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In a research facility shrouded in darkness, the Liveman heroes face their absolute nightmare. When a sinister experiment unleashes a fungal plague upon the world, our beloved heroes find themselves trapped in a battle for survival against an army of mushroom-infected zombies.

Follow Yusuke, Megumi, and the rest of the Liveman team as they struggle to maintain their sanity in the face of unimaginable rooted horror.

Can they pluck their way out of the growing abyss, or will they succumb to the fungal menace that lurks within?

Special thanks to my loyal and royal patron friends:

Tim Blackwell


Ricky Hartono






Marc Lange

大也 成吉

Ken K


Ty smith




Robert Terwillger

Daniel K


Fungi power!

As the remote Academia Island branch research facility loomed before them, Megumi and her Liveman Sentai team felt a sense of unease settle over them like a thick fog. The distress call had been urgent, the voice on the other end frantic and desperate. Now, as they stood at the entrance of the abandoned facility, they couldn't shake the feeling that they were walking into a nightmare.

Megumi, clad in her blue Liveman Sentai uniform, gripped the hilt of her Dolphin Saber tightly, her blue eyes scanning the dimly lit corridors ahead. Beside her stood Red Falcon, his red suit starkly contrasted against the gloom, his expression steely with willpower. Yellow Lion, Green Sai, and Black Bison flanked them, their helmets hiding their expressions, but their body language tense with anticipation.

"Keep your guard up, team," Megumi said, her voice steady but tinged with caution. "We don't know what we're walking into here."

The team nodded in silent agreement, their senses alert for any sign of danger. They moved cautiously through the corridors, the only sound echoing their footsteps against the cold metal floors. Broken tools and discarded items littered the path, evidence of the chaos that had unfolded within the facility.

"This place gives me the creeps," Jou the Yellow Lion muttered, his voice barely above a whisper.

Jun’ichi the Green Sai nodded in agreement, his eyes inside his helmet darting nervously from shadow to shadow. "Yeah, it's like something out of a horror movie."

Tetsuya the Black Bison shot him a sideways glance. "Let's just stay focused and get this over with. We don't want to be stuck in here any longer than necessary."

As they ventured deeper into the facility, the sense of foreboding only intensified. Shadowy figures seemed to shift and move in the corners of their vision, disappearing as quickly as they appeared. The air grew heavy with the weight of unseen eyes watching their every move.

Yusuke, the Red Falcon, tightened his grip on his Falcon Saber, and his jaw was eager. "Stay alert, team. We're not alone here."

Suddenly, a metallic clang echoed through the corridor, causing the team to whirl around, their weapons at the ready. But there was nothing there, just the empty expanse of the abandoned facility stretching out before them.

"We're being watched," Black Bison growled, his voice low with barely contained rage.

Megumi nodded her senses on high alert. "Keep moving. We need to find the source of that distress call."

With renewed willpower, the Liveman Sentai team pressed on, their footsteps echoing through the silent corridors. Each step brought them closer to the heart of the facility and closer to the truth behind the distress call that had brought them here.

Yusuke, his eyes scanning the shadowed passageways, nodded grimly. "Agreed. Trust no shadow, and expect the worst."

Jou, Jun'ichi, and Tetsuya nodded silently, their expressions masked by their helmets. The air crackled with tension as they cautiously traversed the abandoned facility, detritus and discarded equipment strewn haphazardly, silent witnesses to the chaos that had unfolded.

"This place reeks of death," muttered Jou, his voice a low murmur of unease.

Jun'ichi chuckled nervously, the sound jarring in the oppressive silence. "Yeah, and I've got a bad feeling we're about to find out why."

Deep within the bowels of the abandoned research facility, the atmosphere thickened with dread as Megumi and her Liveman Sentai team pressed forward, their senses alert for any sign of danger. The air itself seemed to pulse with hostility as if the very walls of the facility were closing in around them.

Suddenly, the silence was shattered without warning by a guttural roar echoing through the corridors. The Liveman Sentai team tensed, their instincts kicking into high gear as they assumed defensive stances, ready for whatever horror awaited them.

And then they came.

A horde of twisted abominations emerged from the darkness, once-human figures warped and deformed by the crooked fungal infection. Their bodies were grotesque amalgamations of flesh and mushroom, their eyes vacant and filled with an unholy hunger.

