. They were adrift in a sea of confusion, their minds clouded by the remnants of their former selves.

"We... we did it," Yusuke muttered, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "But... but what now? Who... who are we?"

Jun'ichi's laughter faltered, replaced by a sense of bewilderment. "I... I don't know," he admitted, his voice barely a whisper. "I feel... empty."

Tetsuya's excitement gave way to a profound sense of loss. "We were something else... once," he mumbled, his words tinged with regret. "But now... now we're nothing."

Jou's cries grew fainter as confusion clouded his mind. "I... I don't understand," he whispered, his voice barely audible.

And then, the true culprit behind their twisted transformation emerged from the shadows. A brutal, brutish mushroom monster loomed over the helpless former heroes, his grotesque form a stark contrast to their twisted shapes.

"Well, well, well," the mushroom monster sneered, his voice choked with heartlessness. How delightful it is to see you in such a... malleable state."

As the vile mushroom monster slithered into the chamber, its grotesque form casting long, twisted shadows across the walls, a sense of dread descended upon the former Liveman heroes. They could feel its evil presence, like icy fingers creeping up their spore-infested spines.

With a guttural growl, the monstrous entity seized each mushroom-shaped hero in its slimy grip, its jagged claws tearing into their rubbery flesh with brutal force. "Ah, my dear Liveman mushrooms," it sneered, relishing in their cries of agony. "How delightful it is to see you in such a... malleable state."

Yusuke's protests were drowned out by the sickening crunch of the creature's claws digging into his rubbery form. "Wh-what's... happening to us?" he stammered, his voice tinged with confusion and fear.

Jun'ichi's eyes widened in horror as the mushroom monster's claws gouged into his mushroom-shaped body, leaving trails of viscous slime in their wake. "I... I don't understand," he murmured, his voice barely audible over the sound of his own anguish. "We were... we were strong..."

Tetsuya's attempts to break free from the creature's grasp were met with a vicious jab from its razor-sharp claws, sending waves of pain coursing through his mushroom-like form. "This... this can't be real," he muttered, his voice trembling with disbelief. "We fought... for what? This?"

As the former Liveman heroes struggled against their captor, their voices echoed with confusion and emptiness, their once-determined spirits now shattered by the cruel reality of their situation. They were lost, adrift in a sea of darkness and despair, their hopes and dreams reduced to nothing more than twisted echoes of their former selves.

He reached out and fondled the rubbery structures of the Liveman heroes, his touch sending shivers of disgust through their fungal forms. "You see, my dear mushrooms," he taunted, his voice laced with malice. "You are no longer heroes. You are commodities now, valuable assets to be sold to the highest bidder."

The Liveman heroes could only watch in horror as the mushroom monster revealed his sinister plan. "You see, I've developed a vaccine from the spores of creatures like you," he boasted, his voice oozing with greed. "And soon, mankind will be hooked, addicted to my mushroom vaccine out of fear of the spore infection."

As the towering mushroom monster surveys its domain, its gaze falls upon the rooted mushroom replicas of the Liveman Sentai heroes with a twisted delight. With a voice pure evil, it addresses each hero individually, relishing in their degradation.

"You, Red Falcon," the monster snarls, "once the symbol of bravery. Now your valor serves only to feed my insatiable hunger."

Red Falcon, barely recognizable amidst the fungal growth, pleads in a garbled voice, "N-no, please! I am... I am nothing but... mushroom now..."

Turning its attention to the next hero, it sneers, "Yellow Lion, your strength was no match for my power. Now you are nothing but fodder for my growth."

Yellow Lion's cries for mercy are barely intelligible as he sputters, "I-I was strong... but now... now I am... mushroom... just mushroom..."

Mocking the next hero, it jeers, "Blue Dolphin, once the embodiment of hope. Now your hope has withered away, just like your futile resistance."

Blue Dolphin's voice echoes in despair as she whispers, "Hope... no more... I am... I am mushroom now... nothing more..."

Addressing the following hero, it scoffs, "Black Bison, your willpower was admirable. But in the end, it only hastened your demise. You are nothing but a pathetic husk."

Black Bison's cries mix with the fungal groans as he laments, "I tried... but now... now I am... just mushroom... no more..."

Finally, it looks upon the last hero with disdain, saying with a chilling tone, "Green Sai, your spirit was once unbreakable. Now it lies shattered, just like your former comrades. You are all but dust beneath my feet."

Green Sai's words are barely coherent as he utters, "Unbreakable... no more... now... just mushroom... no escape..."

With a dismissive wave, it commands its minions to harvest the mushroom replicas of the Liveman Sentai heroes, their once-proud identities reduced to mere sustenance for the monster's insatiable hunger.

As the Liveman Sentai heroes-turned-mushrooms are consumed, their final moments are filled with horror and despair, their defeat a gruesome memorial to the monster's dominance.


The Liveman mushrooms ended up trapped within individual glass cages owned by greedy corporations, their once-heroic forms now wholly transformed into grotesque, mushroom-like shapes. Each cage served as a macabre display of their torment, their bodies writhing and jerking in futile attempts to break free from their glass prisons.

As the sinister machinery of the pharmaceutical companies' research project whirred to life, robotic syringe arms emerged from the shadows. Their cold, mechanical movements sent shivers down the spines of the captive Liveman mushrooms. With precision and malice, the syringes pierced through the glass cages, probing and extracting the corrupted essence of the former heroes.

The mushroom monster, lurking in the shadows, chuckled darkly as he watched the harvesting process unfold. "Ah, the sweet fruits of my labor," he purred, his voice filled with brutality. "With each drop of Liveman essence, my power grows stronger, and my control over mankind solidifies."

Within their glass confines, the Liveman mushrooms exhibited instinctual movements. Their once-heroic forms were now reduced to mindless, vegetative states. Each twitch and jerk of their mushroom-shaped bodies seemed almost involuntary, devoid of the fear and desperation that had once defined them.

As the robotic syringe arms pierced through their glass cages, extracting their corrupted essence, Yusuke's mushroom-shaped body trembled with a primal reaction to the intrusion. His movements were reflexive, driven by an instinctual need to protect himself from the invasive probes.

Jou, once the steadfast Yellow Lion, experienced a similar torment within his glass prison. His mushroom-shaped body flinched instinctively as the syringe penetrated the confines of his cage, his indentations resembling a silent scream of agony. He was lost in a haze of primal fear, his thoughts consumed by a sense of helplessness and despair.

Beside him, Jun'ichi's mushroom-like form convulsed with each syringe plunge, his indentations forming a grimace of discomfort. His reactions were automatic, lacking the coherent thought and emotion that had once characterized his actions as a hero.

Tetsuya's mushroom-shaped body flinched with each extraction, and his once-heroic Black Bison form was now reduced to a hollow shell. His movements were jerky and uncoordinated, betraying the loss of his former identity and purpose.

But as the syringe arms continued their relentless assault, draining the last traces of Liveman essence from their mushroom-shaped forms, the heroes remained in their vegetative state, powerless to resist or comprehend the magnitude of their plight.

With a cruel laugh, the mushroom monster turned its attention to the harvesting machines, its eyes glittering with anticipation as the last drops of Liveman essence were extracted from the captive mushrooms.

"And soon," it declared, its voice laced with malice as it observed viles of corrupted vaccines being produced, "humanity will bow before me, begging for their next dose of my mushroom vaccine!"



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