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Manam Kung

Let's goooooo

Hassan Anuar

The hat thing is symbolic, luffy giving his treasure to nami is saying nami is a treasured member


Her treasure was stolen & he gave her his treasure as a promise to get her treasure back. Her treasure being her town and their freedom. You can also see it as his way of comforting her (kinda reminiscent of how Shanks did) and also him displaying the absolute trust he has in her (despite her 'betrayal' and her whole thief thing). But also as him letting her know that she is already a strawhat and it's okay for her to rely on her nakama.


While I loved this live action and this episode, and your reactions of course, they cut quite a lot from this arc to make it flow and fit into the 8 episodes. In the anime/manga this arc is like the defining moment of the start of One Piece. Suuuper hoping you guys check out the anime but ya know, its long. It'll give you guys a LOT of content tho! And open you up to a massive fanbase. Think about it :D

kaiho leung

The Nami stab scene got nerf to 70% in live action! you should react to anime for that scene for 130% perfect experience

J. J.

The hat is the most precious thing to Luffy, he gave it to her because he felt like she needed it.