"Remember our training, team!" Red Falcon’s voice cut through the chaos with his tone firm and commanding. "We're facing infected hosts. Don't hold back!"

With a battle cry, Yusuke lunged forward, his Falcon Saber slashing through the air with lethal precision. The infected zombies met his attack head-on, their hardened arms deflecting his blows with unnatural strength. Undeterred, Yusuke pressed on, his sense of purpose unwavering as he fought tooth and nail against the relentless onslaught.

Beside him, Jou unleashed a barrage of kicks and punches, his movements fluid and precise. But the infected zombies proved to be formidable adversaries, their hardened skin rendering them nearly impervious to his attacks. Still, Jou refused to back down, his resolve unshakeable as he continued to pummel his foes with unbridled fury.

"Stay together!" Yellow Lion shouted above the chaos, his voice barely audible over the raging black hole of screams and snarls.

Meanwhile, Jun'ichi and Tetsuya fought side by side, their combined strength a force to be reckoned with. With every strike and counterattack, they carved through the ranks of the infected zombies with ruthless efficiency. Yet for every foe they felled, two more seemed to take its place, their numbers seemingly endless.

Amidst the chaos, Megumi found herself isolated from her teammates, surrounded on all sides by the relentless horde. With nowhere to run and nowhere to hide, she braced herself for the onslaught, her Dolphin Saber raised in defiance.

"Come on, you overgrown mushrooms!" she shouted, her voice tinged with defiance. "Let's see what you've got!"

The infected zombies closed in, their vacant eyes gleaming with malice as they prepared to strike. But Megumi was ready, her reflexes honed by years of training and combat experience. She met their attacks head-on with lightning-fast speed, her blade slicing through the air with deadly precision.

Yet despite her best efforts, the infected zombies proved to be formidable adversaries. Their hardened arms and skin deflected her blows with ease. With each strike, Megumi felt the weight of their numbers bearing down on her, their relentless assault pushing her to the brink of exhaustion.

Yusuke's Falcon Saber clashed with hardened arms, sparks flying as metal met flesh. Jou's kicks and punches landed brutally, but the infected zombies barely seemed to notice. Jun'ichi and Tetsuya fought side by side, their combined strength barely enough to hold back the horde.

In the heart of the abandoned research facility, chaos reigned supreme as Megumi and her Liveman Sentai team found themselves besieged by the relentless onslaught of mushroom-infected zombies. The once-human figures, twisted and contorted by the crooked fungal infection, moved with an unnatural speed and strength that defied comprehension.

Yusuke, Red Falcon, held on against the onslaught, his Falcon Saber swinging in wide arcs as he fended off the relentless attackers. "This... this isn't possible!" he growled through clenched teeth, his voice tinged with disbelief as he struggled against the overwhelming tide of foes.

Beside him, Jou, Yellow Lion, unleashed a ferocious barrage of kicks and punches, his movements fluid and precise despite the chaos surrounding him. "We're... we're outmatched!" he shouted, his voice strained with exertion as he desperately tried to hold back the tide of monstrosities.

Jun'ichi, Green Sai, and Tetsuya, Black Bison, fought side by side, their movements synchronized in a desperate bid to survive. "We can't keep this up!" Jun'ichi yelled, his voice tinged with despair as he felt the weight of their imminent defeat bearing down upon him.

Tetsuya grunted in agreement, his muscles straining against the relentless assault of the infected zombies. "We need... we need a way out!" he shouted, his voice filled with desperation as he searched for any sign of escape amidst the chaos.

As the battle raged on, the infected zombies groaned and snarled, their voices a storm of twisted agony and malice. "More... more flesh!" they hissed, their voices filled with a primal hunger as they lunged at the Liveman Sentai heroes with unbridled fury.

But even as the heroes fought valiantly against the encroaching darkness, they knew that their efforts were in vain. The infected zombies were relentless, their numbers seemingly endless as they ruthlessly closed in on their prey.

And as the battle reached its climax, with the sounds of screams and snarls filling the air, Megumi, the Blue Dolphin, found herself thrown to a desolate corridor away from her teammates, her heart pounding in her chest as she prepared to face her fate alone. "I won't... I won't give up!" she vowed, her voice filled with sense of purpose as she braced herself for the final confrontation that awaited her within the darkness.

