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Hello folks, hope 2019 is treating you good so far.

So, time for some updates on what I'm doing (and you guys are chipping money towards!)

First up, still doing commissions. Now that the holidays are over and live is returning to something approaching normal, I should be able to start posting commissions here again as before. I still am offering the discount for the Patreon's of the $5 tier and higher, so take advantage of that if you want to!

Second, Werewolf College. I have a pretty good idea of how the next few parts of that will go, and Part Three is nearly done. Hopefully in the next few days there will be a new story of lycanthropic shenanigans to entertain you all.

Next, the big writing project that I started with NaNoWriMo in November, and was posting here. Well, a few things about that. First, the story as I was envisioning, of a magic/steampunk pseudo Europe story just wasn't clicking with me as much as I would have liked. The idea behind it still sounds really, really good, but fantasy isn't a genre I've ever really done much in, and it was feeling rather... overblown and stuff. So, I'm ending it...

...and reworking some of the big elements into a new big project, this time with a big sci-fi, Space Opera kind of story. Science-Fiction is definitely something I can do a lot better, so I've begun work on what I'm currently tenitavely calling "Project Skywalker." Because of course I did.

This will be a story of eight species of animals having been uplifted and genetically modified by an enigmatic precursor race, placed on eight different planets with Iron Age level technology and knowledge, and then let loose to see how they would develop, occasionally aided by Cache's of technology to spur the development of the species. This gives each species/society a rather unique and interesting development amongst each one. I already have a rough idea of the first story in this universe, but I'm focusing simply on the world building for now, to decide how each society has developed and such. I will be providing the notes, drawings, maps and other tidbits that I've developed on here as they are done for feedback and general curiosity.

Last but not least, another idea I've been toying with on and off in the past few months. I've taken a stab at making YouTube videos. What kind of YouTube videos? Well, videos inspired by the EAS (Emergency Alert System) in the US, and some international counterparts. You know, the thing that warns people of tornadoes with the loud beeps and usually garbled robot voice. They are remarkably simple to make, requiring access to a movie maker, Text-to-Speech voices, and some pictures and video clips, and you can tell really interesting stories with them. I've already made a few on my non-furry account based off of hypothetical nuclear wars, monsters attacking on Halloween, and on video games I enjoy like Command & Conquer and Fallout.

So lately I've been thinking... why not try to offer that as commissions? If you have a character like a macro or a supervillian, and want a personalized video clip of them unleashing chaos on some city or region, then mention it in the comments if that would be something you'd be interested in. In time I would like to expand it into a sorta "Database" series, where some multiverse-spanning agency is keeping tracks on different timelines and persons of interest, but that's a way's in the future.

That's about it for the update for today.

TL;DR - Commissions are coming, Werewolf College is still going, NaNoWriMo 2018 is ditched, a new Sci-Fi project is started, and I'm making videos of doomsday scenarios.


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