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Hey guys, I'm sorry for the lack of updates the past bit, mostly due to helping on the farm and working on other things with the family.

I've been trying to think of ideas for content to give you guys as well as to entice new folks. I've had a few thoughts, which I list below, as well as how I should plan on going forward. So if you have a few minutes, please give a thumbs up or down to what you'd like to see, and what would convince you to follow me!

Stories Exclusive to Patreon: These would be short stories that I will only post on Patreon, and if they would be posted elsewhere, they would either be edited, or a year or more after I post them here.

Restart "The City": My big idea when I first tried Patreon a while ago, short stories based on a city full of all the kinks and fetishes that I - and presumably what most of my Patron's - like. This time, most likely would keep them Exclusive to Patreon unlike last time, when I would just post them to FA and SF a month or two after I posted them here.

Monthly Story Raffles: I'll give all Patron's here a chance to get a free, 2000-3000 word story every month on a topic and idea of their choice.

NaNoWriMo Rough Draft Chapters: As I work on NaNoWriMo next month, I can and will post the chapters of the story as they are done. I've already posted some of the world building on here, and I plan to post more right away, but this would allow Patrons to get a first glimpse of a major novel length project I'm working on.

Non Furry Story Ideas: I have written a lot more than just furry stuff in the past few years, though most of it ends up sitting on a hard drive for future use or posted elsewhere on the internet. This usually involves alternate history and sci-fi elements, and almost totally SFW, but it would give you some ideas of the other stuff I work on.

Weekly "Flash Fiction": I can write 200-500 word short flash fiction for Patreon on anything and everything, with Patron's able to suggest topics, ideas and keywords.

If you have any other ideas, please send them too me!


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