When Megumi sprinted down the dimly lit hallway, the sound echoed in her ears alongside the ominous footsteps of the pursuing armored zombies. Each step felt like a battle against time, a desperate struggle to outrun the encroaching darkness that threatened to consume her.

"Keep going, Megumi! You can do this!" she encouraged herself, her voice strained with exertion and fear.

Suddenly, without warning, a mighty blow struck her from behind, sending her sprawling across the rough concrete floor. Pain exploded through her body as she collided with the unforgiving surface, her ribs protesting with harrowing intensity. As she lay there, dazed and disoriented, waves of nausea washed over her, her stomach lurching violently as she gasped for breath within the confines of her helmet. "Argh!" Megumi cried out in pain as she collided with the unforgiving surface, her ribs protesting with unbearable intensity.

Through blurred vision, Megumi could see the armored zombies looming over her, their grotesque forms silhouetted against the flickering lights of the corridor. Their voices echoed through the air, a raging black hole of guttural growls and menacing laughter as they taunted her with promises of flesh for the mushroom.

"Meat… More meat for mushroom!" one of the zombies taunted, its guttural growl sending shivers down Megumi's spine.

"I... I have to keep moving," she gasped, her voice barely a whisper as she fought to ignore the pain coursing through her body.

Desperation clawed at Megumi's chest as she struggled to push herself upright, her muscles screaming in protest with every movement. But just as she felt the icy grip of despair tightening around her, a faint sound cut through the chaos—a whistle, soft and distant, like a beacon of hope in the darkness.

"Hey! Over here!" the girl called out, her voice barely audible over the din of the pursuing zombies.

Turning her gaze toward the source of the sound, Megumi's eyes widened in astonishment as she spotted a young girl beckoning to her from the shadows. Without hesitation, she forced herself to her feet, ignoring the searing pain that coursed through her body with each movement.

"I'm coming!" she shouted back, her voice tinged with both desperation and hope.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Megumi raced towards the girl, her footsteps echoing loudly in the empty corridor. Behind her, the armored zombies gave chase, their heavy footfalls thundering against the floor as they closed in on their prey.

"Quickly, close the trap door!" the girl urged, her voice urgent as she helped Megumi seal off their pursuers in the darkness.

But just as they reached out to grab her, Megumi reached the girl and followed her into a narrow tunnel hidden in the corner of the hallway. With a swift movement, she pulled the trap door shut behind her, sealing off her pursuers in the darkness.

"Thank you," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper as she glanced at the girl beside her.

"No problem," the girl replied with a reassuring smile, her eyes glinting with willpower.

Megumi's breath came in ragged gasps in the tunnel as she leaned against the rough stone wall, her body trembling with exhaustion and adrenaline.


In the safe haven of the room, Megumi found herself surrounded by a group of children, their faces filled with a mixture of fear and curiosity. The blurry glass wall separating them from the relentless zombies outside offered a slight sense of security. However, the occasional banging and roaring were a grim monument of the dangers that lurked just beyond their reach.

Megumi couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility weighing heavily on her as the children gathered around her. These innocent souls looked to her for guidance and protection, their eyes wide with anticipation as they waited for her to speak.

"Are you... are you a hero?" one of the children asked tentatively, their voice barely above a whisper. Megumi nodded solemnly, her gaze sweeping over the group as she tried to muster a reassuring smile.

"I am," she replied, her voice steady despite the turmoil raging inside her. "But right now, we're all in danger. We need to stay together and stay strong until help arrives."

The children nodded eagerly, their trust in Megumi fixated as they listened intently to her words. Some of them peppered her with questions about the outside world, their curiosity a stark contrast to the grim reality they faced within the confines of the research facility.

"What's it like outside?" one of the younger children asked, their eyes wide with wonder. Megumi hesitated for a moment, her mind flooded with memories of a world that seemed like a distant dream.

"It's... it's beautiful," she replied softly, her voice tinged with longing. "There are fields of green, and endless skies that stretch on forever. But right now, we need to focus on getting out of here safely."

The children nodded solemnly, their faces filled with a sense of purpose as they looked to Megumi for guidance. Despite her injuries and the overwhelming odds stacked against them, she knew she couldn't afford to give up hope.

"We'll get out of here, I promise," she vowed, her voice filled with conviction. "My teammates will come for us, and together, we'll make it out of this nightmare."

