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A while ago I asked if you guys were alright with me posting non furry stuff, and the overwhelming answer (of 2) was that you were okay with it.

Well then, here is some non-furry stuff I've had in my mind for a while, and I wanted to share: a fan fiction based off of Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2! Open for everyone to see!

The idea is very simple: this is a totally non-canon story based off the end of a victorious Soviet Campaign in the main game (not Yuri's Revenge!), where the player character is now the leader of a globe spanning Soviet Union. While on the surface everything seems fine and dandy and communist, underneath, cracks are starting to show... and it all starts coming to a head 20 years after the end of the Third World War.

This is just the start of an idea I've had for years now, though I don't know if I will make it a constant update here. If you do want to see more, then please let me know! And if you aren't a Patron yet, then please sign up to help sponsor more writing like this!


Command & Conquer: Red World Chapter 1

Command & Conquer: Red World Chapter One: Workers of the World, United! "Comrades, Citizens of the Soviet Union, allies and friends from around the world: Welcome to Victory Day!" The cheers and jubilation spread through the crowd like a roaring wave, hundreds of thousands of people in Red Sq...


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