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Thank you so much for loving our content enough to support us on Patreon. We do this for you, so we can’t tell you how much it means that you’d do this for us. 

Each week, Joey will post a schedule so that you’ll see when to expect live shows. Day-of, you’ll get a YouTube link so you can watch live and chat with other patrons. Then, the ad-free versions will usually post alongside the normal show posting times. (6 a.m. PT on their given days.) 

Patreon messages are kind of all over the place, so if you ever have any questions or issues with anything Patreon-related, please email support@kindafunny.com and we'll get back to you ASAP! 

Thank you for an incredible nine years. Here’s to a lifetime more! 


Added: 2024-01

Thank you for believing in us.

It’s been quite the ride since we struck out on our own in 2015, and your support is the only way we’ve been able to keep thriving over the past four years. Your support today means that we’ll keep thriving for many more years to come.

Your perks start now! Go ahead and look back at the old Patreon-exclusive posts, and then, get ready for the early access content to come in the days and weeks to follow. Look for new Patreon-exclusive audience interaction posts for our shows soon!

If you have any questions, speak up! DM Joey Noelle, post on Reddit, Tweet me (@gameovergreggy) or see if Amy Gilroy beats us all to the punch on the Patreon community tab. (Spoilers: she will.)

Thank you for being a Best Friend. We can’t wait to show you we’re worth your time and money.

Added: 2023-05