As the children huddled together in the room's safety, a glimmer of hope flickered in their eyes—a beacon of light amidst the darkness that threatened to consume them. With Megumi leading the way, they clung to the promise of freedom, eager to survive whatever horrors awaited them beyond the glass wall.

As some of the children remained wary of her, Megumi sensed their unease and decided. With a steady hand, she reached up and unclasped the helmet that concealed her face, revealing the gentle expression beneath. A collective gasp rippled through the room as the children caught sight of her kind eyes and warm smile, their fear melting away instantly.

"It's okay," she reassured them softly, her voice filled with warmth. "I'm not here to hurt you. I just want to keep you safe."

Her words had the desired effect as the previously apprehensive children slowly approached, their expressions now curious rather than fearful. Tentatively, they offered her food, a gesture of trust and goodwill that touched Megumi's heart.

"I appreciate your kindness, but I'm fine," Megumi declined politely, feeling a pang of guilt at the thought of burdening them with her own needs.

But as if in protest, her stomach emitted a loud growl, the sound echoing through the room and causing the children to burst into giggles. Megumi couldn't help but feel a flush of embarrassment color her cheeks, her attempt to maintain composure undermined by her traitorous stomach.

With a sheepish smile, she relented, accepting the food with gratitude. She couldn't deny the grumbling hunger that gnawed at her insides, nor could she resist the infectious laughter of the children around her.

"This is amazing," she remarked between bites, her voice filled with genuine appreciation. "What is it?"

The children exchanged knowing glances, their smiles widening as they replied in unison, "It's the stuff the place makes for us. We're glad you like it, Megumi."

As Megumi devoured the offered food with a voracious appetite, a sense of euphoria washed over her. The savory taste filled her senses, momentarily driving away the grim reality of their situation. With each mouthful, she felt a renewed sense of energy coursing through her veins, pushing back the gnawing hunger that had plagued her since their arrival at the facility.

"Mmm, this is delicious," Megumi remarked between bites, her words muffled by the food in her mouth. "I'll definitely have to bring some of this back home once we escape this place."

The children smiled in response, their eyes bright with a mixture of relief and gratitude. They seemed reassured by Megumi's words, finding comfort in the prospect of freedom and the simple joys of home-cooked meals.

But as Megumi continued to eat, her hunger seemed to grow with each passing moment. The children watched in amazement as she devoured the food with ravenous enthusiasm, her appetite seemingly insatiable.

"Are you okay, Megumi?" one of the children asked, concern evident in their voice as they observed her frenzied eating.

Megumi paused momentarily, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment at her voracity. "I'm fine," she replied sheepishly, her mouth still half-full. "Just really hungry, that's all."

The children exchanged knowing glances, their smiles tinged with sympathy for their hungry guest. They offered her another bowl of food without hesitation, urging her to eat to her heart's content.

Megumi gratefully accepted the bowl, her hunger driving her to devour its contents recklessly. As she ate, she couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt gnawing at the edges of her consciousness. These children, innocent victims of the experiments conducted within the facility, had already suffered enough. The last thing they needed was to be burdened by her own hunger.

But despite her misgivings, Megumi found herself unable to resist the irresistible allure of the food before her. With each mouthful, she felt a sense of euphoria wash over her, temporarily drowning out the horrors of their reality.

Between bites, Megumi turned to the children with a curious expression. "By the way, who are you all?" she asked, her voice tinged with genuine interest as she sought to learn more about her newfound companions.

The children exchanged nervous glances, their previous smiles fading slightly at Megumi's question. A solemn silence hung in the air for a moment, broken only by the distant sounds of banging and roaring from outside the glass wall.

"We... we're here because of the experiments," one of the children finally spoke up, their voice barely above a whisper. "They... they did things to us, terrible things..."

Megumi's heart sank at the somber revelation. Given the dire circumstances of their confinement, she had suspected as much, but hearing it confirmed sent a chill down her spine.

"I'm so sorry," Megumi murmured, her voice laced with genuine sympathy. "No one should ever have to go through something like that."

The children nodded in understanding, their expressions reflecting a mixture of sadness and resignation. They had endured unimaginable horrors at the hands of the researchers, their innocence stolen from them in the name of science.

As Megumi continued to eat, her thoughts turned to her fellow Liveman teammates and their desperate struggle to survive in the facility's labyrinthine corridors. She knew that time was running out and that they needed to find a way to escape before it was too late.

In the dim light of the safe room, Megumi's hunger grew more insatiable with each passing moment. As the children offered her their makeshift meal, a concoction of vomit and muck, she hesitated, her mind recoiling at the repulsive sight before her.

"We're so glad you're here, Megumi," one of the children said, their voice filled with genuine gratitude. "Thank you for being with us. This is all we have to offer, but we hope it helps."

Megumi forced a weak smile, her stomach churning at the thought of consuming such filth. "Thank you," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

As she reluctantly lifted the bowl to her lips, the other children gathered around her, their eyes wide with anticipation. "Go on, Megumi," one of them urged, a hint of excitement in their voice. "It's the only thing that keeps the hunger away."

With a heavy heart, Megumi took a hesitant sip of the foul concoction, the taste of bile and decay assaulting her senses. "It's... it's terrible," she choked out, her voice trembling with disgust.

But even as she spoke, a strange sense of euphoria washed over her, clouding her judgment and driving her to take another gulp. The children watched her with wide-eyed fascination, seemingly unfazed by the horror unfolding before them.

"It's delicious, isn't it?" another child, a girl with a tattered dress and a hauntingly serene expression, remarked with a smile. "We've been waiting for you to join us. Now we can all share in the feast together."

Megumi's stomach churned at the sight of the other children eagerly vomiting down the repulsive mixture into her Blue Dolphin helmet with their faces contorted in blissful ecstasy. "What's happening to me?" she cried out, her voice echoing off the walls of the safe room. But there was no answer, only the haunting silence of the room and the relentless gnawing hunger that threatened to consume her whole.

With each passing moment, Megumi's resistance crumbled further, her rational thoughts drowned out by the overwhelming hunger clawing at her insides. She scooped another mouthful of the vile mixture into her Blue Dolphin helmet, the slimy muck coating the interior as she forced herself to swallow.

As the children continued to offer their repulsive meal, Megumi's mind swirled with confusion and despair. "I... I can't..." she muttered weakly, her words barely audible over the hurricane of slurping and chewing. But her protests fell on deaf ears as the children eagerly pressed the bowl into her hands, their eyes alight with emotional hunger.

"No… No way…" Megumi's voice trailed off, her rational thoughts drowned out by the overwhelming hunger clawing at her insides. She slurped another mouthful of the vile mixture from her Blue Dolphin helmet used as a bowl, the slimy muck coating the interior as she forced herself to swallow.

Megumi's desperation reached a fever pitch as her craving for the repulsive muck grew stronger with each passing moment. "Please," she begged, her voice a desperate plea amidst the eerie silence of the chamber. "I need more. I can't... I can't stop."

The children, seemingly attuned to her insatiable hunger, offered her more of the vile substance without hesitation. With trembling hands, Megumi accepted, her mind consumed by a ravenous need for sustenance. "Thank you," she whispered hoarsely, her voice tinged with both gratitude and despair.

As she greedily devoured the foul mixture, one of the children approached her with a knowing smile, his eyes gleaming with understanding. "You need more, don't you, Blue Dolphin?" he said softly, his familiar voice almost soothing. "We understand. We'll help you."

With a sense of resignation, Megumi nodded, her movements slow and deliberate as she allowed herself to be guided by the children towards the center of the room. Then, she noticed it—a human-sized mushroom pulsating with a sickly hue, its surface glistening with an otherworldly sheen.

Her heart pounding in her chest, Megumi realized the true extent of her predicament. "I didn't... I didn't notice it before," she murmured, her voice trembling with disbelief. "How could I have missed something so... so monstrous?"

The children gathered around her, their faces twisted in delirious anticipation as they poured the muck over her face and body, coating her in its slimy embrace. With each drop that cascaded down her skin, Megumi felt her resistance waning, her mind clouded by a haze of euphoria and longing.

"I must have more," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper as she reached out towards the pulsating mushroom. "I need it..."

The children watched with feverish excitement, their eyes alight with fervent hunger as they urged Megumi onwards. "Yes, Blue Dolphin," they chanted in unison, their voices echoing off the walls of the safe room as a monstrous unified noise. "Embrace the mushroom. Let it consume you."

Megumi reached out toward the mushroom with trembling hands, her fingers brushing against its slick surface. At that moment, she felt a surge of exhilaration wash over her, her senses overwhelmed by the pulsating energy emanating from the fungus.

Megumi recoiled in horror at the amalgamated creature's words, her heart pounding in her chest as she stared into the abyss of its soulless eyes. "No... I won't!" she spat, her voice trembling with defiance despite the overwhelming terror that threatened to consume her.

But the mushroom monster spirit paid her words no heed, its disembodied twisted grin widening as it watched her struggle against her inevitable fate before the pale children. "Eater becomes eaten now," it hissed, its voice a chilling echo of the darkness surrounding them. "You have already consumed the spores. You are mine to control, to bend to our will."

A cold shiver ran down Megumi's spine as she realized the truth of the creature's words. The spores that had been pumped into her body had turned her into a puppet, a slave to the mushroom monster's commands. No matter how hard she fought, she would never be able to break free from its grasp.

With tears streaming down her cheeks, Megumi turned her gaze to the communication device on her wrist. "Yusuke... Jou... Tetsuya... please," she begged, her voice choked with emotion as she pleaded with her friends to save her. "Don't let me become... one of them. Don't let the darkness... consume me."

“No future for you outside, only here…” declared the evil voice. With a sense of dread that chilled her to the core, Megumi reached out for the foul mushroom that lay before her, her movements slow and deliberate. The sickening sense of disgust destroyed her, but she knew that there was no turning back. She was trapped, a prisoner of the darkness that had consumed her world.

"It's... it's delicious," she muttered through a mouthful of mushroom, her words slurred and barely coherent as she devoured the fungus with reckless abandon. The children watched with feverish excitement, their eyes alight with delirious anticipation as they egged her on.

In the throes of her mushroom-induced frenzy, Megumi's words tumbled out in a disjointed stream, her voice a mixture of desperation and delirium.

"I... I need more," she gasped, her breath coming in ragged, uneven bursts. "It's... it's my purpose now. To consume... to devour."

Her eyes, wide and feverish, scanned the room, lingering on the twisted forms of the children surrounding her. They watched her with blank, emotionless faces, their voices echoing in her mind like a haunting refrain.

"More," they chanted in unison, their voices devoid of any trace of emotion. "Consume. Embrace."

But Megumi's thoughts were consumed by a single, all-consuming hunger—a hunger that eclipsed any sense of duty or purpose she had once held dear.

"My mission... it doesn't matter anymore," she muttered, her words barely audible over the din of her own frantic thoughts. "This... this is my destiny now. To feed the mushroom... to feed... myself."

The children's faces remained impassive, their eyes fixed on her with a chilling intensity that sent shivers down her spine.

"Feed," they intoned, their voices cold and detached. "Feed the mushroom. Feed... yourself."

And so she did. With each bite, Megumi felt herself slipping further into the darkness, her thoughts consumed by the insatiable hunger that gripped her. She was no longer a hero, no longer a warrior of justice. She was simply a vessel for the mushroom's sinister will, forever bound to its dark embrace.

When Megumi continued to devour the repulsive mushroom, her hunger and addiction grew ever more insatiable. The fungus exerted its evil influence over her mind, eroding her memories piece by piece until she could no longer recall her heroic mission or the faces of her teammates. All that remained was an overwhelming desire to escape the torment of her uncontrolled appetite.

"Must... eat..." Megumi muttered between ravenous bites, her voice strained and desperate.

Try as she might to resist, Megumi found herself inexorably drawn toward the monstrous mushroom at the center of the room. Megumi was crushed in wanton libido, driving her to consume more and more of the foul fungus. The taste was repulsive, but she could not stop herself—a fog of addiction clouded her mind, her thoughts consumed by the need to feed.

"No... can't stop..." she whimpered, tears mixing with the grime on her face.

No longer did she remember why she had come to this place or what she had hoped to achieve. The memories had been replaced by an all-consuming hunger, a hunger that gnawed at her insides and left her trembling with desperation. She was lost in a nightmare of her own making, trapped in a cycle of consumption from which there seemed to be no escape.

"I... I must remember," Megumi gasped desperately between frenzied mouthfuls, her voice trembling with the effort. "My teammates... our mission... our laughter..."

But her attempts to cling to her memories are futile, as they slip further and further from her grasp with each passing moment.

Despite her efforts to resist, Megumi finds herself drawn inexorably by the giant mushroom at the center of the room. The Liveman Blue Dolphin heroine couldn't fight the euphoria any longer, driving her to consume more and more of the foul fungus. She no longer remembered why she was here or what she hoped to achieve—all she knew was that she must satisfy her hunger at any cost.

The disembodied voice, cold and mocking, filled the air around her. "You cannot escape, Megumi. You belong to me now. Consume the mushroom, and your torment will end."

"I... I don't want this," she cried out, her voice growing weaker with each passing moment. "Please... someone help me."

But even as the voice urged her on, Megumi's mind reeled with confusion and fear. She knew that she was trapped, caught by the crooked influence of the mushroom and the sinister force that controlled it.

"I... I don't know... who I am..." Megumi's voice wavered, her words barely audible over the sound of her frantic chewing.

When she hugged and fondled the giant mushroom, its grotesque form seemed to pulsate with an otherworldly energy. It beckoned to her, promising relief from her suffering if only she would consume it in its entirety. And so, with trembling hands and a heart heavy with despair, Megumi pressed on, each bite bringing her closer to the edge of oblivion.

Her mind was a haze of confusion and fear. Her thoughts were drowned out by the overwhelming urge to consume. She could hear a disembodied voice mocking her, taunting her with promises of release even as it reveled in her torment.

"More... need... more..." Megumi's voice was barely a whisper now, her words a desperate plea for salvation.

The voice was accompanied by a chorus of eerie giggles from the mushroom children, their faces twisted into grotesque smiles as they watched Megumi's plight with cold fascination. "Consume, consume," they chant in unison, their voices devoid of warmth or compassion. "Join us in the feast, for there is no other path for you now."


As the transformation reached its crescendo, Megumi was engulfed by a horrifying realization—the once noble hero she once was now naught but a thrall to the sinister forces that dwelled within the shadows. Her body contorted and warped, twisting into grotesque shapes as she was consumed by the monstrous entity that held sway over her fate. She no longer possessed agency or autonomy; she was a pawn in the game of darkness.

With each passing moment, Megumi's form shifts further away from its former humanity, morphing into a twisted mockery of its former self. Her limbs contract into her mushroom stalk form, taking on the rubbery texture of the mushrooms surrounding her. She was no longer the valiant Blue Dolphin Liveman, but a towering monstrosity amidst a sea of smaller, humanoid fungi.

In a delirious haze, Megumi gazes upon the blank faces of the mushroom-shaped children who once inhabited the room. Their vacant eyes bore into her, a silent monument to the horror of their shared fate. She is overwhelmed by a sense of hopelessness, knowing that she is doomed to wander these halls for all eternity, a mere puppet of the darkness that now commands her.

Yet amidst the despair, a perverse excitement stirred Megumi's twisted psyche. As the realization of her newfound power dawns upon her, she was consumed by a manic euphoria. No longer burdened by the constraints of her former life, she revels in the sheer exhilaration of her transformation.

"New... power," she mumbles, her voice distorted and barely coherent. "Must... spread... spores."

In her final moments, Megumi's consciousness faded into a hazy blur as her mind deteriorated further. She embraces her new form with a sense of twisted excitement, and her thoughts were reduced to primal urges and instinctual desires. As her limbs contract into her mushroom stalk, she feels a strange sense of euphoria wash over her, as if she has finally found her true purpose in this dark and twisted world.

Megumi's transformation accelerates with each passing moment, her once-human features melting away into the grotesque form of a Liveman Blue-shaped mushroom. Her skin becomes rubbery and mottled, taking on the sickly hue of the fungus that now consumes her. Her limbs contort and twist, fusing with the mushroom stalk as her body becomes one with her new fungal form.

Despite the horror of her situation, Megumi feels an overwhelming sense of exhilaration coursing through her veins. In this new form, she was free from the burdens of her past life, liberated from the constraints of morality and conscience. All that mattered now was the hunger—the insatiable craving that drove her to spread her spores and infect all who dared to cross her path.

With her transformation nearing completion, Megumi raises her mushroom cap high, a triumphant gesture that marks her ascension to her new role as a creature of darkness. With a final, guttural shriek of ecstasy, she releases her spores into the air, casting them out into the world with a sense of grim satisfaction.

And so, the former Liveman Blue Dolphin Sentai heroine’s transformation was complete amidst the research facility's darkness. She was now nothing more than a grotesque monument to the horrors that lurk within, her existence a grim memorial of the price of power and the darkness that lies within us all.



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